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(not) Carried Away By A Moonlight Shadow

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We missed out on our May syndicate allocation on Moonlight Shadow, and our next allocation isn't until September (hoping we don't have another lockdown then!), but (as I keep mentioning on other threads...sorry, can't help it...too excited) we are booked on Hunter's Yard's Lucent from tomorrow. Originally, we were booked from last Saturday on another of their boats, Lustre. Can you imagine how frustrated we would be just now if we hadn't changed the booking!

Like Lustre, Lucent has been fitted with an electric 'Torqeedo' engine, which we found really helpful last year. (For those unfamiliar with Hunter's Yard, it's a heritage fleet of cabin yachts and day sail boats and until recently all the boats were sail power only, though they do provide you with a quant to push yourself along with if the wind fails. Some of the boats are still sail only, for the purists.

This year there are timed pick-up slots, so we'll be picking up the boat a bit later this year, at 3pm. Graham and I were tempted by the 9am slot, but were put off by the thought of trying to wake up our sons before 7. I'm really delighted that they are both coming with us this year. Alec, the youngest, has only been to the Broads once, so it's great that he's chosen to come with us this year. I'm amazed that they still want to come on holiday with their aged parents, given they are both in their late 20s.

Anyway, I'll be doing my usual long-winded holiday tale, when I get back. :default_biggrin:



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Have a lovely time Helen. We’re heading for our caravan tomorrow for a few days break. Not sure what the forecast looks like but I’m sure we will all have a great time whatever the weather! :default_drink_2:

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1 hour ago, Bexs said:

Just checked the forecast, looks like you will have a decent breeze for sailing!


2 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

According  to BBC weather, for the next week low twenties sun and cloud no rain. 

Crossing my fingers! The last few days forecasts have been a relatively low % chance of rain, and we’ve had so many showers! I’m packing my waterproof trousers as insurance. I’ve taken them with me on visits to the Broads for several years and not used them yet. Mind you, I did get pretty wet on a couple of occasions from sudden downpours. We haven’t yet had to sail in persistent rain though. 

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Have considered that one so many times. I will be really interested to hear how you like it. 

We love it, we had it back in October and found it perfect for a family of four.

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network
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Nooo! Well, not in strong winds anyway.

We had been thinking that sometime Sunday morning would be an ideal time, low water being around 7.30. We’ll have to see what the wind is like. I’m thinking strong wind, low narrow bridge, not good combination.

Going through on the Torqeedo is pretty boring anyway, from an ‘audience’ perspective. From an ‘on board’ perspective it’s a lot easier than quanting through the bridge. That can be quite hard work, especially as you have to get under two bridges before mooring and raising the sails. Just taking down the mast and raising it again is quite a palaver. We love it though.

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We do, but we have an American couple who own a share and can only get ‘over the pond’ once a year for a fortnight. So, as our summer allocation in June was the week adjoining theirs we swopped our summer week for an autumn one and, through another swop, ended up with a fortnight’s allocation toward the end of September. Everyone happy, or would have been had this Covid crisis not intervened.

Unless we have another lockdown in September, it will work out rather well for us. We prefer out of season anyway.

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7 hours ago, YnysMon said:

We do, but we have an American couple who own a share and can only get ‘over the pond’ once a year for a fortnight. So, as our summer allocation in June was the week adjoining theirs we swopped our summer week for an autumn one and, through another swop, ended up with a fortnight’s allocation toward the end of September. Everyone happy, or would have been had this Covid crisis not intervened.

Unless we have another lockdown in September, it will work out rather well for us. We prefer out of season anyway.

Hi Helen swapping weeks is common practice in most of the syndicates if it helps fellow syndicate owners. The lockdown has effected all boat owners alike and when we were allowed to take out our boat for day trips only this could only be taken advantage of by more local owners. Thank goodness for the sleeping aboard ban being lifted today, I am looking forward to being back on the boat on Tuesday.



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So far, it doesn't look that busy. Granted, we haven't left the Yard yet, but on a walk along Womack Dyke we only saw 5 boats moored on the BA moorings plus one hire, and that was a Hunter's boat.

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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