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Everything posted by grendel

  1. unlike the majority, i have not participated in the public clapping, this is mostly down to my neighbours, with whom i want no association. we have just heard that we can meet with up to 6 people in our gardens with the appropriate 2m spacing, well, hardly a day has passed since the start of lockdown when our neighbours have not had 6 people from several households at the same time round, indoors or in the garden, with no social distancing, yet sure as anything there they are out there on a thursday night clapping, and worse mingling with everyone else clapping, so i want no association with their hypocrisy. i feel even if the nation as a whole stops clapping, they will still be out there every week, just for the enjoyment of making noise. I do like the idea of a day set aside for remembrance of those heroes and heroines and those that have suffered and passed away during this pandemic.
  2. Well the slightly thicker stainless sheet arrived (from China) but i am still awaiting the double sided tape posted second class from London, i have been furtling on the model, finessing the fit of one of the windows and i judged the paint on the roof dry enough to scrape the battens, that worked nicely and i have the rear roof done now
  3. I used to play drums with a morris side from near maidstone the loose women this was decades before the tv show, the band members were called the loose knit band.
  4. good start to the day, when you have been working for two hours and are 1 hour into amendments on a drawing when some kind soul reorganising the office to be coronavirus compliant just turns off the computer you are remoted into to work, losing all that work.
  5. they ought to have loaded each boat with anti virus software.
  6. in a lot of photo editing software it is the option called clone that can perform this function, but copy and paste works too.
  7. Well the office is reopening next week, and my boss phoned today to see if i wanted to come back in, i havent committed yet, but i may head in one or two days a week, after all the current advice is still that if you can work from home you should, but there are things i really do need from the office. but this means i have to get working again on the model, its just deciding what the next step is really.
  8. second battery completed, a much neater job and works just as well as the first.
  9. Ray i disagree, i have no interest which party is in power, i am just fed up of hearing about an idiot who failed to respect government policy, all the time we talk about him we are keeping his name in the news, and any spin doctor will tell you free publicity isnt ever bad. add to that the press's antics and the whole thing has become a farce.
  10. ok, hands up anyone who hasnt yet expressed their disapproval, but still wants to . now lets say 24 hours more just in case someone hasnt heard about it yet, then we can forget about a certain persons cummings and goings unless it rears its head in a major way again.. by the way if you hadnt guessed already, this is my personal view, and may not be endorsed by the rest of the moderators or committee, so dont have a go at the running of the forum when i have only expressed my personal views.
  11. sometimes people just need to be reminded that this is the case, and that is generally at the point where reasonable discussion is getting to the point of not being reasonable any more.
  12. I shall remind everyone once again that this thread is for serious discussion about the virus, it has been straying towards politics, which would of course be against TOS, so could we please get back to topic (even though I am not certain what that entails) I think we have discussed the political side of this enough now here.
  13. well I am truly spoilt on my big pillar drill, as it has an xy table, that i can just clamp the part in and wind it to the correct position.
  14. we usually try and cruise with the top down on lads week, and thats in october, though last year was a bit touch and go for some of the days, shouted directions from the rear works fine, as if coming in to moor stern on you should have crew there waiting with the ropes.
  15. I think he prefers the term well preserved.
  16. especially the bigger boats designed for multi family occupancy, I would imagine that under the current circumstances, these might be seen as unhireable under social distancing rules, whereas the smaller single family boats are easier to manage under those regulations.
  17. see where that block of wood is on your drill, get a longer piece and clamp it, when you place your part to be drilled straight, just make sure the drill is centred over the hole in the table, and use a scrap piece of ply under the work to stop splintering out as the drill bit goes through.
  18. Tim, clamp a piece of wood to your drill press table, then slide your workpiece against that, or even just pack out from the pillar to the correct distance and then slide the workpiece along. you can even just throw a couple of bolts through the table and use the heads as the fence.
  19. unfortunately there is nowhere to move it to, at least the funnies can go in jokes, if you wish we could put the politics there too?
  20. especially in the vicinity of the dartford crossing speed there can sometimes be measured in hours per mile.
  21. are you going to test Gracies perception and see if she spots the floor is false? ie the inside is smaller than the outside?
  22. or what is sensational enough to sell papers, they dont want normal, they dont want mundane, they dont want nice / goodwill stories unless they are sensational enough to sell papers- eg Captain Tom.
  23. Ah, you fell into the trap of making things too perfect a fit, i have done that several times on the model, dry fitted a part to not be able to get it back out, so much so that now when i do a final glue up of any part that butts to another i include a sheet of paper over the bearing surfaces, then while it may be a pig to get off once the glue has dried, afterwards when the paper is removed, the fit is good but not so good it binds. Then I have also been guilty of fitting a removable part, then fitting another part to find I have now locked the movable part in place with the newly fitted part, usually with a razor saw and a bit of finessing, the part can be made removable once again.
  24. I wont get into the intricate details of the internal wiring for lithium batteries, suffice to say i had to add leads up to the connectors, i had 3d printed a plug to ram the connector part home as that is normally held in place by the old batteries, then there was the balance lead for each cell in the battery, this means my charger knows when to stop charging each individual cell. on a lot of commercial lithium batteries this circuit is built into the battery, lithium batteries dont like being overcharged (they tend to catch fire) which is why the circuit to prevent this is often built into the battery, in this case as i had assembled it from scratch, i needed the wiring to enable this safety feature as they were charged. Anyway the finished item has been tested and both drills run well, as they are basically just motors the extra 0.4 volts makes no matter as the motors are probably rated to 18 volts anyway, just got to do at least one more to power the second drill, thats one more dead drill revived.
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