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Berney arms up for sale


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Today's paper an article about the Berney Arms .interestingly saying that the former landlord will not be involved.? We all liked the thought of theBerney but it needed something to attract us to stay and spend money.Heres hoping it will reopen.


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It's a big ask, operating a successful pub in today's climate of growing taxes, leglisation and price competition from supermarkets.


Then there's the challenge of running a successful pub in a location that can only reasonably be reached by foot, rail or boat.


I won't hold my breath for this place re-opening.

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This has been discussed on another thread but in a nutshell the main problem with both the Berney and the Beauchamp is the freeholder who basically will not rest until both pubs are sold off as housing. I’m, afraid even if Jamie Oliver were to run the Berney, he would not be able to make it pay either because the rent will always be adjusted to deter even the most determined operator. Running any pub these days is very difficult and I take my hat off to anyone who does it but running the Berney was always going to be a hopeless task.


Very sad.



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Very sad day but the laws of economics are as inflexible as the laws of physics at times. Access by foot, rail or boat only doesn't exactly enhance the place's viability as a successful business IMHO. Add to that the traditional seasonal variations and things look even more bleak.


We'd all love to see the place open again but, and I'm no business expert that's for sure, I cannot see how the place can ever earn money at this time.


Had I the sufficient funds, I would buy the place and run it as an altruistic venture...basically acting as a clubhouse for forum members. Sadly, my dreams are way larger than my wallet. Guess I can just dream on though... :cry:

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  • 7 months later...

Looked in at the Berney on the way past.Looking a bit sad and still up for sale. I had been told on good authority that it had been sold but must have fallen through. Shame to see the old place closed. Spent some good times in there.

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when compared say with the Falgate at Potter which is a thriving business and up for sale for £245k, as Howard has stated, it is obvious that the current owner is looking to sell with a view to de licensensing and getting a change of use.



I would hardly call the Falgate thriving. I am a local. The pub is nearly always empty and, on the rare and decreasing occasions I have dropped in, with a very sparse selection of beers. The price has now been dropped to £199k.

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Talking to lads at the Norwich Yacht Station, I was under the assumption the person who owns the Beauchamp Arms had a connection to the Berney Arms?



cheers Iain

Certainly does Iain. Also once had the lease of the Surlingham Ferry.

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I would hardly call the Falgate thriving. I am a local. The pub is nearly always empty and, on the rare and decreasing occasions I have dropped in, with a very sparse selection of beers. The price has now been dropped to £199k.

Sparse indeed, no real ale.

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In reality what could be done with the pub? The ultimate get away from it all retreat on the Broads? B&B for bird watchers? A pity to loose it as a pub but just as a pub I suspect it will be no more. I have always thought that a chain of 'hostels' across Broadland for walkers and canoeists might have a future. 

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What an excellent idea from JM to have a B&B or Hostel type accomodation at the Berney, I assume bird watching and walking etc is not seasonal unlike hire boaters and such a remote get away from it all location, it could still run a bar for drinks and meals for Boaters waiting for the tides. I know nothing about running such places or pubs for that matter and maybe looking at the romance of it but I wonder if it would work as opposed to being just a pub.


I am not looking forward to cruising past and seeing it boarded up, the wonderful memories I have when my  parents moored there before or after crossing Breydon, with a shandy in hand and a packet of crisps it was so exciting watching the boats coming and going and thinking how big the water was lol.


Let's hope that someone can take it on with enough money to turn it to something special once again



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This pub needs road access... then it will probably do very well indeed...

For those of us old enough to remember Bob McLaughlin and his mate that ran the Berny for many years, he tried many times to achieve access for all across the marshes, but the owners said no. Perhaps Marshman knows why this is? Its a good long mooring, and many a pound note was spent in doing up that quay area I think it was the 90's but more than willing to be proved wrong.


When Bob ran the pub, it was always busy, so it can be done again? Hmmmmm.



cheers Iain

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Pubs up and down the country are closing, it's not just on the Broads. Three things that come to mind for some of the closures are the drink driving laws, the smoking ban and cheap alcoholic drinks from supermarkets etc. I know some of you will say that what I have stated isn't the reason, but let me just give you one example of a very popular pub in my home town, that closed down about three months after the smoking ban.


The pub had no beer garden or outside seating area and was one of those cosy little pubs with just a small bar and lounge. It was used mainly by pensioners, who liked to go for a chat and a game of dominoes. It was one of those places, which always had the smell of pipe tobacco, typical of most small town pubs used by regulars. The pub was built during the 18th century and is grade 2 listed but has been lying empty ever since it's closure, as are half the shops.

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Hi Geoff,


Good points, well meant. The Berny Arms is a unique pub, its only accessible by 4x4 vehicles or by boat. There is a train halt too but have never spoken to anyone who has used that facililty. Pub landmarks such as this one I think, would be very sad if it could not be restored into a going concern. The trouble is quite simply Cost!


Up river at Reedham, work has started on the Lord Nelson, and by the looks of it, stopped abruptly, perhaps structural problems it is after all, a very old building.


cheers Iain

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Hi Iain - worse than that I think as I am not sure there is actually a vehicular public right of way by the concrete roads although I could be wrong on this. Lot to ask to get everyone to walk and oh yes, the train does stop if you stick your hand out - although not a lot you can do if he ignores you!!!! Getting off - ask the driver or guard and it can be a bit wet across the fields!!!

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Hi Iain - worse than that I think as I am not sure there is actually a vehicular public right of way by the concrete roads although I could be wrong on this. Lot to ask to get everyone to walk and oh yes, the train does stop if you stick your hand out - although not a lot you can do if he ignores you!!!! Getting off - ask the driver or guard and it can be a bit wet across the fields!!!

Thanks for that Marshy, I have a feeling Bob had a wee agreement regarding his 4x4 crossing the land!! Wink wink say no more! :naughty:



cheers Iain

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Hi Iain - worse than that I think as I am not sure there is actually a vehicular public right of way by the concrete roads although I could be wrong on this. Lot to ask to get everyone to walk and oh yes, the train does stop if you stick your hand out - although not a lot you can do if he ignores you!!!! Getting off - ask the driver or guard and it can be a bit wet across the fields!!!

It is a permissive right of way, courtesy I believe of 2 separate landowners. Thisonly applies to the pub landlords and probably the mill too. Think hire yards also have permission for emergencies. I guess John Cressey certainly has. But there is no right of way for the general public. It's quite a way to the main road too.

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