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This boat will not normally pass under .......


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When I was a lad, we used to hire boats from Blakes, and the catalog advertising the boats always had a small footnote along the lines of... "This boat will not normally pass under Potter Heigham bridge". I assume that Hoseasons brochure was much the same. I've just looked at a boat in an on-line brochure but this info wasn't there.


May I ask the hire fleet people here why this info seems to have disappeared?


Ok, I know the correct answer to that question should be "Yes you may"... so...


Why has this info seemed to have disappeared?

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Perhaps since so many boats now won't pass under Potter Bridge, or even Beccles for that matter, then maybe the footnote should now read 'this boat might pass under Potter Heigham Bridge, if you are lucky with the tides'. In my time with a boatyard we had more grief than a little with claims that a boat would/wouldn't pass under that bridge so I can understand it if the brochures have dropped that footnote. No claims equals no liability.

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You’re quite right at first I thought it may be that if it said nothing it meant it could pass under all bridges – so I searched for boats clearly too high to and again it is silent upon the fact the boat in practice could not pass under Wroxham Bridge let alone Potter Heigham. 


Poor show that because someone new to boating would have no idea, merrily book the boat and then have a look at places to visit perhaps the Rising Sun at Coltishall, only to find on arrival at the boatyard they can’t get under this bridge...


I was also surprised with Herbert Woods, in their latest brochure their ‘Loweliner’ Aqua Fibre molded boats are now said not to be able to pass under Beccles Old bridge.


I know it was very rare but they were ‘designed’ when new, to pass under Potter Heigham bridge. 


With that increasingly only passable within a select few boats it is curious Herbert Woods feel a boat able to pass under Wroxham Bridge cannot pass under Beccles old bridge and yet the same design from other yards apparently still can.


I have to say Richardson's is very good in giving information about bridges - even going so far as to making the point that a boat's interior may be exposed to the elements (for example a centre cokpit) when passing under a low bridge as the canopy has to be retracted.

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Interesting question, but on a related point can anyone advise if this 'boat' would get under Potter Heigham?


With canopy down of course.



Samuel.. I don't think that boat will get under it.. but it will certainly get through it followed by the rest of us!

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Ok sorry to continue our drift off topic, we are experiencing a beam on sea today.


The Daily Mail (Yes I know that very trusted source of reliable information) says the
The CSCL Globe is 1,312 ft long, 192 ft wide and 100 ft deep, making it the world's largest container ship.  It is splitting hairs because the previous record holder - the Maersk Triple E class - are also 1,312 ft long slightly wider at 194 ft and but 52 ft less draft. 


None of these new record breakers cane navigate the Panama Canal due to their massive drafts and as China continues to slide on manufacturing output I wonder if these vast ships will continue to be required for the volume of containers coming out of the far east..


I note nowhere does it says it is not able to pass under Potter Heigham Bridge :naughty:


As for Lowliners at The Locks - the 'Lad's Week' goes there bi-annually with two 46 footers.  The key is to reverse out.

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I have no idea why Blakeseasons isn't showing this info. It is poor show and will lead rise to complaints, I am sure. 


Our web site indicates whether a boat will or won't pass. It leads rise to questions about how much navigation is restricted, but isn't a problem. 

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Another snippet of information that used to be in the brochures many moons ago was the interior headroom for each boat.


Some even had details of how long the beds were.


I am wondering if brochure producers think we have all got shorter than we were or does it not matter nowadays?


Judging by the number of times I read "the bed wasn't big enough" it seems we have not got any shorter!


Maybe we are expected to enquire using the Freedom of Information legislation !!



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We are occasionally asked about bed sizes and less frequently about head room . We have never been quite organised enough to store it in a simple system and measure it each time!


If people would like it put on the web site, let me know and we'll build it in to the next site revamp. 

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The best bit of the Broads IMHO.


Unfortunately (some may say) Potter Heigham Bridge does not stop this member of the hoi polloi from getting there. The boat goes under with ease at any state of the tide. I love it up there and always spend a few days of my trip enjoying its splendour.


When you come to think of it, Barton Broad is not ruined by "hoi polloi" and we can all get there. :pirate



Bonzo.   :dog:

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