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Everything posted by johnb

  1. Selling tickets for interactive visits to Yare House? OpportunIties to sit in the CEO's seat, answer an email, play "Blindfold Planning": stick a pin in a map of the Broads and choose whether to close a mooring, close navigation, organise a team building exercise there on 25th December. An opportunity to find obscure foreign organisations to join and a competition to find an area of any country that has least in common with the Norfolk Broads and arrange twinning visits for staff. Highest price tickets enable holders to spend an hour seeking to further the top secret and much denied long term goals: 1) For BA to become a member of NATO 2) For the hire fleets to become part of the Royal Navy, thus avoiding all tolls, taxes and BSS checks. I commend my proposal to the forum and BA
  2. Leave my bridge alone! If you can get through, join us. If you can't nature has decreed you stay the other side, just as I have to do when wanting to go the other way!!! Please do not take do not take offence !! (Or a bridge)
  3. Once again well done for the willingness of crews to be ready and available to help. It sounds as though a good job was completed.
  4. Reported in another place that facebook entry states that Navigation Committee has endorsed the BA proposals
  5. This should be my last post in this section. Decisions have been made! 1) Given the very small amount of people who will be given a permit to travel under Potter Heigham bridge and the astronomical amount this will cost, I am pleased to announce that in keeping with tradition, this scheme will now go ahead. 2) I have now formed a "johnb family". Not my children etc., who I distanced myself from when they started having their own ideas and making up their own minds. This family now includes a certain Premier Football club in the North West (quite close to one or two of the dreaded NPs). I have supported this club for approx. 60 years, and have now decided to divert the funds put in my care under the above scheme to the johnb family, and put them at the disposal of said football club. I realise that this will not be a totally popular move, but I have discovered that it is indeed lonely at the top. I now formerly resign as your glorious leader, and promise if you want to "like" my posts in the future, you will now have to become my friend, or indeed, even talk to me. Yours in abdication (but with the cash in my back pocket)
  6. I am sorry, but this thread has gone from the realms of fantasy to taking on a serious note! So now I have total power and unlimited finances. I cannot outline all of my intentions at the moment, as at the beginning of my reign (I like to think of it as such) I want to be popular at least with some of my people. (That's you lot-and that's the polite way we are thought of by our lords and masters-I know I am now one of them). I have listened to many and read the pleas for greater access to be enabled through Potter Heigham bridge. As one who spends much time on the quiet side I have always resisted this. However, given my resources I am now prepared to raise the bridge to allow larger craft to go through, Please do not think that I have gone soft in old age, passage through the bridge will be strictly controlled. A permit barrier will be installed. Permits will initially be issued to people I know and those who "like" my contributions on this forum. If you don't agree with me, please don't apply, as refusal often offends. I have yet to decide other considerations that may be taken into account. It may be that I restrict sailing boats to non-windy days, then they can use their engines and not tack for hours in front of myself and friends. Further decisions will be announced in the fullness of (my) time. In the meantime, I will be looking for the "like" names for this and other postings. Yours seriously in fantasy Your glorious leader
  7. I was going to finish the above with: "We remain sirs, your obedient servants" but I thought it may make it too obvious!
  8. Competition: Scam or No Scam? "Hi contacting you from the Broads Authority, just checking to make sure we are providing you with a stress free holiday period. We are going to keep the tolls simple by just increasing them by the annual inflation rate, we will be providing more free 24 hour moorings throughout the system, and will implement an urgent programme of dredging where it is needed (as decided by independent surveys. We will work alongside all interested parties with spirit of understanding and co-operation. We will not just ask questions and answer them with our own pre-determined replies, and we will discuss and arrive at mutually benefiting results. No committee will be weighted with single issue members." Yea House Nigeria
  9. If anyone is going by car, there is still free street parking very close to Excel, pm me if you want details. Not sure if this will last forever as this will be a crossrail route and if trains stop there, it will no doubt attract more rail travellers. We parked there last week, so this is up to date info. Probably as close to Excel as the official car park.
  10. I went to a new (for me) barber this week, he asked the oft asked questions, but had no response other than "that's awright, innit" not a great conversationalist but not a bad haircut!
  11. As long as you can access conference, carnival and forum you will no doubt find annoying language changes. I spend my evenings in retirement shouting at the television!
  12. You forgot to start your sentences with "So"!!
  13. I do that, the problem is that I'm still thinking in December!
  14. Yes Gracie-tradition died hard when I had energy!! Would probably still make the journey but we don't often get to Salhouse these days.
  15. We drove through Salhouse recently, and didn't notice any tea rooms, when the children ( and us) were younger, we would always walk up to the shop for an ice cream-tradition! Then the ice cream boat would arrive close to the boat, so we would have to have another.......
  16. Oh Grendal, what a can of worms you have opened! "How is your cold?" "It's a lot better, thank you!"
  17. I thought so too Poppy, I would regard it as an assault, however I wasn't in a position to interfere as most of the folk had families who could represent them if they wanted to. I will soon have to change my doctor, and I may put it in writing that I do not wish to have this injection and there will be repercussions if I am given it without consent (I will stamp my feet quite hard!!)
  18. I hasten to add: Not of course, anyone on this forum is old, but there are a few of us that may be vulnerable!
  19. Having worked with many elderly people in the past, I would never allow this injection for myself, having seen the really bad affect it had on others. Some said they went to the doctor's for another purpose, and the doctor injected them without asking. When they enquired what it was for, the doctor just said it's the flu jab. I believe a few years ago the doctor was paid just over £7 for this.
  20. We get ours from a local (Norfolk) garage. In August they were having trouble getting these, but this week they said they had "plenty"
  21. If the people on the bank/other boats are frantically waving to tell you one of the stern ropes are in the water, don't slam the boat into reverse before retrieving it.
  22. It seems to me that sometimes, projects with a 5 year time scale can sometimes lose focus, people involved at the beginning sometimes have the attitude that "I will be doing something else by then" SO I think it is up to us to monitor the outcome. Hopefully we will all still be around in 5 years time,( so I suggest we all meet together on this forum then to discuss our findings. If you can't make the 29th, perhaps the 30th September?
  23. In advance, people often ask about mooring on the forums. They are usually assured (after advice), no to worry, there is usually someone there who will help if you need it. During the summer, a large hire boat attempted to moor stern on at Ranworth, they were clearly having problems, but no-one on the boats either side of the gap got out to help.Although I had driven there by car, I eventually went across the green and took the ropes. When on my boat, when I hear someone approaching to moor, one of us just usually makes ourselves available to help if needed. It protects our boat and helps to ensure the people and ourselves have a good holiday. I am sure no-one wants to damage another boat.
  24. thanks guys, I will give it a go!
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