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Having spent most my working day out of office since 1978 I had a detailed knowledge of most public loos in Kent.

They were without exception dirty smelly disgusting hovels.

The number declined over the years to be replaced with petrol stations, garden centres, supermarket and pub loos.

As I totter towards my pension date I am more than grateful for the modern alternative.

I guess they need to shut some to centralise others but suspect they will just close many without thought.

Libraries and loos have never been high on most councils priority list of whatever colour they may be.





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1 hour ago, Wussername said:

I thought that the Womack Staithe toilets were funded by the Trust that owns, manages, the staithe. Perhaps I am wrong.

I know the income from the staithe is fairly significant but there are relatively few outgoings taken from it, so I suspect they're still run by NNDC.

I just hope Hickling is a case where they're planning transfer. That one seems logical, given that NWT bought the car park. It really needs something there for hours when the pub's closed.

Further afield, Walsingham seems like a ridiculously bad decision. It's right on the high street and the place is heaving with older members of the population, lots of people who've trekked miles on pilgrimages and nuns. Hopefully it's another transfer and the Walsingham Estate take it on.

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15 minutes ago, dom said:

I know the income from the staithe is fairly significant but there are relatively few outgoings taken from it, so" I suspect they're still run by NNDC.".

You may be correct, however, you suspect. Are you able to define further?


The income from the staithe is I suspect very small. . What influence by NNDC

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2 hours ago, ExSurveyor said:

"Without getting political"


Come on we all know the guidelines 😁

It is a very difficult line to tread for the mod team.

I thought I had made a general anti-all comment without reference to a specific party or political leaning

So apologies if I overstepped the mark, Mark - There was certainly no intention of making the Mods job any harder than it already is.

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1 hour ago, Wussername said:

The income from the staithe is I suspect very small.

Last financial year, income for Womack Staithe was just shy of £23k. The only upkeep outgoing was £1500 in maintenance charges, which I would imagine is probably relating to grass cutting and water supply (staithe repairs are broken out as a separate line, but were £0 in that year). It's evident from the original article that maintenance costs for a toilet block are more like £10k, so presumably someone else is funding the one at Womack. Most of the revenue from the staithe actually goes to Ludham village for things like grass and hedge cutting, as well as grants to things like the Methodist Church, school and bowls club.

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8 hours ago, CeePee1952 said:

I'm surprised that they haven't included the one in Loddon! Oh wait a minute - that one most probably doesn't get used as much as the others so fits neatly into their criteria!! (I am being sarcastic here by the way!

The Toilets at Loddon are now ‘ Pay as you go ‘

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Slight drift (as always!), there are about 6 free council run public loo sites in Rugby, They all open at 0800 and close at 1800. They used to be open 24 hrs but due to various "inappropriate" activities including drug abuse, the council decided to close them overnight.


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2 hours ago, maynard said:

Being in the construction industry I sense some 'renovation projects'….

Add to the auction house listings of disused former Victorian school, chapel, nuclear bunker, airfield control tower, pump house, mill, water tower, telephone exchange, boatyard etc. prime for conversion to residence.

Jesting aside Broadland and north Norfolk is mainly a tourist based economy. Hardly the type of facility to cut back on, time will tell.

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6 minutes ago, Turnoar said:

Add to the auction house listings of disused former Victorian school, chapel, nuclear bunker, airfield control tower, pump house, mill, water tower, telephone exchange, boatyard etc. prime for conversion to residence.

Jesting aside Broadland and north Norfolk is mainly a tourist based economy. Hardly the type of facility to cut back on, time will tell.

Happily there is a clean one for tourists in Hoveton although Roys is the preferred choice for locals!

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1 hour ago, webntweb said:

Would that include income from the private moorings further along the Staithe or is it just from casual moorers?

I was going to question Doms figures. But they make sence when you incude the revenue from the "parishioners moorings". Indeed within that complex beyond the hire fleet moorings and the parishioners moorings lies other moorings adjacent to the shops.

None of my business of course. Are they part of Womack parish?

However I would say Womack Staithe is one of my go to places, by boat, by road. Summer and winter. We visit many times throughout the year.

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15 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

Parishioners likely have a very good deal or exempt by being parishioners, it is a parish staithe after all.

I do not think that the parishioners are exempt at all. However there is a waiting list as they enjoy preferential terms. But for those of the parish only.



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4 hours ago, Wussername said:

I was going to question Doms figures. But they make sence when you incude the revenue from the "parishioners moorings". Indeed within that complex beyond the hire fleet moorings and the parishioners moorings lies other moorings adjacent to the shops.

None of my business of course. Are they part of Womack parish?

My figures did indeed include parish moorings, which are fairly cheaply priced. Last year, £12.5k income came from the public moorings, £8.2k from the parish.

The moorings directly in front of the shop aren't parish, but included in the shop lease I believe. The ones further back, I do know who they belong to, but can't think offhand at the moment whether they're also tied in with the shop or someone else. I have a nagging feeling it's someone well known from the boatyard industry owns them.

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5 minutes ago, marshman said:

Didn't they renew part of the quay heading not so long ago - that would have been very expensive!

They just capped the top as high water levels prevented more extensive work.

I am given to understand that other repairs are planned in the near future.

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