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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Individual members have every opportunity to register objections themselves, that would be more effective than one group speaking. If we were to speak out on behalf of vocal members, who would represent those that are accepting of increases. How many people have actually troubled themselves to write in. Many prefer to sit behind a keyboard and complain on forums and groups rather than register objections themselves. For clarity, we are not recognised as, or wish to be recognised as, a campaign group. If anyone wants to set up a forum that is dedicated to campaigning, it can be done but is a time consuming process. Trying to alter the direction of this forum, that has been built by hard work and countless hours by a number of individuals is not going to happen.
  2. Your menu Sir Taken from their fb page. ( It is a public group ) The prices don't seem to bad although it is a limited menu.
  3. As you alluded to earlier, we are a discussion forum not a campaigning forum, so probably the wrong platform to organise action on.
  4. As an owner, the biggest impact is increasing mooring fees on my home mooring. Most home moorings will rise by at least Β£200 this year, the toll increase of around Β£60 is less impactful. The accumulation of all these increases will have an impact on private owners. Everything is going up, surplus cash is going down. Salhouse broad charges for mooring, is this a precedent or are the circumstances different ?
  5. That is one of the reasons for private and public groups.
  6. The difference between an elected and accountable council and an unelected and unaccountable Quango.
  7. I can unlock my twin brother's phone with facial recognition but not finger prints
  8. I was off colour for 5 days but positive for 10. The worst of it was the aching body and head, and wearing a mask 😷 Matron managed to avoid it but had a horrible chest infection that is doing the rounds. Not a nice experience.
  9. I have only just got used to writing 2022 and they go and change it 😁 Happy New year to all.
  10. I have used a coin as a blanking plug on a broken fitting as a emergency repair.
  11. Thanks for all the imput, it hasn't stopped the tide going out but at least I know why now. It is a very low tide now, hopefully it comes back in time to get off the boat in the morning
  12. ExSurveyor


    On the Yare today we haven't had an incoming tide since 6am. It should be high tide in 30 minutes. What causes this ?
  13. Try using chrome rather than samsung browser. Your last two posts don’t have big gaps, your original post did ?
  14. Pump the hole full of expanding foam, that should help raise it. My local authority patially filled a disused pedestrian subway near the river with expanding foam, then capped the entrances with concrete. Six months later when the tide was high, up popped all the 18" concrete slabs 4' in the air. 😁
  15. A couple definitely are, still waiting for the DNA test results for the rest. 🀣
  16. The only time I was moderated was by Iain, he gently offered some wise words and sound advice. It may be useful for members to remember that the Mods and admin are members first and foremost and sometimes get moderated, although not often fortunately. A happy, healthy and safe New Year to all.
  17. Finally onboard after a journey that took 4 hours instead of 2.10. 45 mph winds tonight 😁 Heating is now on and drink poured, and relax.
  18. I survived saying, " it is just a Sunday roast, relax ", just. This is the hob, both ovens are in use and four other items are waiting for oven space. Ok, I accept it is a bit more than just a Sunday roast. I now need to go to A and E to get my nose reset. 😁
  19. Seeing as how you asked nicely, you should have extra likes now 😁 🀞 πŸŽ…πŸŽ…
  20. It has been an interesting year with a lot to get my head around. It has only been possible because of the support from all the mod team and sound advice from the admin support team, past and present. So much goes on in the background to make the forum run smoothly but also keep it a safe and friendly place. A real team effort that is much appreciated. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
  21. Happy Christmas to one and all. Today we have 20 plus family for Christmas Eve lunch. As I have finally tested negative today, I will be allowed to join in. 😷
  22. I think the Ferry house has water, failing that, give me a message, we are onboard until lunchtime on the 2nd.
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