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Not wanting to derail Speedtriple's thread (I wouldn't dare) I noted that after it became dark, he watched one of his favourite DVDs, the classic "Mark of Zorro". 

Now, In this country the weather can be pretty fickle, and having a few DVDs on board is handy for when the inclement weather coincides with Jayfire and Gracie having drunk all the booze the pubs had.

So! what do you take? Think of this as the video version of Desert Island Discs. You are taking your 10 favourite DVDs. What do you take? (I'm still considering mine)

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Great topic John. 

This visit, we have brought with us, 

The Mark Of Zorro, an old one with Tyrone Power, 

Ghost, Patrick Swizwas, 

Armageddon, Bruce Willis (unopened too). 

Good Night Mr Tom, John Thaw, 

Total Recall, proper Arnie version, 

Dante's Peak,  Pierce Brosnan

Shall We Dance, Richard Gere, 

US Marshals. 

As I said, this is what we've brought this visit, but next time we'll bring a different selection. 

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DVD's you say? I remember those! Until the other day I would have said that I don't own any, but I found a box stuffed at the back of a cupboard that contained a few.

Jim Henson Dark Crystal and Labyrinth
Ronnie Barker Open All Hours Boxed Set
Rik Mayall & Ade Edmondson: Complete Bottom (All TV series and all the live stage shows)


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