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Low Life.....


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Hi folks,

It looks like with the better weather comes the low life from out their hovels. Some such person if you can call it that, has decided in their wisdom that my car would look so much better WITHOUT my driver overtaking mirror! Completely ripped off! GRRRRRRRR!!!!

A visit to my local Renault dealership is now on my things to do tomorrow morning. Mutter...muttter...mutter!



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3 minutes ago, BroadScot said:

Hi folks,

It looks like with the better weather comes the low life from out their hovels. Some such person if you can call it that, has decided in their wisdom that my car would look so much better WITHOUT my driver overtaking mirror! Completely ripped off! GRRRRRRRR!!!!

A visit to my local Renault dealership is now on my things to do tomorrow morning. Mutter...muttter...mutter!



Hi Iain,

Sorry to hear about the mirror, sadly there are scroats everywhere. Most mirrors these days cost a small fortune.



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Sorry to hear that Iain. Yes it does make you wonder if electrically adjustable, heated and folding are really that necessary when you break one and get the bill. Or worse, some slime bag does it for you.

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2 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

Sorry to hear that Iain. Yes it does make you wonder if electrically adjustable, heated and folding are really that necessary when you break one and get the bill. Or worse, some slime bag does it for you.

I suspect I will require to pay Motability the excess on the refitting, Chris.......the joys of motoring. Yes the modrn mirror is a dear item to replace!


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When I lived in Jakarta (Indonesia), that was the favourite thing to get nicked of your car at traffic lights. The teenagers could get a mirror off in a couple of seconds and if you went to the spares market the next day, you could probably buy it back again.

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3 weeks ago my mirror parted company on the motorway, there was evidence of water ingress, even behind the backing pad,

being away from home and not knowing the area went to volvo in peterborough,£70.80 inc. they didnt charge for fitting

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Not so much the enjoyment, but it does save the pond life scumbags parting with their own cash and buying a replacement of their own


PS Mike - took the GCJ down to Norfolk and back (Got home last night) [the van was in for a service] -  Ran like a dream, both mirrors in place and working :coat:

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Just a wee update, the coachbuilding company...I believe Nationwide are coming to fit a new door mirror in the next day or so. Oh and yes, I am going to be £100.00 out of pocket for the excess grrrrrr!!! Its enough to make you weep.:cry


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1 minute ago, BroadScot said:

I cannot touch Alan, being as I am with Motability.


I understand Iain, a friend of mine has a similar arrangement.

My guess is that not too many streets away you would find a similar car that has had its broken mirror replaced. What these low life's do not understand that your car is more than likely your only means of getting around, getting to the shops and getting away on those odd visits.



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What these low life's do not understand that your car is more than likely your only means of getting around, getting to the shops and getting away on those odd visits.

And if they did understand the above, do you really think it would make them act / think differently?   Not a prayer


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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

What these low life's do not understand that your car is more than likely your only means of getting around, getting to the shops and getting away on those odd visits.

And if they did understand the above, do you really think it would make them act / think differently?   Not a prayer


Absolutely spot on Griff. We read all too often how vulnerable people in our society are singled out as easy targets by the SCUM ELEMENT of life, and it`s only getting worse.  I`m so sick of hearing all the lame excuses, "they have`nt had a chance in life", "it`s the lifestyle they`ve grown up in" etc etc etc YAWN YAWN YAWN. When i was a kid, i did`nt have brand new bikes, all the latest gizmos etc etc, but what we had, we got enormous fun out of it.  One of the big problems in society is that kids of today have far too much, and NEVER have to go without some of the things they like. It`s called living in the real world, and all we have is meely mouthed politicians saying the excuses above, and telling us we should help them, by GIVING them everything they desire. Then, they get older and turn their attention to crimes such as Ians.

The worse thing though is that IF in the unlikely event they get caught, the judges will treat them with kid gloves, and give them an ASBO, which they wear as a badge of honour, or community service, which they never attend.

As for the £100 excess Ian, what you should have done was bought one from a breakers, as Allan says, and take it to a good mechanic ? body shop to simply bolt it on. £50 tops i`d say. I would have done it for you myself had i lived nearer.

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5 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

 I would have done it for you myself had i lived nearer.

Hi Neil,

I would have done it also, but it would be a breach of my contract with Motability. You have to keep to their rules or its bye bye new cars every three years.  Its not like other forms of car hire. Kind of you just the same to have offered.


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6 minutes ago, BroadScot said:

Hi Neil,

I would have done it also, but it would be a breach of my contract with Motability. You have to keep to their rules or its bye bye new cars every three years.  Its not like other forms of car hire. Kind of you just the same to have offered.


What they don`t know about springs to mind Iain :naughty: Mums the word and all that?.

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We were visiting my daughter when she was a student in Cambridge, and we heard a noise outside, and a group of yobos on bikes were riding off into the distance on bikes taking just one and only one kick at every car mirror as they passed, some they missed, some were too high, some were folded, but those they kicked were left in a pile of debris in the road. Luckily, we had parked in a pay and display a distance away. We gave our best description to the Police, but it seemed a regular game for them. With bollards and cycleways, it wasn't an easy task to pursue by car.

This was in the days  when not all mobile phones had cameras.

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Hi folks,

Latest on my mirror, its really becoming silly, I now have to have a replacement car, when, god only knows....they say, they will bring a hire car out, I have told them it has to be a MPV, preferably my make and model, fat chance of that!

We are now 27 hours into this little saga, and in truth NO further forward, apart from several phone xalls. Its little wonder car insurance premiums are going up by leaps and bounds! Rant over.....for now:naughty:


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A few years ago with my first Motability car I was queuing on the M3 to get onto the M25 and off course a 4x4 damaged three cars including mine rear ending us all.  I have to have an automatic which in itself caused problems with the hire car.

Driving from B&Q to Tesco in Grt. Yarmouth a chap damaged the front wing and both doors on the nearside of the hire car they had sent me. That caused some problems, before all that no accident for over 40 years, saw plenty happening behind me.:facepalm:

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9 minutes ago, springsong said:

I have to have an automatic which in itself caused problems with the hire car.

Well they delivered a Vauxhall Mokka automatic Black, my first thought was, TAXI! :naughty: Vauxhall have improved since I last drove one of their models, the auto is a smooth change up.

It was however, a bit of a struggle getting in and out due to the high sill. The boot is small, only one part of my scooter fitted in the boot, the chassis. Its not till you are without your own car, you realise how much you miss it. Hopefully I will have my own car back soon.


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