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Everything posted by johnb

  1. Returning to the point of being in the river to start with, there were three youngsters jumping into the river just up from PH bridge (the quiet side) rolling into and under the water time after time. Later there were three people swimming near Martham. I wondered then how healthy it was, but then I am the one with stomach ache this morning- they are probably all fine!!
  2. My sympathy goes out to Lisa and her family. I never met them, but Lisa served me many a drink on Tuesday nights!
  3. Well done to everyone involved. A piece of history given new life.I guess many like me, lacking the skills to help, have been watching and waiting for this moment.
  4. johnb

    My Day

    On friday, Whilst sorting out her clothes for our holiday er on board found £40 in old ten pound notes, changed them in the bank Saturday morning, spent Saturday afternoon! It's obviously the ". Money finding/spending seaon" . I wonder how many forumites are speculating now where there could be treasure in their house?
  5. We used the bus from Ludham to Stalham then Into Norwich. We stayed on the same bus but it changed numbers at Stalham. From Stalham into Norwich it was full and there were many people on and off between Ludham and Stalham. The service was certainly used that day and once again from Stalham to Norwich
  6. There was a programme on bbc last year about a farm in north norfolk. It was called "normal for norfolk". The farmers mother died very recently and her obit. was in the Telegraph. She was about 102. Anyway the farmer had said that he understood doctors wrote this when they felt inbreeding had occurred. I promise you it wasn't me it was a norfolk resident.
  7. Well done Essex Police Marine. So often we assume that items stolen soon leave these shores, but it seems it isn't always so.
  8. Many years ago at Potter. Halloween night. We were moored opp. H woods. In the morning we were outside h woods in a space we could never have motored into. About 4 cruisers set adrift and day boats blocking the bridge.
  9. johnb

    Loose Boats.

    May I refer the honourable member to the thread:"Mud Wherry Cast Off" Kind regards
  10. Can't tell you up to date position. We moored there when it was still porter and Haylett. My problem was getting the crew out of Roy's and away from wroxham! The car park was prone to flooding and they had only one water tap between all the private boats, they moved the ones on the pontoons as the hoses drooped into the water. They then charged us for security lighting in the car park, but only put the lights where the hirers parked! Despite the above we were reasonably happy there and only moved because we were offered cheaper moorings. We to hear more up to date experiences.
  11. You're are entitled to such moments-I've been having one for 40 years=as for 'er onboard.............
  12. I don't know about most of the above, but I would probably not be as keen to use vouchers for meals, as the caterer could adjust the meal downwards when they know you are paying less money. We did have one good meal through Groupon, I believe. On the other hand, when our children bought us a gift of theatre and meal in London, the first time we were given the tiniest meal (a small bowl of rice to share and a small amount on a plate), on the other occasion the theatre couldn't supply seats etc etc and then we were persuaded to change the play and it was rubbish, so left half time. Couldn't complain because they were gifts.
  13. Quick check on latest Littlebird, current savings 20%-60% on various offers. No-I don't have a vested interest apart from taking grand children out.
  14. We are signed up to Groupon and Littlebird and get many offers that we have found useful and saved lots of money over the years. I think you can sign up geographically, (My wife usually does "admin"). We have got cheap tickets for the Circus in Yarmouth for instance as well as entry tickets for other attractions. These are often greatly discounted. When thinking of booking, we always check Littlebird and Groupon to see if there are any current offers. I think there have been two times when it hasn't worked out, one when we paid for small scratches to be removed from our car, but the process was really suitable. The trader confirmed this with Groupon and our money was refunded, another time the item was out of stock and again, the monet was refunded. On entry tickets we have saved a good proportion of the entry price using the above. The problem described sounds as though it is the restaurent at fault rather than groupon unless they were told to point out the offer was not for Bank Hols, and did not. Usually it is quite clear.
  15. That would be Griff, wouldn't it??
  16. I sent him a photo of mine years ago in order to update but nothing happened so ours is still " hasn't been seen since..."
  17. johnb

    Bad Manners

    We were on our boat this week for the first time this year-the first thing I remembered that boating (mine or others) is not an exact science!! (Although I do try to be considerate when messing up)
  18. Looking at this after posting, i realise I do sound like the guy who "smoked a hundred a day and it never hurt me" but I have to say that most of the recent reports come from modern day research rather than when emmisions really lived up to their name! In London it seems to me that fumes are caused by the congestion zone pushing everyone on to the nearest road outside the zone, so nothing moves fast enough to disperse the fumes, and bus and cycle lanes narrowing roads with the same effect. OK I am a grumpy, ignorant old man. But I survived all the above!!
  19. Recently I was telling my wife about the hours I spent cycling up the old A1 road around Finchley, London. The large old lorries, trundling up the hill at night almost nose to tail, goodness knows what was coming out of their exhausts, and me breathing heavily on the bike alongside them (so close that one night I was run over and spent three weeks in hospital with fractured pelvis in three places, dislocated shoulder and no skin on one side of my face (yes, I know, that explains a lot), thousands of cyclists in those days (1950s/60s) must have inhaled all sorts, but I'm pretty sure that getting run over did me more harm than their emmissions! I may puff and pant a bit these days, but that only gets worse when 'er onboard is near enough to take pity on me!
  20. We keep an Elysian 27 through the bridge. Always use the pilot and time our arrival with their advice. Our windscreen is held on with six wood screws and once we took it off which apparently helped considerably although most times its ok. Think we need about 6'1". No beer on our boat-but sometimes half a house full of stuff.
  21. Living reasonably close, visiting the boat show became a bit of a habit, but most years I have felt that I should be spending the time visiting our own boat and getting some work done. Next year I may be able to achieve that instead! Working instead of dreaming. I have to say that I have no interest in the luxury boats displayed and when speaking to the pretty young ladies, it seemed that neither did they! The interest level for me has diminished with the lack of chandlers etc.
  22. On radio norfolk yesterday evening there was a report that natural England is trying to close part of this around north norfolk. Apparently too many people are using it. There are some people who have the right to use the path because if their leases etc. so they can carry on using it but not any guests etc. I am sure I heard this correctly people are spoiling the natural beauty I think they said. This sort if thing couldn't happen to the broads/rivers etc. could it????
  23. We were on A47 towards Yarmouth early evening. Traffic on our side was delayed while they. Fixed central barrier. People from bus were out eating for replacement and traffic back beyond brundall. It seemed they still had work to do as the car was still in outside lane. When we got onto acle straight traffic was clear but stlll some idiot trying to pass with nowhere to go on our side and oncoming traffic flashing to make the driver aware they were coming.
  24. Frankly. although i hold views about this subject, and I feel that where we keep our boat could be the first place where enhancing natural beauty could be used as an excuse (and already partly is, in my opinion) to cut off some navigation, rather than spending money keeping it open. However, I cannot see there is any new information in the public realm, so all the arguments must have already been made. It's a shame that all the old arguments will be dredged up and personal comments made, as have already happened.
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