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Dogs On Boats,show Us Yours


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The reason I asked about the fibre glass is because of my last cute little girl.

Went on the boat very soon after getting clear of her vaccinations and she was not even house trained when we took her away with us.

It was our last long trip of the year and she took to it like a Labrador to water. Got home with a fully house trained dog and a very well behaved dog. 

The following year we took her away and she had developed a hatred for the fibre glass decks.

She developed a new way of getting off the boat. We have double doors at the stern of our boat and she used to launch herself at around shoulder height straight through the doors without even touching the deck😳 

Now this is all fine when you are stern moored 😁 

So we tied up at Thurne dyke 🫣 

And we had a rigid dinghy at the time 🫣 

Opened rear doors and this thing flew past us at around shoulder height and of course landed in the dinghy and got trapped under the thwart. Loads of scrabbling and much banging of head on the underside of the thwart until I jumped into the dinghy and grabbed her and threw her ashore 😳

It did kinda stop her from launching herself off the back of the boat though 🤗


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The reason my boat’s called Springer’s Retreat,


(that was before he took an intense dislike to the front well. I now can’t even entice him out there to eat his food). 

Unlike his brother who loves being out on deck - 



or sometimes Springers’ Retreat (this was on a hire boat when Finlay was a pup). 

And another snap of a relaxed dog (have posted it before and sorry for the ‘let it all hang out’ attitude!


Loving all the photos, keep them coming. 

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