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Things We Don't Need On A Broads Holiday.


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We've just had a post with things that we might and will need, perhaps it's time to redress the balance. Okay, so I'm more likely to be dinghy camping than posturing on a gin palace so my requirements might be a bit basic but we were on a 'wild' mooring when a family joined us in their holiday boat. As you do a conversation was soon struck up and good company they were to. Just looking around me I reckoned that they must have stripped their home before coming on holiday! No trouser press, lawn mower or snooker table but pretty much everything else!

My wife has been a hairdresser for over fifty years, has long hair and even she'd leave her hairdryer behind!

High heels, I'd leave them behind too, unless you want to aerate the muddy footpaths. 

Suitcases, where will you store them onboard? Leave them at home or in the car. Kit bags or dri-sacs are ideal.

Worries, for heaven's sakes leave then at home!

There must be more? We've all been on holiday, arrived back home & wondered why we had bothered to take something that never saw the light of day I'm sure. 


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35 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

We've just had a post with things that we might and will need, perhaps it's time to redress the balance. Okay, so I'm more likely to be dinghy camping than posturing on a gin palace so my requirements might be a bit basic but we were on a 'wild' mooring when a family joined us in their holiday boat. As you do a conversation was soon struck up and good company they were to. Just looking around me I reckoned that they must have stripped their home before coming on holiday! No trouser press, lawn mower or snooker table but pretty much everything else!

My wife has been a hairdresser for over fifty years, has long hair and even she'd leave her hairdryer behind!

High heels, I'd leave them behind too, unless you want to aerate the muddy footpaths. 

Suitcases, where will you store them onboard? Leave them at home or in the car. Kit bags or dri-sacs are ideal.

Worries, for heaven's sakes leave then at home!

There must be more? We've all been on holiday, arrived back home & wondered why we had bothered to take something that never saw the light of day I'm sure. 


Hi Peter, 

We use the supermarket bags for life to put all our stuff in Tan is limited to four of these, sadly I also have two of these full with bits and pieces for doing repairs on the boat, spares for this spares for that etc.

Well at least four bags fold flat out of the way. Bye the way what's an hair dryer:default_biggrin:



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21 minutes ago, Wildfuzz said:

Leave the TV behind, take some good music and a book instead........


So what music would you take for me its


Rockabilly, blugrass, hillbilly and some 70`s Glam rock........

Along with personal headphones please !

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Guest ExMemberKingFisher
8 minutes ago, Poppy said:

Along with personal headphones please !

Unless they are the noise cancelling ones!! Handy to drown out the noise of engines running, stag parties having a good time, oh and dogs barking. :default_beerchug:

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We don't take any lap tops, i pads etc just mobile phones for emergencies and to keep in contact with family, no suitcases, just laundry bags that will fold away in a drawer somewhere, apart from board games, a pack of cards and a case of wine all we need is on the boat. As for the heels comment, I would never leave them at home, flats for messing about on the boat but heels are a must for pubs and restaurants, one has to try and look one's best at all times, even if it means sinking in some mud :default_norty:

Don't take a hair dryer, wash your hair (if you have any, eh Alan :default_norty:) just wash your hair and stick your head out of the window when cruising, that usually does the trick

Leave the dvd's at home, watching a Broads sunset beats a movie any day of the week

May not be to everyone's taste but that's how we do it, we only get a couple of times a year to be on the rivers so like to make the most of every second



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Guest ExMemberKingFisher
1 minute ago, Gracie said:

We don't take any lap tops, i pads etc just mobile phones for emergencies and to keep in contact with family, no suitcases, just laundry bags that will fold away in a drawer somewhere, apart from board games, a pack of cards and a case of wine all we need is on the boat. As for the heels comment, I would never leave them at home, flats for messing about on the boat but heels are a must for pubs and restaurants, one has to try and look one's best at all times, even if it means sinking in some mud :default_norty:

Don't take a hair dryer, wash your hair (if you have any, eh Alan :default_norty:) just wash your hair and stick your head out of the window when cruising, that usually does the trick

Leave the dvd's at home, watching a Broads sunset beats a movie any day of the week

May not be to everyone's taste but that's how we do it, we only get a coule of times a year to be on the rivers so like to make the most of every second



I had to reread this post three times!!!!!



No mention of chocolate :default_biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, Gracie said:

 but heels are a must for pubs and restaurants, one has to try and look one's best at all times, even if it means sinking in some mud :default_norty:

Don't take a hair dryer, wash your hair (if you have any, eh Alan :default_norty:) just wash your hair and stick your head out of the window when cruising, that usually does the trick 


Ha, ha Mrs Nog's with you 100% with the shoes Grace but could be mutiny on the high rivers with the hair dryer :default_norty:

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20 minutes ago, KingfishersTime said:

Unless they are the noise cancelling ones!! Handy to drown out the noise of engines running, stag parties having a good time, oh and dogs barking. :default_beerchug:

Well there is always wild mooring away from the hustle and bustle of others of course then no need for any!


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Guest ExMemberKingFisher
1 minute ago, Bound2Please said:

Well there is always wild mooring away from the hustle and bustle of others of course then no need for any!


Until the ducks and geese start making a racket at 4am!!! :55c8f94983015_default_happyparty:

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I like stag and hen boats, I like the sound of a boat engine (maybe not for hours on end), I remember mud weighting on Barton Broad and the Geese started their noise in the early hours and I just loved that too, just got up and made a coffee and listened, I love the sound of the flappy thingies halyards (I'm not sure if that's the correct word) clanging in the wind, I don't mind the odd dog barking as long as it's not going on forever, that's the sounds of the Broads for me

Sorry for going off topic but to put it right..........Leave the dog at home :default_norty:


p.s Kingfishers Time (sorry I don't know your name) but I like the sound of rain on a boat roof too  :default_biggrin: as for the chocolate, that really goes without saying lol

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22 minutes ago, Gracie said:

I like stag and hen boats, I like the sound of a boat engine

Sorry for going off topic but to put it right..........Leave the dog at home :default_norty:



oh darlin boat engines hmmmmm ..................................... but a lot of people might take that the wrong way leaving the old dog at home lolol :default_coat:

Charlie xx xx

PS honest wench it never crossed me mind cough cough

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We'being plagued by aircraft noise here at Brundall Bay can hardly hear ourselves think! During the run up to the gulf war we were on the Gt. Ouse and were quite certain that military aircraft were using us to hone their aiming skills. Got talking to an American airman one day who actually admitted that their pilots had indeed been using us. They were quite literally dive bombing us while we were cruising up to Denver sluice from Ely. We were right in the middle of Air base territory there with both Alconbury and Mildenhall very close. Friday afternoons and early evening saw huge supply planes pouring in across Ely marina the resulting aviation fuel played havoc with the boats and in particular the canopies.




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Re heels, we stopped off at the ever excellent Bell at St Olaves yesterday for lunch. Folk were dressed for boating, apart from one party and they really did stand out and looked seriously out of place! Perhaps that's how they dress for the river or did they think the pub deserved better than us scruffy oiks?!

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7 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Now I like the sound of plane engines :default_norty: Just kidding Carole, that must have been awful


Actually it wasn't too bad we got used to it . The noise from the fighter planes is far worse.Fortunately we don't get it here that often and it's very rare to get 2days running as we have this week. Whereas at Denver Sluice it was omnipresent making it quite the opposite of relaxing there.




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