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Everything posted by Happy

  1. At the start of last season I purchased two new life jackets to replace our old ones. I must admit, at the time, I felt quite proud of myself. That was however until we attended the Autumn Forum meet at The Waveney River Centre. In attendance were the RNLI lifeboat crew and one of the things they were doing were checking members life jackets. Rather tongue in cheek I presented our two new jackets, the conversation went something like this-"Yes, very nice, well made and good condition. However, they are manual (pull cord) inflation and don't have a crutch strap, I advise replacing them asap"! I did feel a bit of a plonker! I have today ordered two new 190N's from the website mentioned by the original poster. Thanks for the information, very welcome as usual. Regards Alan
  2. Gracie. So what did you have to do to get a mooring outside the Swan?!..... In my many years of Broads cruising its always been full every time i've passed. Regards Alan.
  3. So the boat had already been at the 24 hour mooring for 4 days? Makes me start to wonder?!............... Regards Alan
  4. Blimey BroadScot, is it really only 14 days? When do you think I should start shopping? Only joking, that Internet really is a wonderful thing! Regards Alan.
  5. I hope you didn't tell them it was for a boat. If you had they would have had to multiply the price by 3! Well that is the norm, isn't it? Regards Alan.
  6. BroadScot. The roof will probably be a good place to start! Regards Alan.
  7. Hi members out there. I know some of you out there are looking to buy a boat and thought the following might be of interest. Its item number 281515462161 on e bay. Its a Seamaster 813 and appears to be very good value for the asking price. Would have a go myself but HAH seems to think two boats are enough!! I must add that I have no connection with the owner or seller of this boat and have NOT viewed her but can tell you she is shaft drive which IMHO is a bonus. Regards Alan
  8. psychicsurveyor-Maybe us Southerners should arrange something down South and show them how its done? White Horse in Hawkinge would be good-I know how to get there! Regards Alan
  9. Not a bad buy for gbp 2000? I think this must be a printing error! Regards Alan
  10. Matt. Havn't received 'my' summons back yet, so don't know. Have spoken to a couple of people about this but if I have to take the course in Suffolk, knowing my present luck would probably get clocked again and back to square one! Regards Alan
  11. Shopped by the Missus! On 25 November I replied to this post saying I thought I may have been 'clocked' coming out of Beccles. Yesterday H.A.H. received a summons stating that her, or someone, was driving her car at 8mph over the limit. She has now had to turn snitch and report me-'Happy B....y Christmas! I have held a clean licence for 50 years with no points. I am the one that gets abused by other drivers for keeping to the 30mph speed limit in Norfolk and Suffolk and truly thought the limit on road where I was clocked was actually 40mph so would have been 2mph under the limit. £100 for 8mph, do you think as I am a pensioner they will let me pay monthly?! Toys now put back in pram, have a great Christmas everyone and a really good 2015 boating. Regards Alan.
  12. BowWave. IMHO all the topics raised are applicable. I personally would like to see articles and tests on used boats, must be viable as a useful tool for people with boats for sale? My real wish is that you keep it in printed foremat, sad I know, but I still have all my Anglia Afloat from years back and quite like to look back over the years and see how things have changed. Regards Alan.
  13. My first trip to the 'broads' was apparently on a sailing boat at the age of 6 months and 67 years ago, can't say I remember it really! From then on, nearly every year up to when I was about 14, I think, and hired a houseboat with two of my mates, I am sure it was from Turners at Horning? As soon as I could drive at 17 hired a real boat-River Ant-from Acle. Following year with then girlfriend, (who became wife No1) a Seamaster 27 from Aston boats at Loddon. Thereafter many many times mostly with people that had not been before and wanted to join us, and still go to this day. For quite a few years now have had a few 'holes in the water that I fill with money' but will continue for as long as I can-God Willing! Regards Alan.
  14. SteveO. If you have registered to pay automatically when you pass through, as I have, you'll be paying less than previously. We went through at about 10.00am on Saturday to collect an outboard and on the way back attempted to pay the toll and were waived through-there is some justice after all!! Regards Alan.
  15. Dajen. Nice pictures but the second one made me feel quite giddy. No wonder the 'helm' was looking over the port side!! Regards Alan.
  16. I have got a horrible feeling that I may have been clocked leaving Beccles yesterday when coming home from the boat, I do hope not as I do stick to the limits, but if I was speeding Imight use this as an excuse! Regards Alan
  17. Congratulations from us. I bet Austin finds it easier to get on and off, mind you he didn't really have a problem with the new/old boat when he got used to it, did he! Regards Alan and Eve
  18. BowWave, please do stay on the forum and keep us updated on the idea of a new magazine. I subscribed to AA for a number of years and will miss it, so an alternative will be most welcome. I for one wish you the greatest success. Regards Alan.
  19. As long as this does'nt tempt the landlords to try and put up the rents to cover their unfair trading losses? Regards Alan
  20. Paul&Lorna. Just read your post, you won't live that down! I would mention something about the 'trip' on the shore power but I won't in case Jim reads this!! Regards Alan
  21. I have had a subsciption to AA for a number of years and always looked forward to it, but over the past number of editions I agree with all that has been said. I received my last edition on Friday and it was even worse! Anglia Afloat, 'RIP'. Regards Alan.
  22. I still think a note attatched to the helm is pretty easy and foolproof! Alan
  23. Hi Stranger. Don't forget to unplug it when you leave the mooring! Sounds daft but I have seen a number of boats over the years leave the mooring with the shore power still connected. A reminder attatched to the helm might prove useful! Regards Alan.
  24. My local is owned by and old Kent Brewery-Shepherd and Neame-deffinately an aquired taste! The locals call it .hit and Screem. Try a pint and you will know why! Regards Alan.
  25. Blimey! And I still think twice sometimes about going to my local and thats less than a mile away! Regards Alan
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