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2 hours ago, BrundallNavy said:

Well I have just signed the sales documents for Nipper so I have passed over my role as custodian to someone new.

I have pointed them in the direction of the forum so hopefully they will join. 

And passed on details of Beccles I hope, or is she another one headed down the A12?

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Thank you for all the kind words of support, yesterday was our last cruise on Nipper a short hop from Salhouse to Horning then the horrendous task of sorting out what is staying and what to remove. 

As we came into the mooring we saw 2 otters climb out of the reeds next to our mooring sit and watch for a few seconds before crossing the road and slipping back into the water. All the time we have moored here we have never had any idea that otters were here, it made a difficult situation so much better.  

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Congratulations on the sale. I can see why it was hard to say goodbye to her. Do you remember showing Nipper to us before you confessed to your good lady that you had bought her?

Phill ended flat on his back on the marsh and took me with him. And yes you were laughing.

Skiddy mooring heading not alcohol 😋

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