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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Bringing new areas into NP status like the Cotswolds sounds good, but how will that benefit the area? Broad brush (sorry about the pun) of all areas equally could reduce their individuality....Sandford!!
  2. Mike has suggested I try a 20 questions, if anyone is up for that we can give it a go.
  3. Sanding and scraping again! Phill and I are down from today until the end of next week.
  4. We are down from today working on Brilliant and have your panels.
  5. My first stop for appliances is ao. They are online but happy to advise on the phone, they are also fast and goods arecompetitively priced..
  6. We stayed in a friend’s Mobile Home at Burgh Castle Marine, it is a private site and has lovely views.
  7. Is this on the Acle straight? We saw one transaction apparently taking place there, clearly a kid being bought a pony. Some of the horses were beautiful matched chestnuts and others were heavy horses. They all looked in good condition.
  8. Polly


    I think this thread would gladden the heart of the Mail journalist. I knew of the Bangladesh work, it was featured in their own publication. My regular donation stands.
  9. Passus sum sed Anthony. Oh it is literally decades since I heard that one! Forget Google translate peeps, just read aloud. Caesar had some ......
  10. Plus ca coute, plus c'est un bateau. . . . The more it costs, the more likely it's a boat.
  11. That's you off the Christmas list!!!
  12. I am heartened to learn that you all understand the technology so well.
  13. I love mudweighting out on Malthouse. It has made for some interesting trips back from tbe pub in the Whimp.
  14. Having moored at Ranworth for a decade, I always thought the presence, and long term commitment of the landowners was the reason this lovely place has not been ruined. We got a good deal for our money, no complaints. I bring a doormat for the island, and, yes the goose poo has increased....
  15. UEA are leading the climate change work? The report appears less happy about top-down decisions on rangers when taken nationally?
  16. Polly

    My Day

    Two things stood out today, one good. I had an email from the TV Licencing Authority informing me that the card I pay our license with has been declined and please follow the link to reset...... BWe pay by DD . Just saying in case anyone else gets this crap. And then.... Phill got a call from the historian researching the history of his church for a Heritage Lottery thingy. It seems a plumber working in the roof above the choir in 1998 found a bag of Charles I coins. His source is the Church Magazine of the time, and the article he cites was written by Maurice, a very well respected, and sadly deceased architect member of the congregation. The historian has checked with the records on Treasure Trove, but the find predates the law requiring a record, apparently, so now the diocesan archivist is checking it out too. Can Phill throw any light? This sounds really exciting! A Civil War stash? I am getting really into this! We ' phone a friend' Frank is on holiday in France; no immediate reply, so I leave a message. Moments later Frank calls back. Yes he recalls the article clearly. It was in the April 1998 newsletter. Ohhhh April.... I hope Maurice is enjoying the joke 'up there', 20 years on. The historian is definitely including this in his presentation now, it is, too good to miss.
  17. Not a quiz but I will do 20 questions if the assembled masses wish.
  18. One of Lord Paul’s friends found that out the hard way. £££ of drone in the Bure somewhere.
  19. Nah you could’ve but you knew you’d be press ganged! I think you two, us two and Mouldy at least, + Warp & Jessica, and any other Forumites, JA?? might make it to The Boat at Stoke Bruerne for a meal this Autumn ?
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