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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Hi and welcome, try Cove at Brundall. We have been there for over Five years.Highly recommend it.Also Graham at Oulton broad. He's just completed moorings at the old Top craft site. Ian
  2. I take your point about some boats in Brundall, Sweetkingfisher lives in Brundall and goes to the northern broads whenever possible. I do accept that there plan will not necessarily attract people from far and wide.
  3. Hello and from me Ian and our boat Alpha 29,Sweetkingfisher. By all means you can start a group. There are a number of alphas on the broads.
  4. Don't think she has a fridge,however does have a freezer for iccream.Very good indeed.When ever we go in there tend to spend lots.The other week we brought paintings.We have six original miniature painting s on the boat and some at home.
  5. My suggestion try to pick a nice day like today.It costs £25.Seems alot,however that ticket lasts for 12 months. If you book segway you see the park,including some bits not seen by to many.It is truly a beautiful setting.
  6. Not a bad day.This morning I helped to collect for the RNLI on the Woolwich Ferry.Then this evening thanks to Marina we did the twilight segway at Leeds Castle. Starting in bright sunlight and ending in almost dark.Getting home to see the end of strictly.,happy days. Keep dancing.
  7. What is the Beauchamp Arms like now?
  8. I do support the RNLI,both Nationality and local .In fact I was collecting this morning on the Woolwich ferry.Money seems to be down on last year.This morning slow.Perhaps people have been reading this post and don't want to donate.
  9. They moored next to us at Beccles, last week.The only thing we noticed was there heating which seemed to be on most of the time.Also there water outlet was noisy.
  10. Think I have better ways to spend my money. Certainly wont be at the over priced WRC.
  11. Have been to the Thai restaurant many times,very good.Or the New Inn Horning.
  12. At one time I seriously considered volunteering for Thames station. Unfortunately I was just over the age limit. There they have a full time skipper, as far as I know the rest unpaid volunteers. One of our members (Bexleyheath).Is unpaid volunteer. I also believe large organisations need paid managers, to run such organisations. They also need to be accountable. Thus can be hired and fired.There is no doubt, that mistakes happen.Does this only happen within the RNLI of course not.Remember not a penny comes from Government it comes entirely from the penny.Believe on Saturday collecting on the ferry many will drop pounds,5,10,and twenties in the bucket. That money needs to be spent wisely. I think in general it is.Is there room for improvement of course. As I said dont throw the baby out with the bath water.
  13. Hope you have some luck with a cabin.or something. Best wishes Ian
  14. Please every one still donate when ever possible.The RNLI fills a special role in saving thousands of lives.Yes they do help other countries regarding life saving. Surely that's a good thing.Regarding some in management that's another matter,and needs addressing. Please, Please ,dont throw the baby out with the bath water.For my part and others are collecting this weekend 0n the Woolwich ferry for the RNLI.
  15. If you phone in advance, within reason you can moor were you prefer.
  16. The loos showers and office is behind you.
  17. I agree were you at the Wherry Hotel, and not the YS.
  18. I often go to Oulton broad, and pre book sometimes a week in advance. Did you not go into the Harbour masters office(close to the toilets and showers).If there not there they will be by the bridge.
  19. As a Chelsea, I always like to see how Norwich get on.Well done a great result.
  20. Not just hire craft. I have requested the bridge to be opened via Radio twice.Once opened once not.Think it depends on there mood.
  21. Tides very high and very low,Wednesday, Thursday and yesterday. Yes it's the moon that did it.
  22. Yes a very good win for Norwich. Liverpool at present are way out in front.Been a mixed start for my team Chelsea.A good win today,very pleased with our young players.
  23. On our way home now.Has been a very good two weeks weather mixed.Thankfully no bumps this year.One problem our bulge pump is not working right.Graham will have a look next week.Our next trip end of October taking our Daughter and Husband to Loddon for lunch.Then shutting the boat down until next year.
  24. The couple on Kingfisher are a really nice couple. This holiday we meet with them a few times.Thankfully most we come across are nice people. That's way we went to retire up here.Sadly back home that frendlyness is in short supply.
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