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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. NeilB

    Dirty Diesel

    Part of the annual service should be to drain or suck out the sludge / water at the bottom of the tank. Running out of diesel would have made the problem worse by the fresh diesel hitting and agitating the sludge instead of a few inches of diesel.
  2. Stumbled across these boats for sale by auction. https://www.waterwaysireland.org/Documents/Vessel Catalogue July 2021.pdf They are all in very poor condition but there’s a couple of Elysian 27”s and a Powles which looks like a Bourne 40 with a modified superstructure?
  3. Lightning hasn’t moved, although I suspect we’ll both have to if this is given the go ahead. Whether temporarily or permanent remains to be seen - the quay heading is on its last legs though.
  4. Possibly, maybe Coldham Hall was showing it but I never visited either during my few days afloat.
  5. I was mud weighted on Bargate during the match against Ukraine and could hear the cheers quite clearly, I presume from the Yare pub. Got home yesterday and don't recall hearing any cheers, nearest pub is about the same distance but more built up.
  6. Sorry, no idea either! I wonder if they operated from the old Alan Johnson yard opposite the Bridge Inn?
  7. I’m heading up on Saturday, think I’ll pack the mini BBQ to save on gas !!
  8. Several years ago this is exactly what Volvo Buses did when they discovered no one could supply enough power to run the fast chargers based across several large cities! The electric bus itself was a complete success, but they had to use several diesel gensets from ourselves to re-charge them!
  9. Managed to get 4 badges without doing anything !!
  10. I think it used to be quite common on some hire boats until the late 70’s or so. Loynes even had them on their dayboats.
  11. Quite nice in Brundall today, much better than forecast. I was going to say hello to Seren, and Helen & Graham of course! But we were finished by 1pm so I set off home!
  12. I’m on Lightning for a couple of hours tomorrow for an induction and back up for a few days from next Saturday - that’s when the heavy rain will start!!
  13. BCBM have an agreement with the bridge pilot now, think it started a couple of years ago. Should be OK at 6ft 10" but the pilot will know for sure. This link gives the river level a Hoveton Broad - https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/station/6211 If it reads 0.38m then there's 6ft 10" at Wroxham bridge. I've forgotten who but one of the forum members showed me this trick a while ago. The other option is to take a look at Brinks webcam as this points at the height gauge.
  14. Richardson's were happy with us mooring there in April, plugged into the electric and went to the office to pay and the lady said it was free!! I even asked if she was sure as we're not a hire boat and it was still free!
  15. Agree about the moorings, several years ago there used to be a nice stretch of moorings upstream but it's all overgrown and looks a bit dodgy now!
  16. I've heard of some private boats with large engines being under propped for inland use to avoid running at tick over and help the alternator, mainly outboards and outdrives as it's easier to change props. Downside is if you did go out to sea you loose a lot of performance unless you change the props back. We always propped the boat correctly in the first place and then restricted the speed by other means, if done correctly you can leave a few more revs for reverse to maintain a good stopping power.
  17. I'd be very careful about over propping an engine. It can put excess load onto the engine causing accelerated wear and premature failure.
  18. I think it was £10 without electric last year. Herbert Woods charged us £10 in April including electric and Richardson's didn't want any money!! They were aware it was a private boat and we were plugging into the electric so I was a tad surprised and even asked if they were sure!
  19. Who says Lightning doesn't strike twice
  20. Just an update, the share is now under offer!
  21. The next x ray will be of John with a frying pan embedded in his head !
  22. Hi All We’ve just purchased a share in Lightning so our 8% / 4 week share in Moonlight Shadow is now for sale at the bargain price of £3,000 including a week starting 24th July. The sale is being handled by BCBM so if you are interested please call 01270 811500, there is more info and photos on the website although I’m happy to answer any questions either here or via PM. https://www.bcbm.co.uk/boats/broads-cruisers-page-127.html Please note that this is not a school holiday share but we do have the following school holiday dates booked: 24th July 2021 23rd Oct 2021 18th Dec 2021 16th April 2022 – Easter holiday dates do vary across the country. 28th May 2022 6th Aug 2022 17th Dec 2022 18th Feb 2023
  23. The RCD boat categories are a set of standards boat builders design and build boats to. They are as follows. CATEGORY A: OCEAN This rating covers largely self-sufficient boats designed for extended voyages with winds of over Beaufort Force 8 (over 40 knots), and significant wave heights above 13 feet, but excluding abnormal conditions such as hurricanes. CATEGORY B: OFFSHORE This rating includes boats operating offshore with winds to 40 knots and significant seas to 13 feet. CATEGORY C – INSHORE This rating is for boats operating in coastal waters and large bays and lakes with winds to Force 6, up to 27 knots, and significant seas 7 feet high. CATEGORY D – INLAND OR SHELTERED COASTAL WATERS This rating is for boats in small lakes and rivers with winds to Force 4 and significant wave heights to 18 inches. There’s no actual law stopping you from going to sea on a lilo!! Incidentally the RCD is going to be replaced by UKCA due to Brexit, although I’ve not looked into it yet.
  24. I presume the BA don't have the authority to seize vessels that are not tolled?
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