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  • 2 weeks later...

Back home now after a wonderful 14 nights afloat.

had phone troubles re signal so was unable to update my travels.

After leaving Oulton where we stayed for three nights we cruised on to Rockland St Mary , the approach from the river is one of my favourite stretches of the broads , we managed to get onto the leccy moorings straight ahead as you reach the staithe , although since last visit there is now electric hook up on the right hand side moorings as well.

We had a great meal and a very , very sociable evening in The New Inn .

Leaving Rockland with the tide at 06;00 the following morning we headed north again , the weather was misty and drizzly as we rode the tide past Cantley, through Reedham and onto Breydon.

Four and a half hours later we moored up at Acle on the BA moorings , after waiting an hour for the afternoon menu to start we sat in the shed part of Dunes cafe where I had a lovely well filled crab sandwich .

We decided to stay as the weather wasn’t great and watch the world pass by.

10:00 the next morning we made our way to Womack in sunshine , managed to moor up on the staithe alongside two fellow forum members and a pleasant catch up ensued. At 18:00 I stupidly decided to fire the barbecue up (as I had popped up to the butchers) and yep , the clouds opened and the downpour commenced. After steadfastly trying for a good 45mins I had to admit defeat and booked a table at The Kings Arms where we had , as always, an excellent meal.

Wednesday morning , it was warm and cloudy but dry , our destination for the first time this break!! was Ranworth , upon arrival I moored up in the taxi rank , paid my £10 (keeping receipt) and settled in for the day , the moorings were full by 12:00 , we finally got our barbecue in the evening , the jerk chicken breasts from Ludham butchers were huge and very tasty as was their hot and spicy pork steaks.

Thursday we headed for Sutton to refuel and get a pump out , the fuel for 12 days afloat (4 of which we stayed put) fighting the tide on our journey South due to tide timings being against us this week we used £90 , happy with that. There was a space on the green so we decided to moor up for the day , we dined in the Sutton Staithe hotel , we both had the curry deal which is £30 including Nan , onion bargees , poppadoms and pickle , I had beef madras Katie, chicken tikka and for a pub curry they were very tasty.

Our last evening afloat we headed for Neatishead and managed to squeeze in on the staithe , dinner this evening was a pizza from The Saddlery very good but the approximate sizing advertised was definitely ambitious.

Saturday morning we headed home , ironically in bright sunshine , so two weeks afloat , weather wasn’t great but the scenery , company , friends old and new were unbeatable .

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3 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

at Gays’ staithe only one other boat on the moorings , lovely sunny day now and sheltered from the winds , bliss .

Oh bother Simon. I came up the Ant at 10.30ish, and was thinking it’s too early to go back to Stalham and with the wind blowing rather hard in the wrong direction, thought I might struggle to get into my mooring. Thinking Gays staithe would be busy with people finding a sheltered spot, I went on to paddy’s lane. The gooseberry jam will have to stay onboard a while longer. 

Are you there for the night? If so, I might drive round later with it. If you’re out, I can just leave it in a sensible place. 

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9 minutes ago, kpnut said:

Oh bother Simon. I came up the Ant at 10.30ish, and was thinking it’s too early to go back to Stalham and with the wind blowing rather hard in the wrong direction, thought I might struggle to get into my mooring. Thinking Gays staithe would be busy with people finding a sheltered spot, I went on to paddy’s lane. The gooseberry jam will have to stay onboard a while longer. 

Are you there for the night? If so, I might drive round later with it. If you’re out, I can just leave it in a sensible place. 

We’re here overnight but don’t go to the trouble of driving over I’m sure our paths will cross soon , we will probably wander up to the White Horse later to sample an ale or two (well I will at least) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Left Ranworth at 09:45 , thought I would try our luck at Horning “Holy Grail” managed to get the last space on the green just before the Swan , had a lovely day , with tea and scones , the gooseberry jam is wonderful Kate , thank you so much .

Evening meal in the Swan and very good it was too , the London Pride sadly a bit lifeless , it was very busy with a least 40 diners .

Departed Horning at 06:30 and the rivers were very very misty so nav lights on , we did pass a couple of hire boats on our trip to the Ant mouth with visibility no more than 50ft .

Now having a coffee stop at Gays staithe before putting Pipedreams to bed until next Sunday when we are out for the following week . 


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