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Horning boat show


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For those with an interest in the new breeds of performance sail craft Swallow Boats will not be at Horning.

They will however be at Beale in June and Southampton in September.

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We visited the show today and thought it was bigger and better than ever. There were lots of stands both in the exhibition ground and by the river and some i testing boats to see. My only criticism is that there were still not enough stalls where you could buy bits and pieces.

The weather was kind and ,all in all, a very enjoyable day was had. Our home mooring is in Horning so there was no problem there.



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My third visit to the Morning Boat Show was thoughly enjoyable. Parked at Bewilderwood......free. Then £1 return ticket to the village. You cannot get better value. Then visited the village hall area. Great to see the Broads Beat in attendance together with the local Coastguards. The choir was fantastic as indeed, without exception, the exhibitors.

Walking down the hill, to the river to see the other exhibitors on the river as well as "Bank side" was a credit to the organisers and the exhibitors.

For the first time my wife and I decided to visit the Horning sailing club. There was little to encourage a visit, except for one gentleman who was standing by the bridge and recommended a visit if only for a cup of tea at 50p. I have passed the club house, on the river, by cruiser many many times. I often thought that it would be a very elitist group of people. Today duty bound to do their " bit for Horning" Nothing could have been further from the truth. My wife and I were made very welcome. So much so that Mrs Wussername, completely out of character, declared that she would like to try sailing in a dinghy. Having paid £5 each, we were suitably suited and booted,with life jackets, signed a disclaimer in case we drowned and away we went, in a Yoeman. I thought it would be up river to Blackhorse broad and back. But no! An hours sailing with a top instructer, in fact it transpired that I was privalidged to sail with one of the Vice Presidents of the club. A great experience. I got to helm for most of the trip. A bit white knuckle I have to say. Not for me mind. I was ignorant of my inability to control the beast.

I honestly feel that this particular event will go from strength to strength, and could become an occasion where, with suitable commentary from the river green, have the ability for hire companies to "show case" their new additions to their fleet cruising down the river. Would it not be wonderful to see the likes of Raisener, Maidie, Forrester, and some of the other classic cruisers showing off in front of people who rarely have the opportunity to see these wonderful boats. One must not forget the iconic wherries leading the modern private craft of our generation.

So, perhaps an opportunity for Horning to provide that extra push to promote The Broads, not only to our visitors but to Norfolk people in general.

They are well placed to provide such a contribution.

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Wassername,we guys blame Hupty Dumpty or one of his mates .Was that your first sailing experience ? Glad you enjoyed it.Thought the Show was a great effort by Horning ,some good advice from many of the stalls and a solution to one of our outstanding jobs being done this week.Met up with many folk from the river ,some not seen for many years,all in all a good day out well organised .

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