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Broads National Park Signs


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3 hours ago, SwanR said:

I was quite happy to be in the Broads National Park as I passed the sign on the way into Hoveton this morning. 

I am glad you take comfort from that thought.  The reality, should it ever be imposed, may be something quite different.

The Merchant of Venice, Act II scene VII - All that glisters is not gold.

Alternative translation :

Please take back your golden bangle ; my wrist is turning green!

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I know. The trouble with forecasting doom and gloom too frequently is that people like me just stop paying attention, even though I don’t suppose for a moment that it’s ‘fake news’. I guess those of us who are interested but not invested in the cause just get a bit fatigued if it’s plugged too relentlessly.

What I’m trying to say is, don’t alienate potential allies by overdosing the message.

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In a sustainable post Covid world, where unavoidable austerity over-shadows all public expenditure, I have pondered the fact that full National Park Status may be the only option when, as it surely will, the Landscapes review of National Parks and AONBs forms a substantial part of our "Brave new green World". 

The Glover report may have gone quiet, but it is there, and ready to hit the ground running as we come out the other side.

Looking after the natural world, will, I feel, be given equal political status to the economy in years to come.


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4 hours ago, ChrisB said:

In a sustainable post Covid world, where unavoidable austerity over-shadows all public expenditure, I have pondered the fact that full National Park Status may be the only option when, as it surely will, the Landscapes review of National Parks and AONBs forms a substantial part of our "Brave new green World".

I rather suspect that you might be right and I also suspect that you know who is of the same opinion. I also suspect that those in higher places will pursue that goal and in doing so will make great efforts to ensure a confrontation free bill in order that it should pass through both Houses unhindered. The costs associated with the failed Broads National Park Bill and the subsequent Broads Bill were frightening and a repeat will be best avoided. The prospect of austerity does have its advantages, possibly.

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