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Morning Grace and Happy Valentines day.


Unfortunately, nothing special in our household.  Martin is one of the 'bah humbug' brigade and always has been.  If a bunch of flowers arrived I would fall off my chair (not a pretty sight!).



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Grace and Sue, HI....


Well I did get into Watton (the local town) early this morning for a pretty bunch of fresias and a couple of bottles of fizzy; one pink for Mary-Jane and one white for me...


Also picked up two "Healthy" pork chops, about 400g each, for 'creamy pork chops and mushrooms' for tonight's meal. They're both cooked up to the "add a little dble cream" bit ...




I'd better wake Mary-Jane soon as she's had a nice lie-in this morning!



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The last time I bought flowers for Judi was around 1975, and for around a week all I got was Ok! what have you done? What are you after? and lots of accusitions, (is that a word)  never bought any since! I'm actually a very good cook and do the occasional meal, I also do all the sewing including making all the curtains for the boat, and even know how the washing machine works, we never do cards and presents because we just buy stuff as and when we need it, I've never done the romance stuff ever, Judi calls me the Ice man so I've never worked out why she married me, it wasn't for my money because I never had any, I often wonder how she puts up with me because I'm difficult to live with even I couldn't put up with me! but I like a good laugh and can be very unpredictable, sometimes I do very weird things and take chances other people run away from, so that must be why she puts up with me,,,,



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I remember sitting in a broads side pub on a valentine's day chatting to the chef. He was talking about the specials he was going to do that evening, and I asked if that would include Moussaka? He was surprised to hear that this Greek dish was traditional for the occasion, it seemed he'd not heard of the "St Valantines' day Moussaka", until a customer explained it to him.


Moral of this tale...   Chefs have large collections of very sharp knives. Don't wind them up!

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Hello Mowjo


You and Martin should get together, he is exactly the same.  His mum taught him well.  Excellent cook, uses the sewing machine like a professional and knows how the washing machine works. 


The only thing he won't touch is the ironing.  When he left the military this was one job that was just too much!!!



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Sue! I did used to do all my own Ironing when I was younger but Judi says I'm too fussy, even now if she Irons me a shirt I'll re-iron the collar, when I was a Yoof! I even used to iron my socks and pants, and no I don't have OCD, I just think if you going to do something do it properly or not at all, Ooooh! hang on I might have OCD, I just realised that I won't let Judi or the supermarket pack the bags, I panic if it's not done right,,



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I have brought Tan away for the weekend and we are currently in The Hotel Wroxham, dined and well watered.


She will have all the joys of getting the boat ready for the season start.  No time sadly for romance, just cleaning and removing all the clutter from last season and a few new jobs to do.




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I have brought Tan away for the weekend and we are currently in The Hotel Wroxham, dined and well watered. She will have all the joys of getting the boat ready for the season start. No time sadly for romance, just cleaning and removing all the clutter from last season and a few new jobs to do. Regards Alan
Alan this has to be one of the best posts I have ever seen on the forum LOL! You charmer you!
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I ordered a dozen red roses for Sue, which were delivered as planned yesterday morning, and then we went into Norwich for a meal last night so I could have a break from cooking for one night. Sue paid, which means I am at a neutral balance of brownie points! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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We had a night in Veurne, Belgium at a gorgeous B&B with dinner in a local restaurant.  We had the biggest steak i've ever seen, we brought more home in a doggy bag than we managed to eat!  However, the real purpose of the trip was a ciggy-run...... so it cost him nothing really!!!

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That's why I am in the dog house........


Blerdy Valantines.......


If he were alive I would kill him, or make him a Saint......




Without joking....


how much was wasted on over priced cards and flowers....


You don't need a special day to tell the people you love, that you love them,

Mothers day, Fathers day, etc


It's just a waste of money....





( I did get some flowers for OH though, just in case)

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