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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. This was a cynical move by Dr Packman in an attempt to stop the owners of sailing boats complaining about him.
  2. Oh yes Iain, It can be damned chilly round the Baltics.
  3. Thanks Mark, That's the one. I think she might have been Silver Emblem once, or perhaps white!
  4. Of course it's the summer! The rain's got warmer and people have started talking about Christmas.
  5. I understand that some of them record sound as well, so under the circumstances you had, you could start commentating on the other driver's actions too.
  6. Thanks for clarifying your point Dave, and for about the second time this year we find ourselves singing from much the same hymn sheet. The houses that were sold off for nominal sums I suspect really suffer from being in the wrong place. As you recently pointed out, we have little in the way of manufacturing in this country any more, or at least, far less than we used to have. Whose fault is that? Well, you and I can scream at each other over a few beers about that one! (but not on this forum). :) The London houses bought for millions by foreign investers, Now, there we are in complete accord. If a house is not lived in, (for say a rolling period of 12 months) not available to be lived in not for sale or rent, but is in a fit state to be lived in... Then tax it to the hilt !
  7. I think the "Orca" you saw is an ex Ernest Collins craft with a GRP hull and wooden superstructure. A lovely craft I often see mudplugged on Ranworth.
  8. Sorry to hear you've had a visit from the scumbags, I hope they haven't done any damage whilst on-board. My thoughts regarding the motoring incident rather reflect your own. First one "poor driving", second one criminal behaviour. Whilst it might well be your word against his, I wonder if he's been reported for it before. That would put a very different slant on it from the police's perspective. Finally, also sorry to hear BA damaged by a bathtub. obviously more than just taps. I take it that the separate threads are on their way.
  9. Agreed Soundings, Fair comment, but there must be a demand for houses where these people are wanting to build, else they wouldn't want to build there. What size of houses are they wanting to build? Top-end 5 bedroom places or 1-2 bedroom starter homes? Are youngsters there in the same sorts of problems as they are here? (Can't afford to get on the housing ladder and a waiting list for rentals)
  10. Which empty houses are these Dave? No, I'm not picking a political debate as I know we are poles apart, but I am curious. I wonder for example, if the "million or so homes" would make a significant difference to the housing shortage. I further wonder why said homes are empty. Are they "second homes"? I dwell on the thought that these planned homes might not be the sorts of homes that "two home" owners would be tempted to buy as second homes... not posh enough for example. The population is expanding from both the birth rate and immigration (I have no set objection to either). As it expands so will the need for housing. I can see no other way to think of that situation. OK, we can tax second homes, but would that really help? lets face it, we both know that any increased revenue would be most unlikely to be invested in housing (whichever party was in power)
  11. It'll stop (or at least slow down) when people stop having children who need houses to live in... and probably not before.
  12. I am amazed at this. If I were moored at Coltishall common and was witnessing someone having a heart attack, I'd have been straight on 999 and asking for an ambulance. Are you telling me I'm wrong?
  13. Hi Philip, I THINK I can answer a few of your questions, though I would get anything I say checked out! The calorifier is fed from your fresh water tank, so if there's water in the tank, there's water in the calorifier. The water in the calorifier IS NOT passed through the engine, instead the engine cooling water is passed through the calorifier. ( that's the bit I'd get confirmed if I were you ). There are three "levels" you can have in your water tank. Full, some and empty. your guides are as follow... Full... you just filled it. Some... You're using it. Empty... nothing comes out of the tap any more. For most boats, those are the only guides. Just keep topping up the tank.
  14. Whitebait, feeding really well on a quarter of a maggot on a size 37 hook to nylon (2oz bs) after nearly three days fishing I had close on a portion.
  15. Marshman, Honest Guv, I'm not picking on you but you have made a very important point with which I do not agree. You said... ..."I think, and no doubt someone will correct me, is that you should first of all talk to the emergency services - as far as which one i would always contact the Coastguard and it would be their responsibility to take the next step." I do agree that the emergency services should be called immediately a life threatening situation is identified but unless one is at sea (or perhaps on Breydon) the coast guard is NOT the service to select. One can reasonably assume that the emergency will be medical. It follows therefore that the AMBULANCE will be the required service.
  16. Marshman, surely it depends where you are, and what the situation is. For example, If I were moored at Cockshoot dyke I'd tell the emergency services I could get to the ferry at Horning. Would this not make life easier to all concerned? Obviously I'd take their advice rather than follow my own plan If that's what they tell me to do.
  17. And I'm sorting my sock drawer. They couldn't have picked a worse day eh Mark!
  18. Fair point Dave, but different problem. This is about the initial contact with the emergency services. If and how they manage to foul it up is an entirely different issue.
  19. I would like it if someone can confirm this but I believe that if you dial 999 in an area where there appears to be no signal, your call will still get through. There is automatic 'roaming' for 999 calls where any mast will do the biz, be it O2, Vodaphone or anyone else. I'm sure there will be a technophile along soon to tell me I'm talking out of my bottom, or to confirm.
  20. For the novice the southern waters are a bit more challenging. The currents are faster and the rise and fall is greater. These are things for which allowances have to be made. This might put a few newbies off. Add to that the popularity of the single level boat (bathtub) a few years ago. This was a craft not really ideally suited to the reed beds of the southern waters. that may well have put off some of the regular visitors to the broads.
  21. Depends if you believe in reincarnation, I don't... and didn't last time either!
  22. Thanks for that. I don't think that "Japs" is any different to "Brits" as far as PC goes!
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