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Everything posted by grendel

  1. just looked at Marthams finest, still boats available, prices about the same rise as from the previous year, ie about £10 a day more (for the ones I could remember last years prices for.
  2. From the government website https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-sets-out-roadmap-to-cautiously-ease-lockdown-restrictions
  3. with the entrance so close to the bridge i wonder whether the lights will be changed to 3 way to make safe access
  4. my uncle used to have the seafront post round at deal, it was his job to take the first day covers and fibreglass postbox out to the goodwin sands, where they were posted, collected and franked before they made the trip back. for his trouble he had a copy of every first day cover posted from the goodwin sands.- another great tradition lost, like the cricket matches they held there.
  5. one of those incidents was reported by forum members some of the evidence provided by forum members was instrumental in securing that prosecution. It does prove that rather than just complaining on social media, if you stand forward and report things to the authority, then your assistance can lead to a successful prosecution. in this instance video evidence was provided showing the excessive speed, as well as corroborating evidence showing the boat name and registration
  6. or in Maurice Mynahs case the day its soiled (and turns green)
  7. the thing is, now all the kids are heading back to school, would this not be a good opportunity to jab all of them at once too, much like they had at school when i was little, jab all the kids, with the same blunt needle.
  8. yes the sooner we get everyone vaccinated the sooner we can get back to normal, if we can win this race and be one of the first countries back into full normal production we will have a jump on all of the other economies throughout the world. Has anyone yet noticed how quiet America has been over the last few months, yet they are still ranked no1 on the WHO for deaths, it seems as if they are just ignoring all those deaths, they dont seem to have any form of lockdown. As for the people refusing to have the vaccination, I think thats called natural selection, they have made their choice and will have to live (or die) by it.
  9. I know that we have toughbooks at work that have these functions, as they are used by our construction and jointing gangs to not only receive their work, but to repost back completion, so they must be connected, and the gps functions will be there too (though not maintaining the accuracy necessary for accurate records just yet)
  10. One thing I dont know and would like to, is there a higher chance of testing positive for covid after you have had the vaccine, I ask this because i can remember testing positive at school for TB when they did that, this was down to the fact that a a very small infant i was innoculated against TB shortly after birth, this enabled a visit to my grandfather who was in the final stages of TB to see me before he passed on. I just wonder, - now I have been vaccinated, will this be detected by either the quick or more thorough covid tests? and if the answer is yes, with all the population getting the vaccine, does this affect the published figures?
  11. what, 3 separate households all together, you can get in trouble for that dont you know.
  12. Just given them a call, they had been taken off the list as they had said they couldnt get to the vaccination site, but are now back on and the doctors will come out to them when they get a new stock of the astra zennica vaccine as thats easier to transport to the patient.
  13. my parents are still waiting , they were offered a jab, but didnt have transport or mobility to take up the offer as it was too far and my mother cannot get into and out of a car, so they are waiting for the doctor to come visit them, I will have to check to make sure they have kept in touch with their practice over that., as like a lot of elderly, they dont want to make a fuss.
  14. I have a gps antenna that plugs into the usb on a laptop, the only problem is mine is a linux laptop running foxtrot gps, it does however connect seamlessly, not sure about any of the rest.
  15. https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/how-do-vaccines-work you have to catch the virus for it to work , basically it tries to kill it off inside you before you infect too many others, the quicker its killed off inside your body, the less chance it has to reproduce and get passed on. a vaccine doesnt stop you catching the virus, it does enable your body to have a pre-prepared response to the virus enabling the body to kill it off earlier, preventing you getting as sick., thus if you dont get the cough, there is less chance to pass the virus on.
  16. I would assume so Alan, though they could be single phase depending upon when they were instaled, By the way RS2021, I have had it confirmed bu one of my senior designers, that the rated current is per phase, he says he works on the basis that a 50A supply can run a 1MVA substation. i wasnt sure how the tables quoted the ratings, as there was no footnote to qualify the values.
  17. but is that more 'could have' 'suggested that' and media reporting, unfortunately, like the scientist I need more than could have, suggests that and early evidence suggests, the problem is that by reporting this as they are, the people who have been vaccinated feel they are invulnerable now, and will start unconsciously relaxing their guard, forget to take a mask, meet up with some old friends, head down the pub, etc. until there is clear evidence that the vaccine is reducing the transmission, we should still be careful. ie scientific proof.
  18. 'could' to me, doesnt equate to scientific proof. i will be glad if that is correct, but there is too much guessing going around for my liking.if everyone starts doing as they like because they have had the vaccine, then where does that lead.
  19. in the same way that the flu vaccine doesnt stop you catching the flu, but helps your body fight it when you do catch it, this vaccine wont stop you catching covid, but will help your body fight it off, thus you can still pass it on, but if everyone gets vaccinated the death rate should take a tumble because everyone will be better placed to fight off the initial infection, because thats how vaccines work.
  20. actually, I find this an interesting theoretical problem for HV supply
  21. due to the age of the 3c .0225 i was unable to find accurate data for its use as an HV conductor, but the current carrying capacity is the same, for the conductor size, the 80A I found was for a 3 phase conductor, not per phase (its about half the cross section of a modern supply to a house- though at a higher voltage). there is a very high chance that over the years faults have been repaired by utilising any spare conductors in the cable (I would have to investigate the route in a far greater detail to see if there were any jointing notes on the record that might indicate this). the smallest sized HV cable I can find a rating or is 35mm2 at 170A (across 3 phases) bearing in mind that this is half the cross sectional area 80A seems around the ball park for all 3 phases, In modern cable equivalent, this cable is the size that would be used to feed a street light at normal supply voltage.
  22. actually since it is in a separated part of your garden, it could be deemed to be a holiday home or second home
  23. the cable to berney arms is underground for all 4 km of its length, maybe 500m max has been overlaid with a bigger cable (presumably to repair faults, it only follows the track from the pub to the first level crossing after which it cuts straight across country to the A47 arriving to the east of the farm at the top of the track.its connected to a n overhead line running parallel with the A47 in the fields. to upgrade a feasability study would have to be done, and then for the new cable legal easements would be required from all of the landowners, which would include access rights to repair the cables, any of the above points could be sticking points to upgrading the route, we have had jobs delayed by years while the legal complications were worked out, and some were just cancelled completely over access issues.
  24. latest one today was an email from Royal Ltd Mail for a charge for parcel redelivery (note the careful repositioning of the words in the address)as their sorting office is less than 300 yards away from me i wasnt going to fall for that one.
  25. april 12th self catering single household, that sounds like a boat to me, its a start.
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