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What is your job??

Guest Lag1rich

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When I was at work today, it crossed my mind on what people on here who own boats do for a job to be able to afford one?

I can’t see the broads really been full of James Caan's and Deborah Meaden's off dragons den..

Im a Plumber & self taught Joiner, Installing level access showers, Tap conversions, secondary stair rails and grab rails and stuff like that all for the elderly on behalf of the Occupational Therapy units of Sheffield City and Derbyshire county council.

Unfortunately the pay will never get me anywhere near a boat at the moment...


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Retired bodger and codger to the building trade, and local mad house key holder here! :lol::lol::lol:

Blimey! the PC brigade would shoot me if they spotted that one lol! :naughty:

now a part time Traveller with a big caravan on the back to prove it, True Romany style! :dance:grin::naughty:

Julz :wave

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Identify and eradicate non indigenous species in the upper reaches of the waveney.

Latest, unconfirmed sighting near the locks is a group of Geordies corvorting in the reeds. Anyone hearing their mating call "Whey eye pett" please seek refuge in the "Locks"!!

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Here's an attempt at a serious answer ;)

I don't think it is really a matter of what your job is, but how you use your money. I choose to own a boat - a very modest boat, paid for now by means of a small loan over a few years. We chose not to holiday abroad over those years but to use our boat whenever possible - maximising its value to us. Neither of us smoke and we don't spend much on alcohol. We run older cars and have borrowed for very little else. I am not a home owner.

I could stretch my budget to buy a newer, better bigger boat I guess, but for the time being with one youngster still at university for a few more years, we have decided to keep our outgoings well under control. One day maybe :)

I won't tell you what I earn, but I can assure you my salary is quite modest too!

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I've resisted replying to this one so far, but I feel I have to agree with Danny's serious reply,

"I don't think it is really a matter of what your job is, but how you use your money."

In order to be able to own boats, the major part of my "disposable income" is spent on them. I've never bought a new Car, I do all of my own maintenance and DIY, and I don't holiday abroad.

I've also always run a motor caravan, (old secondhand ones), so my recreation is spread mostly between the two.

The sort of money that many people seem to be able to spend on a new boat is comparable to house purchase prices for me :) (lucky bu**ers).

As for my job before retirement, my ugly dial says it all...

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Latest, unconfirmed sighting near the locks is a group of Geordies corvorting in the reeds. Anyone hearing their mating call "Whey eye pett" please seek refuge in the "Locks"!!

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I am working as a translator (English/German) for the Suffolk Police and Council as well as a Photographer ...

I think many people could afford a small boat nowadays, you get really good ones for a "small" budget (even if they need some "handy-work" like ours, it's great fun to do an old boat up and enjoy it here on the Broads), but not everyone is into boating like we are on here ... :grin:

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