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Broad Ambition - TLC Time Again

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7 hours ago, brundallNavy said:

“The reason that the Planar started to underperform is that we mounted the outlet far too close to an obstruction, namely the Stbd fresh water tank.  “


Ours  did the same and thanks for the tip now works fine once the ducting was repositioned. 



3 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

You're welcomer

Yep, we really fooparred there.  I just wish you had sorted yours out before we did the first installation, that would have saved no end of hours of pain / expense.  Still, we both got there in the end


That's actually a useful piece of information for a few of us. 

Not had the problem but I could very easily had done so when fighting for space in the future.

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  • 3 weeks later...

‘Houston - We have a problem’

Up early at Obys For a spot of fishing (it’s going well). Went to put kettle on, no water came out of tap. Strange, I know we have plenty in the tanks. Went to control panel to find the pump turned off. Ah, that’s it but the expansion tank and system should still have pressure in it?

Turned pump on, I can now hear water running fast. Rush back to galley to turn tap off, it’s all ready off

Back to helm turn off pump. Rushing water sound is coming from below deck in engine space.

Not good

That was at 0515. I’ll have to wait until crew are up so I can investigate. Had to go ashore to fill kettle 

What’s even worse is I have just discovered that I’m fishing with a whisker barbed hook! I’ll be changing that right now. Thought I had thrown those out ages ago


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  • 4 months later...

The fridge onboard 'B.A' is in a right mess / state.  It looks terrible now and is somewhat embarrassing to say the least.

Internally its clean and it performs just fine.  It's the 12v compressor type.  It has been onboard since we installed it back in 2007 when it was brand new.

However over the years it has been slowly suffering cosmetically.  The outside of the door is rusting and the painted finish is coming off.  Robin has done his best to find a replacement door without success and if Robin can't find one, then there ain't any to be found.  Where the seal meets the front face of the fridge is also failing too.

Now with the fridge still performing fine I was / am reluctant to buy a new fridge based on the cosmetics, especially as the price of 12v marine fridges is just plain silly.

So a couple of weeks ago I brought the fridge door home with me and have handed it over to one of our Lads Week crew members who lives in a neighbouring village.  He restores classic motorbikes so making a tired fridge door look like new again will be a breeze for him.

As for the actual fridge frame face - I'll sort that one out during my next visit onboard, whenever that will be.  My plan is to wire brush down the affected area with a trusty cordless Makita, apply a rust converter (Tristran 23) then an application of P38 filler where required, sand down then two coats of smooth white Hammerite will sort that out.

That's the easy part, actually getting onboard for a couple of days with an overnight stay whilst adhering to tier three restrictions will be more challenging



BA NBN 888.jpg

BA NBN 889.jpg

BA NBN 890.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Bike restorer has been in touch re the fridge door.  In his words he has had a play about with it and says the edges are just about rusted away underneath the plastic edging which he can't get off without destroying the plastic.

He suggested we buy a replacement fridge as they are less than £100, - Oh yes? - 240v no problem, once I explained that we needed a 12v DC compressor type fridge that are silly priced he now understands our predicament.  So two options now are to remove and dispose of the plastic edge around the door, then after making the fridge door good - fitting on some new plastic edging or alternatively buying a new or second hand fridge door that although won't be a genuine shoreline - Who cares if it fits?

Onwards and upwards as per the norm then


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can the metal panel be replaced on the existing door, with maybe some brushed stainless sheet, alternatively a trawl through caravan breakers sites might unearth one, 3d printing the trim would be difficult due to size, as it would need to be in less than 8" lengths (for my printer anyway)

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It may be worth having a look on the obvious places like Gumtree and Ebay but also Facebook have a sales section I think? Someone found me one on there being sold by someone breaking a boat for spares. In Norfolk too but I already had one by then.

Although things probably won't get moving sales wise until the new year.

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I think after such long and faithful service, it ought to be buried at sea with a gun salute!

Maybe and I get where you're coming from.  However it is still fully serviceable and I am reluctant to be spending out silly money for what amounts to cosmetics.

I've just this minute gone on an on-line search, for the size we would require - Over £600 !

Shoreline FM138 Refrigerator 12/24 Volt DC (shoreline-marine.co.uk) 

£600 just to make a door look acceptable?


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