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(sorry Folks) Poo Getting Stuck

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1 hour ago, ranworthbreeze said:

If it is a Jabsco toilet I can change one over now in less than 5 minutes.


So can I, then another 25 minutes to clear up and disinfect the whole area because of all the crap that pours out when you remove the rubber valve. :default_icon_cry:

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I wonder if the valve is a bit too long for the housing stopping it from opening properly, it'd still let liquid through then just not solids, or the flapper valve on the inlet of the pump wrong way up, or maybe just swollen if oils have been used.

I've never had a jabsco apart but have stripped RM69 a couple of times, never had a blockage with the RM69.

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3 hours ago, SteveO said:

So can I, then another 25 minutes to clear up and disinfect the whole area because of all the crap that pours out when you remove the rubber valve. :default_icon_cry:

That has never happened to me, I guess that you may have too much back pressure coming from the tank or your outlet pipe is too low.



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22 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

That has never happened to me, I guess that you may have too much back pressure coming from the tank or your outlet pipe is too low.



The pipe to the tank rises up in a large loop before falling back into the tank. When you remove the joker valve,  (usually when the pump needs servicing and is not working well) whatever was in the rising section of pipe ends up on the floor.  

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So lets get this staight.

Water and paper is getting pumped out solids are not. Is that right?

You have change the joker and seals.

Did this happen before you serviced the pump?

If not something is the wrong way round.

If so it could be a blocked pipe.

Just a daft thought the tank is empty ( its so easy to miss the obvious) and the breather pipe is not blocked.

Other than changing the whole pump assembly it sounds like you could be up Poo creak without a piddle.(joke).

Another daft thought water is being drawn into the bowl?.

Sorry to sound flippant but I spent 2 days trying to work out why the nav lights were not working then dicovered both bulbs had blown!


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In that case it sounds like the pump is not creating enough pressure on the outlet side, check for any small pin prick holes in the waste pipe any tiny hole will not leak water but will leak pressure.

We had all sorts of problems with ours enough for Jill to pass out when using the pump, thats why I changed the whole assembly it turned out there was a small crack in the housing it did clear the bowl was just hard work.



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1 hour ago, ZimbiIV said:

In that case it sounds like the pump is not creating enough pressure on the outlet side, check for any small pin prick holes in the waste pipe any tiny hole will not leak water but will leak pressure.



Would expect a tiny pin prick hole in pipes to expand and leak or at least weep  being a weak spot, all dependant on the amount of pressure being used of course.  

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This is reminding me of a job I once went to, it was a domestic house toilet on 4" pipework with exactly the same problem ie water on it`s own would pass but as soon as waste matter and paper was flushed it blocked. Turned out to be a rim flush had dropped in and was stuck in the first bend of the pipe.

The owner had used a 10m snake and was sure the pipe was clear, warning to all here Don`t use rim flush blocks!

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On 24/06/2020 at 22:36, OldBerkshireBoy said:

This is reminding me of a job I once went to, it was a domestic house toilet on 4" pipework with exactly the same problem ie water on it`s own would pass but as soon as waste matter and paper was flushed it blocked. Turned out to be a rim flush had dropped in and was stuck in the first bend of the pipe.

The owner had used a 10m snake and was sure the pipe was clear, warning to all here Don`t use rim flush blocks!

Bit different from a BIg Tescos, someone had dumped a victorian Chiminey pot into the sewer pipe when it was being built. after a camera went in and found it they had to dig the car park up to get it out..

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3 hours ago, TheQ said:

Bit different from a BIg Tescos, someone had dumped a victorian Chiminey pot into the sewer pipe when it was being built. after a camera went in and found it they had to dig the car park up to get it out..

Very similar to what we did over here in Leicester: we dug up a car park and found a Richard 3rd! No thread drift....:default_coat:

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