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Everything posted by Happy

  1. 'Bow Thruster'. In mopo a boat with a bow thruster in the wrong hands is more dangerous than a boat without one in the right hands! Sorry but I think true. Goodnight!
  2. Hi. I think the second 'photo is a breather but when Vaughan replies reckon he will know!
  3. Last September myself and four mates hired Absolute Freedom. It was stated on the booking form that I had many years boating experience. On arrival we loaded the boat and Andy Banner showed us the various bits on the boat. Thinking there would be no need for a trial, he said 'are you ready? I said yes, expecting to leave and he said 'we'll take her down the river then'! We went for around ten minutes then turned round and back to the boatyard. On arrival he said 'lets see how you stern moor then'. Fortunately I managed without mishap and off we went. This was the most thorough hand over I had experienced (even though he knew I had had many years of owning my own boats. He would not let a boat out until he was sure the helm and crew were competant, should be a lesson for some of the other yards.
  4. I have had my account for many years but don't use it that much now as we sold our Norfolk based boat some years ago. They e mailed me in a similar vein last year and I just added £10. However I have just been e mailed to say I need to give them a new card as mine is about to expire - when I checked it expires in August 2021 - crazy. We used io cruise with CMV from Tilbury but they have now stopped so might just not bother.
  5. Now that does take me back. Dreamland in Margate on a Friday night. Too many years ago to admit to............... but I still have the memories!
  6. Hi. I have always been told to 'lob' it in so that it sinks into the mud - however, be prepared to go astern when leaving to break it out. Enjoy. Regards Alan (aka Happy)
  7. Not if I was one of them - did you see the water breaking over the front (or back) job to tell!
  8. I hope it has at least two good bilge pumps!
  9. Wait till you get to my age mate. Then you will have something to worry about! Regards. Alan
  10. Happy

    My Day

    Good luck to both of you. Our best wishes. Alan and Eve
  11. My son and his partner took on a local pub nearly 2 years ago. They turned it into a great village pub again and have a lot of nice loyal clients. The pub is owned by Shepherd and Neame a local Faversham based brewery. I have to say that the brewery have been good to them with no rent payable whilst the lock down was in force. The pub has survived by doing take away meals etc and is now back on track. Without help from the brewery I don't think this would have been the case.
  12. I bought a beautiful wooden owl from him, a real master piece, is he still a member?
  13. Happy


    I live next door to one of those too, you never know what he is going to do next.
  14. Hi. You can bet your life that the first time you get it absolutely right ............. there won't be anyone looking! As others have said, enjoy, take it slowly and don't panic.
  15. The brewery that own my son and his partners tenanted pub are delivering their first order, next week, since lock down. Will just have time to settle before July 4th? Guess I will have to try a pint , prior to opening, just to make sure its OK! Busy re-painting garden tables at the pub at the moment but rain has stopped play. Stay safe. Regards Alan (aka Happy)
  16. Happy

    Sold Boat

    We did likewise for the same reasons a couple of years ago, even down to replacing with a motorhome. Whilst we enjoyed the m'home have to say it just was not the same for us and soon sold it! Enjoy.
  17. A mate and myself hired 'River Ant' in the early 60's. It was the first boat I had actually hired on my own (no parents). We could only have been around 17. Fairly inexperienced regarding speed etc. Looking at the posted 'photo and seeing the bow wave it could have been us on it?! Learnt my lesson VERY quickly.
  18. I have 8 of the following fenders for sale. New and Unused. Majoni Star 3. Black. Approx size 8" x 24". On the Marine Scene website they are reduced to £16.99 each. I bought these for a boat project that I started and never finished. They are inflated so collection from Kent would be neccessary. I think they are good value at £80. A donation to the forum funds will be made if sold. I also have a number of other used fenders in different shapes and sizes in anyone is interested. Please pm me for further details
  19. I have carried a donor card since they first came out. If they can find any bits to help someone when I fall off the shelf good luck to them! I am not sure where we go when the time comes but I am sure if we needed them they will be replaced! Keep safe all of yer. Alan
  20. To be honest we had the same thoughts a few years ago. We wetre both working even though I had passed retirement age. We were not using the boat enough and when we did go spent time on board cleaning and maintaining and just when it was time to enjoy it was time to go home! Been around boats all my life and never thought the day would come when I would not have one. I still miss the life and sometimes the boat but find a few days hiring gets it out of my system for a while. Good Luck. Keep safe all of you.
  21. Just done it too. Good Luck
  22. We used to go there - once. Probably about the only time I don't miss owning a boat anymore. Keep well everyone.
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