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NBN Calendar?


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I'd buy one.. our yacht club (used to.. before I took over webmastership) did a photo competition each year.. members submitted pictures.. the best 12 got featured.. (they did something to pick the front cover and were sponsored by the local chandlers)...

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I'd certainly be interested, but it needs to be good! There seem to be plenty of decent photographers on this forum, enough to come up with a nice varied selection of photos. The skill is in the selection - I'm not sure that the competition approach used somewhere else I could (but won't) mention ended up with anything like the best pictures.


Seeing this is JM's idea I suggest that he takes charge and gets things organised :smile:

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Realistically, I suppose, a tenner a calendar to include p&p, surpluses to go to a deserving charity perhaps.

I agree, the competition route is not the route I would wish to take. However I do suggest one picture per contributor, that way we sell twelve calendars! 12 iconic Broads pictures from 12 different photographers, easy! Whatever, I'm open to ideas and comments.

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If we're going to have a calendar can I make a plea for it to contain more than just the usual windpump/sailing boats/sunset pictures?     I'd like to think that NBN members could come up with something a little more original.

Hi Kadensa, I suspect that I know what you mean, perhaps you have a snap or two that we could consider.

Me, I might be a long term chocolate box photographer but I'm a pictorial rebel at heart!

I think it inevitable that there will be a sunset or two but we need twelve shots so something for most folk.

What do people want? Come on, submit! I can always correct crooked horizons so get snapping and choose your best.

Sorry, Kadensa, but this one is both a cliched sunset AND a dreaded sailing boat but thankfully I've avoided a wind-pump!!



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Ohh I'm a huge fan/addict of broadland sunrises and sunsets (even better if there's a windmill/pump and even a timber sailing boat in them!) much better than shot of a orange bathtub  (No harm intended to orange bathtubs).. but agree these probably are a core essence of the broads which is probably what the calendar should capture...

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If you wanted the calendars to be self funded all the shots could be of riverside pubs on the Broads with the landlords footing the printing costs. This would help the pubs as well as raising funds for the forum. Just a thought.

I must say that I do like the idea of forum members taking the pictures and making it a bit of a competition for the 13 pictures.




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