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I Must Be Mad

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Yes Its true I have lost the plot.I've signed up for the 2.6.Its an idea from the people behind the London Marathon.This year as most know the London Marathon has been pushed back to October I think.This has left a gap in funding for Charties, so they came up with this idea 2.6.I can't run due to my COPD but can walk 2.6 miles.If Tom can do it so can I.

So I intend to do this from my garden on the 26 April 2020.I will be raising money for the RNLI.I like others will do it via Just giving any money pledged for my walk will go direct to the RNLI.If anyone would like to sponsor me that would be very welcome.

Thanks from me Ian Hathaway

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Wouldn't I just love to sponsor you.  However I'm slowly going bankrupt day by day here.  That is not a complaint, it is just how it is at present.

I am determined however to give some money to Captain Tom, no matter how much it will hurt.  That will be my start and finish of charity funds until I am in a better position to do so


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Yes Griff, Just at the moment people need to be careful with their cash. I have little doubt that there will be quite a large number who have pledged money to charities that they can ill afford, perhaps ultimately not being able to honour those commitments however well meant they were.

I also think that anyone giving to a charity at the moment needs to think very carefully about which charity they give to. 

To Ian I suggest that you might reconsider your choice. Yes, the RNLI is one of my favourite charities, and in normal times I would think seriously about sponsoring you, but, and it's a big "but" just now, at this time, ask yourself, Is that the best target.

Fewer people are using their boats. Fewer people are going to the seaside, fewer people are calling on the RNLI's resources. At the same time there will be people in your area who are struggling to feed their children who have been at home since the schools have closed.  there will be people in worse financial positions than our friend Griff, who's businesses have gone to the wall and have lost their income. They too have mouths to feed !

There are no charities who are undeserving, All have their place . Watch the television for long enough and you could be giving £x per month towards saving children's eyesight, donkeys their legs and supplying fresh clean drinking water to those living in war-torn deserts. Just imagine how you would feel if you were giving to all those only to find out that a child  who lives next door but one, has been admitted to hospital with malnutrition.

I have a habit of exaggerating a point to illustrate it and I hope you forgive me that fault, but equally I hope you take my point.

For my part, whilst thus far my finances haven't been hit hard, when I go to the supermarket I keep foodbanks to the front of my mind. At the moment, it's local charities that need help, it's  local people in trouble who we can help.

If those of us who are lucky enough to be in the position to help those local people do so, then maybe, just maybe we can salvage a society we can be proud of and one worth living in.  

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I take your point. Money is tight .I support  in my own small way a number of charities, and will as long as possible continue to  do so.One of which is Asthma research. Nicola,Alan and Marina. Have suffered from Asthma over the years.I now suffer from COPD.Yes it's True we are not on our boats on rivers or sea.However I've been a member  of the RNLI local and National for a number of years,often collecting locally. Yes moneys tight,I myself am layed off and because of my condition my well lose my job.My reason for doing this and my attempt in starting a petition is simple.At present  I cant leave the house because I'm at  high risk.I want to do my bit I feel almost useless at the moment. I'm just doing this to help.If people can't spare cash not a problem. 

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I'm pleased to say some sponsorship as stared to come in.I will be doing my walk next Sunday 26 April.This would have been the day of the London Marathon .In taking part its certainly the closest I will ever get to the Marathon.I know I've said before.Its not for me, have not left home since Monday 23 March, which was my birthday one I wont forget.I just want to help.Being at home often I've felt useless, this is my chance to in a small way to help.To do so I need people to sponsor me.If anyone can help great and please share with others.

If you want to sponsor its 2.6 just giving, donate my name Ian Hathaway.

Thanks Ian

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Okay tomorrow  I do the 2.6 challenge. I'm trying to raise as much money as possible for the RNLI.Okay I'm not Captain Tom.Wont raise millions  but just want to help support them.I know it's not easy for anyone.Please help me to help them.

Photo of my walking track.Not quite my beloved Stamford bridge. Although at the bottom right is the shed end!I will walk 2.6 miles doing so for an hour.

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Today's the day.I hope to raise as much as I can.Some may think,Easy walking for an hour.For many it is.With COPD, its not that easy.I will keep my puffer with me,its worth it.The more I can get the better.This day should have been the London marathon, many many charities have seen there funding reduce in these times.Its hoped the 2.6 challenge will help to fill that gap.I wanted to support the RNLI because like many having a boat it was easy .I'm a member National and local.I often collect locally. I may do the same next year,Maybe Asthma research  another charity I support. If you can please sponsor me.Many thanks.


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As I've said many times.Very happy to have raised over two hundred pounds, for the RNLI.Next up for them is the Lifeboat week,early May.Our branch, Bexleyheath normally collect in the town centre and Suppermarkets. Not sure as yet what we are going to do.I have given yesterday some thought. I intend to do something  similar next year,and may do so for charities such as  Asthma or COPD.

Yesterday  gave me personally a pick up,in doing something worthwhile. 

My one criticism concerning the 2.6 challenge was,the lack of publicity. I signed up after watching a clip on BBC on local news Friday 17 April. During the week leading up to yesterday there was very little publicity. Okay there was a fair bit yesterday. It would have helped if there was a bit more.

That said once again I am grateful to those that sponsored me.


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You are right about the publicity, I noticed very little promotion of the event. I think maybe next year the organisers should make sure that each entrant has a simple shareable link direct to their donation page, it really wasn't easy to navigate to a particular page (maybe that was just me lol)

Having said that congratulations on a real achievement, you can always take pride that on Sunday 26th April you personally made a real difference! 👍

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In part it was me .I set up the link following the instructions. What I Did wrong along the way was ,I did something that didn't update my info each day.I'm not very tech savvy. I'm a chef.Think it would  be good if they could in one shape or another keep the 2.6 going.Its a good way for those of us that can't run a marathon. From what I saw there was many that had disabilities, yet took part yesterday. That was a big plus.

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