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London Boat Show


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23 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

In a nutshell, in my humble opinion of course, the London Boat Show has long lost its way. No longer the national winter gathering for the boating community,  its congregation has changed. Now the temple of excess, of Lottery winners and the financially obese. It ain't what it used to be!

"National Gathering" and mid winter holiday for the whole family! The Earls Court venue not only attracted the boaty members but you could take in Harrods Sale, a show, a top London resaurant etc etc.. it was something that we who live outside of London looked forward to, softening the anti-climax after Christmas. All that gleaming paint and gelcoat under the lights it felt like Summer not mid Winter.

In 2017 they got about 90 thousand visitors, Southampton 110 thousand. Through the 60s and 70s in the hayday of self build and self fit out, when there were for more small cruisers and sailing boats Earls Court attracted around 300 thousand! Peaking at 330 thousand.

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15 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

"National Gathering" and mid winter holiday for the whole family! The Earls Court venue not only attracted the boaty members but you could take in Harrods Sale, a show, a top London resaurant etc etc.. it was something that we who live outside of London looked forward to, softening the anti-climax after Christmas. All that gleaming paint and gelcoat under the lights it felt like Summer not mid Winter.

In 2017 they got about 90 thousand visitors, Southampton 110 thousand. Through the 60s and 70s in the hayday of self build and self fit out, when there were for more small cruisers and sailing boats Earls Court attracted around 300 thousand! Peaking at 330 thousand.

To quote Wallace & Gromit "A Grand Day Out"

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10 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

A NBN corner  would be nice but I think even for a small area they charge about 5k.

For next year maybe someone could have a word with the "Lock Keeper's Inn" (or whatever the pub is called) and ask for a "non exclusive corner" to be the NBN corner, think of all the extra beer they could sell.

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Hi Lulu

yes we were at the show yesterday and I think we came away somewhat green not with seasickness but having looked at some of the boats on show.

Almost put a deposit down but on a Princess or Sunseeker but she who must be obeyed said I could not sell the house and all my organs and will have to make do with a row boat.

Only person we saw that we recognised was Bernie Eccelstone and I am sure he had no worries about could he afford any of those on show, he probably could buy one for each day of the month.

We did enjoy it as first timers but understood from others who had been in past years that it was smaller and a number of previous exhibitors were missing however did manage to have a chat with some of the Norfolk brokers and made a couple of appointments with to go and see what we are looking for, what is availiable and to have a look and kick some fenders.

For us useful and nice all the nice shiny stuff that we will never have but can see that for the more experienced there might not have been enough periferal goods to warrant a long journey.

Would we go again? Then the answer is probably yes as it is always nice to dream 


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Obviously the forum cant and neednt pay for a corner but maybe next year, those that are going, we could all meet up at a prearranged time? 

Jovril, we briefly talked about selling our house and posessions then came to our senses!  (And I went and bought a flapjack) 

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1 hour ago, JohnK said:

I’ve done the Southampton show a few times but always avoided the London one (mainly because I don’t like London much).
But I think you lot have convinced me to try London next year.
Thank you (genuinely).

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I was born in London "John" (shoulder roll added that you can't see)



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1 hour ago, JohnK said:

I’ve done the Southampton show a few times but always avoided the London one (mainly because I don’t like London much).
But I think you lot have convinced me to try London next year.
Thank you (genuinely).

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I understand your reservations about London John. It's full of cockneys innit :default_rofl:

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8 minutes ago, JohnK said:

And they all try and sound like Dick van Dyke.


To be fair I’m pretty negative about every city I’ve ever been to.


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Your having a giraffe mayte I iz gonna act like  a mafia hit man innit despite bein from the most privileged area in da country.


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@Clive Richardson, first time I've been on Commodore, certainly better than some big expensive I've been on with work.  Top materials used and really well done.. Nice to see... Maybe you should consider buying Brooms out ;)

Indeed but looking at the size of the kitchen and I particular the worktop space you probably have to eat out a lot!

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21 minutes ago, JohnK said:

And they all try and sound like Dick van Dyke.


To be fair I’m pretty negative about every city I’ve ever been to.


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Me too

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59 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

Your having a giraffe mayte I iz gonna act like  a mafia hit man innit despite bein from the most privileged area in da country.


A bit of a Gypsy Kiss me thinks

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Had a good time - and turned the event as an excuse to have a weekend away with Shiela (AKA Bow Lady) and met with Andy - a show virgin. 

We found a few things: Narrow Boating might be a nice holiday for some, but if you are built like we are and having to squeeze down the interior sideways on to fit through what allegedly are doorways would not work for us. We moved on to Richardson's offering where we felt more at home - though I still think the boat either has one too many toilet/showers or steps - the saloon area seems a bit cramped compared to the overall size of the boat, but the materials were top quality and it was great not having to take out shoes off to look at it!

Aland and Dave were spotted, and I had a good chat with them about things and Independence being brought up to the Norfolk Broads and so on, I think they both cringed at some of the things I have taken a risk with and await to find out like the fact this Saturday will be the first time the boat will have left her berth and out for trials and what may this throw up - well I of course trust nothing.

We wandered off and found ourselves on a Viking 27 - Andy thought I was joking about the double berth on the floor and having to crawl in through a curtain, again that was taken off the list so 'accessible boats' so what about some of the Sailing Yachts? Well we had a look on one that was £205,000 and I got to say you get a lot of boat for your money. Sleeping six people in three cabins (8 if used the dinette area) she was fitted out very well - great uses of space and. Andy uses the 'Atlantic Gorilla Test' to see how substantial the coach house roofs were from below pushing up, moved on to glass thickness testing in ports and concluded it looked good but he might want something more substantial for an Atlantic crossing and this would be better for the Med and sailing abound Croatia in. Interesting stuff this from a man who cannot sail (but hopes to learn this year) but takes after me in being very proficient sounding while having no idea what it all might actually mean.

Next it was off to Prestige - join the queue and wait..and wait. Shiela heads off to be sensible and sit down in a comfy leather chair and then proceeds to film Andy and I. Myself dressed like and acting very much like one of their salesmen explain the aft layout of the boat, Andy looking like he was after one to steal. 

A couple were hurriedly brought past the queue - they had expressed interest but they might not have been as wealthy as everyone first guesses as their financial affairs were discussed bit too openly in front of everyone - they leased a boat and wanted to sell  and lease the Prestige.  At this point we were asked to board and Andy was up to the fly bridge like a bat out of hell with me behind - the steps took our weights and a top were four Chinese people, two men and two women "I want to buy it now" says a lady, shocked the salesman who had not expected this explains it was sold "get another then how long" asked the woman - clearly this is where the money is, no messing about with 'English polite business talk' and I liked her style.

Andy and I descended into the boat - ahh those interior steps down to the forward cabin were bending just a little to much for my liking under our weight - and while serious conversations about buying the boat were had just outside, there we are in the shower cubicle trying to get the damn thing worked out - we made  a swift exit, but seriously the boat just felt 'cheap' inside even though it was not.  It was like how a car manufacture cheaps out with plastic choice and feel - so the wood felt for all the world as if it was covered with a pretend veneer akin to the strips you iron on over the ends of your counter worktop.

We then headed over to Sea Line - and were both surprised at the fit and finish compared to he far more expensive and larger Prestige we had just been on. It might not be to everyone's taste since everything was super lacquered wood veneer's but it felt better, drawers and cupboards had weight and a quality feel about their closures too. Touch control light switches where you can set the mood - all good stuff.

After this we had a wander at the small stuff and I found Williams' had a stand and Shiela was very surprised at the 285 Jet RIB - this being what I have atop Independence - She thought the Dinghy was just an inflatable with a couple of Oars!

In summary though I had wished to spend the time in the stands - you know everything from Fenders to Nav lights and then the larger stands from Raymarine, Garmin etc to try out their tech.  I was left disappointed.

Their stands were smaller than last and I just felt there was a little less on offer for the actual boat owner keen to look and buy new kit. I popped over to Raymarine and had a play with their new Axiom displays, and talked to someone on the stand about things - who put down Simrad and Garmin saying he was a supplier did not work for Raymarine but would not be on Raymarine's stand if they were not the best - but also did not supply Simrad or Garmin products so that was not very impartial. In fact I came back later for a second try.  I wanted to talk about their new systems and was in the market for a complete suite of new navigation products from Radar to at least two large Multi Function Displays, new VHF, new sonar, Auto Pilot the lot. I knew inside and out the Simrad offerings having spent hours researching them so wanted to compare what Raymarine offered maybe they could sway me?

I find that generally those I had spoken to prefer someone who is perhaps unsure about what is on offer in the market but has an idea of what they want this way the salesman can show off their products and tell the prospective customer how great they are. I get it. But I asked about the VHF radios they made - did they have one that could have a wireless handset like Simrad offer? No they do not. That is fine then, but having asked that I was then asked "why would you want that anyway?" I replied so you can wander around the boat with it from helm to helm with no need for wires so only need one VHF set with multiple connected handsets. His body language changed in a flash. Is it because I was telling them things or was it because of just how I come over to people lol, either way things went no further.

Erlier on in the day over at Eberspacher I was already known! I asked about the concept of using one of their diesel fired water heaters to heat the closed circuit on my air-con/heating and isolating the chillers with a valve. They guy said it would likely be possible and explained how they had worked with Princess to do something similar, what boat do you have? Trader 535 Sunliner - oh you are the guy in Plymouth who we had someone contact us about. It seems that "that guy from London with the Trader" has spread far and wide already and that word is out. Now he was far more helpful and wants to get a team down to the boat when we are working on her this weekend to audit the set up and see what can be done, with agents in Lowestoft being use to supply the system.  Now of course I may not actually go down that route, it may not be possible and I have heard good things said about other manufactures of diesel boilers but at least I was not asked "why would you want that" and a virtual cold shoulder being given.

I also talked to a supplier of mooring lines who has advised I could go with 18mm braided lines and could 'do a deal' because of the quantity I would be ordering so have his card - so it was productive in some ways, but not in all. Oh and those log cabin people I always laughed at - my mum wants one as a studio to write from so they proved handy to talk to - poor Shiela was tired of the walking around mind you and so we headed back to our hotel.

Later that evening I contacted Russell Thompson who had been down at the show (but who had not seen) and he was still in London, so Shiela and I headed over to his hotel, picked him up and then got the Emirates Cable Car over to the O2 where we had a chat and a drink. Small as it was, it made his day having driven down on Friday from Edinburgh and got to see a tiny bit of London at least.


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14 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Of course if you missed that boat show then there is always this one, especially for those of you who like 'real' boats rather than status symbols :default_biggrin:.


When I lived in the Chilterns Judith and I would go every year, we loved it. The standard of some of the wooden craft built by amateurs had to be seen to be believed. And yes, you are right Peter "real" boats.

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Of course if you missed that boat show then there is always this one, especially for those of you who like 'real' boats rather than status symbols :default_biggrin:.

I’ve never heard of that one! Sounds interesting.
Are there other well kept secret boat shows?
Is it worth a dedicated thread?

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36 minutes ago, LondonRascal said:

Next it was off to Prestige - join the queue and wait..and wait. Shiela heads off to be sensible and sit down in a comfy leather chair and then proceeds to film Andy and I. Myself dressed like and acting very much like one of their salesmen explain the aft layout of the boat, Andy looking like he was after one to steal. 


I would say "you can take the boy out of East London"... but I wasn't! 

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