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Two Moorings Lost?


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1 hour ago, imtamping2 said:

That’s what the budget is for …….try checking on what happens to the existing budget if not used in the financial year ……because it  doesn’t roll over …….so where does it go ?

but thats what the problem was, they didnt want to spend a huge amount on piling and quay headings for what was quoted as a short 5 year lease, the land owner would then get an asset in the form of quay heading worth 80 times the £2000 he was asking, and that would hardly be a good use of the authorities budget, and then the toll payers would complain,

Oops sorry, they will complain either way if the money is wasted or if it is saved and we lose moorings.

I can understand the authorities stance that they will only take over the quay headings on a 20 year lease and not on a 5 year one as the lifespan of the quay heading is in the same realms as the lease length.

the budget comes from somewhere- and part of that is the tolls.

where does it go, well this year it went refurbishing the quay headings at neatishead, and ludham bridge as well as repairs at other places around the network, I am sure if you asked them where it had gone they would be able to provide detailed accounts showing just where every penny went.

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19 minutes ago, grendel said:

but thats what the problem was, they didnt want to spend a huge amount on piling and quay headings for what was quoted as a short 5 year lease, the land owner would then get an asset in the form of quay heading worth 80 times the £2000 he was asking, and that would hardly be a good use of the authorities budget, and then the toll payers would complain,

Oops sorry, they will complain either way if the money is wasted or if it is saved and we lose moorings.

I can understand the authorities stance that they will only take over the quay headings on a 20 year lease and not on a 5 year one as the lifespan of the quay heading is in the same realms as the lease length.

the budget comes from somewhere- and part of that is the tolls.

where does it go, well this year it went refurbishing the quay headings at neatishead, and ludham bridge as well as repairs at other places around the network, I am sure if you asked them where it had gone they would be able to provide detailed accounts showing just where every penny went.

No ,you have the wrong end of the stick, the present moorings which are sound,we’re offered at the £2000 pound per annum on a rolling contract, 

The large spend would have been at the other end of the Dyke that was originally offered and would have be available for as long as they wanted !

and No they cannot or will not tell you where the unspent budget goes ,you are surmising they can tell you where all of the budget each year has been spent , this is not the case , do your own research and stop regurgitating what others have incorrectly stated , no offence.

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At Ludham light show there were c500 people in attendance , eating burgers served in paper serviettes drinking beer etc in plastic glasses and in the morning the total detritus left behind didn’t fill a couple of black bin liners, that’s not what I would class as the majority of the public being litter bugs .

Yes there are some inconsiderate individuals that leave their rubbish behind , but the reason it sticks in our mind so much is that it is the minority that do so and not the norm .


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41 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

At Ludham light show there were c500 people in attendance , eating burgers served in paper serviettes drinking beer etc in plastic glasses and in the morning the total detritus left behind didn’t fill a couple of black bin liners, that’s not what I would class as the majority of the public being litter bugs .

Yes there are some inconsiderate individuals that leave their rubbish behind , but the reason it sticks in our mind so much is that it is the minority that do so and not the norm .


Very good point, Simon. I feel the same, in all walks of life, the few spoil it for the many. I don't doubt though that litter is an issue land owners have to account for and that's very sad.

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Mouldy - Our tolls are rising in line with inflation,

I don't know where you got that nugget from but its way off the mark.

The Blessed Authority have increased tolls year on year way above the national average inflation rate.  I've kept a record of the rates of increase since 2007 against the inflation rates and its shocking what they have got away with,  If they spent the toll and grant money on what they are actually responsible for instead of power base building and chasing pipe dreams (It's a long list) there would be more than enough finances to suffice


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You want figures?

Since 2007 to 2022 if you add each years annual inflation rate together then it comes out at 42%

They are government official figures btw

Now if you do the same for the Blessed Authority annual toll inflation figure for 2007 - 2022

Make sure you are sitting down . . . . . . . . 

147%  And that is not a typo either

Over four times higher for the same period

Now ask yourselves this:-

Have services / dredging / bank clearance / moorings / ranger patrols / waste disposal facilities / public conveniences etc etc kept in line with inflation, decreased or increased by over four times?

What has increased are the Authorities own in house self driven responsibilities, positions, non-jobs and bums on seats at Yare house

Not rocket science is it now



Btw - I don't have the figures for the number of craft both private and hire that were registered on the Broads for each of those years regarding toll income,  no doubt the figures are out there somewhere

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The figures I used for my annual inflation rates were noted by mysen each year from a government website / News etc Those figures totalled at 42%

I have just been on the Bank of England website, they state the CPI rate of inflation from April 2007 to April 2023 is 59% to put that into context £10:00 in 2007 would now cost £15:95 to buy the same goods.  Which pails into insignificance against the Blessed authorities inflation rate total of 147%

Now what price / odds on yet another above inflation toll raise come April next year?


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I dug out about six proper root stumps today.  Just got one more to do.  This was the biggest of em along with a lump of concrete I unearthed.  That took two of us to lift the blasted thing out of the hole.  I have eight larger stumps around the back garden that I have cut flat (Chainsaw) as near to ground level as I could.  These will be drilled, treated and burned down below ground level





BA NBN 1315.jpg

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