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Everything posted by BrundallNavy

  1. Beautiful morning here at Potter, sun shining tea in bed, pop to lathams later then Kings arms for lunch.
  2. If your local pop to Boulter’s in Horning as I had the same problem and they found me an adaptor. Great local company who are always willing to help definitely gets my vote. Doug.
  3. Nipper Doug and Hele Saturday Night. Are we planning a C-in-C on the Saturday ?
  4. I will have you know I was nowhere near Surlingham. Doug.
  5. Strong black coffee I believe is his poison.
  6. Tim Tim Tim. Do you never listen in class Lay it on a flat surface and use a block of wood pushed up to the edge make small pencil lines on the new bit then use a flexi batten to join the dots. Doug.
  7. When I worked in the Executive Jet Centre at Heathrow we where very near the end of the runway and would often go outside to watch the morning flight to America, the sight and sound was truly amazing. Doug.
  8. Hele arrived back this morning around 01-30 they flew with Orange2go a small Greek airline with only two aeroplanes, all they got on board was a bottle of water and a small packet of biscuits for a 4-5 hr flight. She now has a load of paperwork to fill in for the CAA. Doug.
  9. Well she has checked out and didn't have to pay just hope the flight goes ok.
  10. I would think not, Have you tried an Ecan inverter just plug it in the cigar socket when you have the engine running and remove when not that way you won't flatten the battery. https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=ring+can+inverter&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=185256102151&hvpos=1t1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2909509898386006701&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9044862&hvtargid=kwd-4077474140&ref=pd_sl_5llebclbrw_e
  11. Most of them seemed to earn near that amount so it not about the money I think it's about 15mins of fame. I think the program makers choose the people who they know will grate on people because that makes good television. i really enjoyed the astronauts program, it's a shame the winner does not get the chance to go to space but only to enter the selection process.
  12. Curls department store, Bonds department stores.
  13. Corona factory on the ring road, The shoes people who's name escapes me.
  14. Hele is flying back tomorrow with Titan airways to Luton. The atmosphere in the hotel is not nice with the staff closely watching them they are still asking for the hotel bill to be paid before they leave but I think they can claim it back when they get home. This seems to be a problem affecting lots of Monarch customers not just at their hotel Doug.
  15. I won't miss the smell of mint but it would be a shame.
  16. Welcome to the tower of power !!! 3 year warranty and includes theft insurance, the plunge saw is the best bit of kit I have bought.
  17. Update, it's not €180 it's €1800 but that's between 3 people, some people who left today had to pay €400 and had flights with BA.
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