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Bye Bye


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Hi folks,


It’s been fun.

Apparently my posts aren’t acceptable so I’ll be off.

Hopefully see some of you on other forums or better still on the rivers.

I’m not deleting my account or anything so I should get emails via PMs if anyone wants to keep in touch.

I’m not making a fuss, just didn’t want to leave without saying anything.


All the best,


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Your posts were acceptable to me! Anyway, been good reading your input. Don't honestly think that you'll find it any better elsewhere, although you might find less people with which to have a debate! Cheerio my friend, please don't feel that you can't come back.

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I'm not sure who has given you that impression John but I have appreciated your input and was planning on taking you up on your offer of a coffee next time I pass through Potter Heigham....or a beer in the pub, if the offer was still open :default_biggrin:

There are a couple of Muppets on here like everywhere but I am sure the majority of us appreciate your posts as much as everyone else's whether they agree or not.

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16 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Bill, is that your nice side?

JohnK and I are a cabal.

We are plotting the downfall of the NBN. he told me he was leaving.

I remain - until banned for giving "constructive criticism" and bad jokes.

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Thanks folks.
Apparently someone complained to the admins about me and the admins agreed. I suspect Bill.
I won’t be posting here (bugger, I just did). I will be posting elsewhere 

JF, absolutely the offer is still open.

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I will be posting elsewhere (I’m not allowed to say where emoji57.png).

I find the last bit of that very petty, not a dig at you JohnK but a dig at forum rules where to mention the opposition is a sin, different forums appeal to different folk for different reasons, wouldn't the world be a boring place if we were all the same.

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Hoya JohnK,

ithink it's pretty sad when people find themselves being made to feel unwelcome because some don't agree or like their posts. I've long held the view that everybody should be open an honest when posting their personal opinion and veiw on here, or any forum for that matter, and if I don't like it, I simply don't get involved in that topic. That's the good thing about facebook, you can say pretty much what you like, about what or who you like, and nobody can do anything about it. This all smacks of that classic school thing of running off to tell teacher, very childish.

anyway, we'll be on Lightning from 16th of June, so if you see us, please come and say hello, away from or school tell tales that is.

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I hate to see members depart, for any reason, but to know someone has complained to admin is very sad. I haven’t seen anything to warrant a complaint so I don’t understand why you haven’t stood your corner. Maybe I missed something. Anyways, perhaps in the future you will feel like posting again - I hope so. 

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5 hours ago, batrabill said:

I never liked you, good riddance. 

I do find this all rather childish that some forum folk  think this is funny.   If it was meant as a joke,  I think quick short course at 'The Charm School ' is needed.   Had anyone ever told you,  sarcasm is the lowest form of whit.



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2 minutes ago, Hylander said:

I do find this all rather childish that some forum folk  think this is funny.   If it was meant as a joke,  I think quick short course at 'The Charm School ' is needed.   Had anyone ever told you,  sarcasm is the lowest form of whit.



Better than no sense of humour at all..... winky winky emoji makes everything OK

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Bill are you determined to wind someone up ? There's no need for it at all , hylander is entitled to her opinion just as everyone else is   what I found distasteful was the comment " good riddance " it ain't funny nore is it smart and speaking personally I don't see any need for comments of that nature regardless of their intention it will annoy people .

Now as much as I haven't always saw eye to eye with John I wish he'd stay , trust me iv been modded n for 2 months I learned my lesson , but this is slightly different in that you have been reported or so I believe , personally i don't see why but hey I don't see every post , down to me I'd ride it out , true there are alternative's but there's at least one that will stifle debate if you disagree with certain members .

Chin up John stiff upper lip n all that n stop here :default_beerchug:

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Thanks Cliff. I’ll be in touch.

To answer some of the other comments ...
If it was just some members who didn’t like what I say I wouldn’t really care. I don’t even mind that someone complained.
I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong either but clearly the admins do to support the complaint and give me a warning. I’m not going to change the way I debate things I care about. Or my sense of humour (if you can call it that). So I think it’s best I just move on.

BTW, I think Bill’s post was funny, I know him well enough to be certain it was meant in jest. He might not be the miserable old git we all think he is

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