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Everything posted by grendel

  1. not exactly the Broads, but i too have some old photos of me in a boat. We did manage to capture a blue peter presenter and film crew.
  2. although sometimes the numbers on the oven dial are meaningless i regularly bake bread onboard, its just a matter of keeping an eye on it and adjusting cooking times accordingly
  3. and there is the poor fourth group that has to read every thread, our poor long suffering moderator team, that has to read everything because we dont have any other option.
  4. i have used many tricks to digitise slides, from projecting on a screen and taking photos, to a slide scanner, (make sure that the backlight colour is neutral, to one of those negative photographing lenses, so a standard flat screen scanner with a prism to backlight the slide, all work, for both slides and negatives, though you might have to invert the colours for negatives, auto correct can do wonders these days, I seem to recall a lot of slides lose the blue and tend towards the red when they get older, this can be corrected somewhat in post digitising settings.
  5. we do like to keep the balance predominately broads based, but sometimes off topic posts carry human interest.
  6. well it was out with the specs and magnifying light for these and no mistake turned and filed to shape from 3/16" (4.8mm ) tinted perspex, shaped up on the lathe, filed to 2.5mm thickness to fit the lights and glued into the aluminium light bodies, i will still need to drill the correct distance into the plastic with probably a 1.4mm drill to fit the leds, but the coloured (and clear) lenses are in the navigation lights, they were so small i had to get a 4mm collet chuck to hold them while filing the plastic to shape. the vice for reference is just over an inch wide
  7. i can see those not fitting in loads of caravans and campers too
  8. Right, this thread is getting far too personal and disagreeable with a smattering of the political, so the moderator team have made the decision that it needs a few days to cool off before further comments are allowed, accordingly the thread has been locked to further commenting for a few days at least. I must ask you to refrain from continuing this thread in another as that will lead us to locking or removing that thread.
  9. one must also consider that the EA stopped doing routine maintenance under the first lockdown, while the BA did not, meaning that as soon as restrictions were relaxed people could get out on the water again, whereas some of the canal system could not immediately be reopened until it was made safe to do so.
  10. we had the announcement at work that decorations were a no no this year as they were impossible to be cleaned to the current covid standards, so no trees or baubles in the office, no tinsel or mistletoe to brighten up things, and no christmas party get together this year. instead we have been encouraged to dress ourselves up in a festive manner - now where did i put the beard baubles.
  11. if you want really good plywood with lots of layers I believe airplane grade is the stuff to go for, as it is a structural grade, and if you think marine was expensive... https://www.aircraftplywoodandtimber.co.uk/birch-plywood.html 6mm is a 12 ply wood (also seems to be the thickest available) and comes in at £139 a sheet (incl vat) (but thats only a 50"x50" sheet). they also do a marine grade gaboon ply in 9mm at just £98 a sheet (standard 8x4 foot), this is all aircraft grade structural plywood thats of course if you want the stuff with lots of layers.
  12. she is wearing her equivalent of a face mask and being a socially responsible pup when out.
  13. on that note i have made several engineering purchases, first a number of involute cutters for my mill, then an arbour to mount them onto the mill, now i have managed to get a dividing head on ebay so i can cut gears, i think the word is oops.
  14. my Christmas day is likely to be at my parents, as i am part of their support bubble, i might get to see my sister as she lives round the corner and is the rest of their support bubble, i am needed as the only one with transport for the big monthly shop.
  15. with large proportions of the country in tier 3 with non essential shops closed, Once they do open things up again for the christmas break, there are going to be a lot of men rushing into the shops to buy christmas presents (I will acknowledge here that most women will have already bought all their christmas presents months ago) I have noticed in kent that where there are universities there are correspondingly high outbreaks, I cant find any demographics that split it by age group, but once the students start heading home for christmas, I predict a sharp rise in cases (probably between christmas and new year. meanwhile I will carry on as i have been for the last 9 months, shopping once a week, and about once a month visiting my aged parents to take one of them shopping for their monthly bulk buys. the other place in kent there are high numbers is at dover, where we have a lot of foreign and domestic freight traffic through the port, a lot of people coming into a small area from all over the country, and abroad. meanwhile my plans to pop into the office one last time before christmas have been dashed, because the office is now in a tier 2 location and I am in a tier 3, so should not travel to a lower tier. (as yes I can work from home) in the 9 months i have spent just one day in the office, and that mainly to pick up a laptop to facilitate working from home, I saw just 5 of my work colleagues for 1 day, and while working from home gets the work done it destroys the team cohesion as everyone works in isolation.
  16. Seriously, historically its also a very busy time for electrical contractors, as the factories and businesses close for the weeks over Christmas, thats when they want inspections and maintenance to be done, when I was in electrical contracting it was one of our busiest times of year, now in electrical utility work in London just about stops as the councils restrict the road works during the weeks leading up to Christmas to enable the christmas shoppers, (not sure how that ones going to pan out this year somehow).
  17. grendel


    kent has one town with the lowest rate in the country, and another with the highest, so we are tier 3, not a nice reward to the town with the lowest infection rate, me - I live in an area where 1/3 of the population is students, so we have a medium to high rate as they are all still mixing ion classes, and getting their herd immunity, while us older members of society and the clinically vulnerable hide behind our walls and do our best to avoid catching it. Still shopping has to be done, and I have a feeling I will need to take my parents shopping this weekend too as it has been a month since I last took them, they cannot do the heavier shopping on their own as they need someone with a car to get them to the shops and carry their shopping home.
  18. depends on the type of impact, wooden boats are heavier, but if they get caught between the bank / quay and another boat they can come off worse.
  19. grendel


    why? are you thinking of giving it as a christmas present?
  20. i thought the thread was about the Panto until i read it
  21. i wish they would tell me too, then i could get it added to the prescribed substances list.
  22. can you see St Benets on the HW webcam, I would have thought probably not.
  23. now that travel i would be perfectly happy to accept under the guidance as local, its when people propose driving much further afield to use their boat i start having problems
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