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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Jamie, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  2. It goes without saying that all us should and do support these brave crews who attend without question. When ever you see a tin rattler for these emergency services please dig deep to boost their never ending costs. Regards Alan
  3. The work that was already done on the quay headings looked very good when we down at the Hotel Wroxham last month for the weekend. For what ever reason the lights that are normally lit on the Vintage Broadsman were not left on over that weekend. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Iain, 1971 we could afford to fill the double 20 gallon tanks on a land rover 29P per gallon. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Peter, I guess the world has not moved on so much, yes updated TV's, larger, colour, flat or even curved screens. Sadly the same old repeats, soaps or just cheap television. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Andy, All so very true. It's all the the Joe Averages who gets tax taken at source that pay all the bills and the self employed who are working for peanuts. Regards Alan
  7. We just pass through Yarmouth when the tides allow, usually Tan is hiding below. From a personal point of view I can see no benefit of mooring there, if it was an off river marina with floating pontoons that would be a different story. Regards Alan
  8. Nobody is as bent as the banks, well maybe insurance insurance underwriters Regards Alan
  9. Super markets today have dropped their petrol price to under a £1.00 per litre, not before time! http://www.edp24.co.uk/motoring/supermarket_petrol_prices_drop_below_1_per_litre_1_4345353 Regards Alan
  10. I have always found the rangers very understanding and approachable, the same can be said most of the departments within the Broads Authority, especially the Tolls department. The notices we receive are sent out in a timely and efficient manner. As you say its a pity that the man at the top has his own agenda. If only it was an elected post, but that's quangos for you! Regards Alan
  11. Hi Howard, Thank you for sharing your holiday with us all. The pictures of you adventures have been stunning, I would say you have been so lucky with the weather but not quite as lucky as all the wildlife you have encountered with their extra food. Time for a rest before the onset of Christmas, maybe a time for reflecting on your next boat hire for 2016 Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Regards Alan
  12. Hello Carole, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. If you need any help navigating our information pages you only have to ask for help. Regards Alan
  13. We have reported on this topic for the last couple of years in some form or other. These so called cost savings on services be they on Broads or anywhere else in the country only ever end up costing more money to the said authorities who find they have pay huge amounts of money or have to incur legal costs to get fly tipping removed from private land. What is needed is a policy where all the authorities concerned share the responsibility on the Broads so bins are provided and regularly collected from mooring sites such as 24 hour moorings, yacht stations, boat yards, marinas etc. As Ian rightly says the Broads is a tourist destination, and like other areas needs to provide these basic services. The last thing any users of the Broads wants to see is dumped rubbish, overflowing bins or black bags floating down the rivers. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Ian, Sorry to hear about your time in the hospital and your chest infection, I hope you will improve soon. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Howard, I have got a picture out of season at Ranworth Staithe and we were the only boat there as well. My mate Chris with his guitar on the front of the boat. Regards Alan
  16. Hello Colin & Ruth, Welcom to the NBN forum, so glad to hear that you have been watching the forum for some time and that you now wish to contribute with the topics. If you need help with checking out our information pages, please ask. Regards Alan & Tan
  17. Hi Griff, Congratulation to you and your family, he is perfect. Welcome to the granddad club. Regards Alan
  18. Hi John, I don't know what Costa use but we tend to use Cadbury's Drnking Chocolate, 4 heaped teaspoons with boiling water or 3 heaped teaspoons with boiling milk. Regards Alan
  19. Sadly another death in the River Wensum, a mans body was recovered earlier this morning. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/man_s_body_found_in_norwich_river_police_confirm_death_not_suspicious_1_4337825
  20. Hi Vanessa, Another warn welcome to the NBN Forum, we always have space for yet another Broads Addict. Regards Alan
  21. Here is the report from the BBC Scotland regarding the crack found in one of the spars and contingency plans. The bridge has an average of 60,000 vehicles per day. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-35001277 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-35009410 Regards Alan
  22. Hi Roy, I have merged your post with the earlier topic. Regards Alan
  23. When we were moored at Ferry Marina, wellies were always part of our standard boat kit. We all know where the flooding will likely occur, the marina and the Ferry Inn and its service road are just one of these locations. Regards Alan
  24. So sad to hear of this, I have seen Brian in the shop on the odd occasion, I mostly deal with Tanya & Nick and my condolences go to them and their family. The funeral service will take place at St Laurence Church, Brundall on Wednesday, December 23rd at 1p.m. followed by cremation at St. Faith's Crematorium. Flowers by 10.30 a.m. please or donations, if desired, for Big C may be sent c/o Gordon Barber Funeral Home, 2 St Williams Way, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich NR7 0AW Regards Alan
  25. I see that Hoseasons are offering a low deposit for holidays taken in 2016 if booked by December 7th. Having said the above I would expect any holiday company worth its salt to carry this over until after the the standard New Year advertising we always see on the TV. http://www.hoseasons.co.uk/?gclid=CITa1p29wskCFda4GwodcdgMdg&clickcd=50123&s_kwcid=AL!2504!3!80852338983!e!!g!!hoseasons&ef_id=UgNc3AAAAeGpTTEL:20151204150441:s Regards Alan
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