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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. Saw an Ocean 30 on Majorca about 6 or 7 years ago, pretty sure it was a hire version as it had the extra single cabin at the rear.
  2. Don't tell them your name Pike!!
  3. Was the one next to the Kings Head in Hoveton already closed when this list was compiled 25 years ago? Making me feel old!! Think it the Three Horseshoes?
  4. This is what we're have been fitting IPS pods to, I had a play at Seaworks last year as it was our demo boat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjM1Mk6UH4Q&sns=em Not so keen on hydraulics drives though, ideal for some hire boats but I'm not keen on the whine!
  5. I suffer from gout, was diagnosed about 10 years ago at 35. My wife thought it was hilarious and was giggling while I hobbled through the doctors reception!! I started on Allopurinol a couple of years ago and it stopped dead. Fellow sufferers will know how excruciatingly painful it can be. Some people believe it's the male equivalent of pain to childbirth!!
  6. Anything involving a pub is with a try!!
  7. As long as the bellows are fitted correctly and replaced regularly as per the manufacturers instructions there should be no issues. There are probably lots out there that have not been replaced for a very long time and could well leak.
  8. Just back from 4 days on a 70ft narrow boat and spotted this boat near Napton. I thought it looked a little Broads like and when we got closer noticed it had Herbert Woods written on the side.
  9. I'm already a Lardy, just need to move to Norfolk !
  10. I've only had one experience of fraud when my card was cloned and this was several years ago. Barclays actually spotted it before me and contacted me to confirm the payments, one was in Canada and the other in Malaysia. Unfortunately I was not on a world tour so they issued a new card and after filling out a few forms I received a full refund. Try the Ombudsman and kick up a fuss on Twitter, Facebook etc. I've heard this can produce results.
  11. Warwickshire schools break up a week later than most of the country, managed to get some cheap flights for last years holiday because the airlines had not cottoned on !!
  12. I wonder if Princess and Sunseeker will be so keen to have such large stands for just 5 days. I also wonder if the fees have been halved like the duration, I should find out soon!
  13. I also like this forum, but there's no place like ohm....
  14. English Harbour have sub contracted all the boat building to Brooms, Adam Greenwood will continue to develop sales through the dealers and designing new boats. It's public knowledge now but Fairline Yachts are moving back into some of the old building sheds at Oundle Marina they vacated some years ago, they are doing pretty well and need more room. Not sure if they are the same ones English Harbour used.
  15. We've had lots of calls at work from "Microsoft" saying we have a virus and they need access to our computers to "fix" the problem. Needless to say we've had lots of fun stringing them along! Had one call on 14th Feb so I was trying to chat her up but she hanged up after about 20 seconds - must be rusty !!!
  16. NeilB


    Looks like your top slides back and windscreen folds so your air draft is probably around 7ft with everything down? You should be able to pass under Beccles bridge unless it's close to high tide where it drops to 6ft 6". It's worth measuring you actual air draft with the top up and down, most yards add a margin of error into their figures stated in the manual and on plaques at the helm of hire boats.
  17. That lady pulled from the river is alive but in a serious condition. The bridge walls are fairly high so not sure if she jumped to avoid the car or fell in. Either way she is lucky to be alive and hope she pulls through. Sure I saw it mentioned earlier that it was the port authorities who rescued her.
  18. Huge amount of respect to the Police and public who assisted others without a thought to their own safety. I have no idea how I would respond in a situation like this and I hope I never have to find out. Pretty sure I would'nt stand there filming it on my phone though, what on earth are they thinking of?
  19. Had that years ago driving to mums house one day, the pheasant was stuck in the front grill. Wasn't sure what to do with it so put it in mums food waste bin !!!
  20. We had mooring pins on a Richos hire boat a couple of years ago so some yards do use them. We used them at Acle and they worked fine. Not sure I'd be so keen if the bank was very soft though. Most canal and Thames moorings are pretty solid.
  21. Sorry to hear of your loss Robin.
  22. Our hire boats were insured but only if a staff member was on board. Rarely used unless we fancied a night out in Windsor and there was a boat spare!! We never had a fancy set like that though, ours were home made and plugged into the cigar socket.
  23. Friend of mine worked on the QE2 for a while. He liked rough weather as all the posh food made its way to the crew as lots of passengers gave dinner a miss!
  24. I know Brooms do have some plans but I believe the new production facilities are on the back burner for now.
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