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Everything posted by grendel

  1. does it pull wheelies with all those engines?
  2. I can think of another reason for the perspex, can you imagine just how few fingers Timbo will have left after cutting and handling sheets of glass.
  3. you might say that I am no longer under the thumb, so man toys are no problem nowadays, visits to Lidl are a bit tricky sometimes - too many toys.
  4. carefully trim back the protective film the same depth as the groove, then any squeeze out will go onto the protective film.
  5. To make the solid panels at the back end of the side windows, that also fold out of the way, I needed a flat section a bit wider than I had available, so two pieces were glued up edge to edge, more glue to wait to dry.
  6. So to maximise my progress I checked my 'template' against the other side as well, as it was also a good fit there, I started the second quarter light, making sure I had handed the joints correctly. the thicker bottom rail will be cut, and the hinges inserted, the bottom part will then be glued onto the side in the right place. not much more I can do until that glue has dried.
  7. So working slowly, doing one joint at a time, first the right angle joint is glued and clamped, the angled piece will be carefully positioned, then joints cut and glued but first an overnight for the glue to set properly.
  8. so the unfinished quarter light was test fitted - hmm not so good, adjustment proceeded until I got the shape I wanted, now to make another the right shape.
  9. John, that may be the issue, I presume you mean 18Mb, - that is bad enough, most email servers wont do anything above 20mb, it may just be a case of leaving it running for a while, after which it may complete the download. We have a number of users here at work, who panic once they get the not responding message, and try and shut down the program and restart it, when in actual fact the program is doing its best, but is so busy that the rest of the computer sees it as unresponsive. for me, I see this a lot in CAD, when opening / working on large files, some of the worst ones I have left running overnight and when I came in the next morning they had sorted themselves out and done the task. It could be indicative of running short of memory, and using the pagefile as virtual memory, this is generally slower and leads to the not responding message coming up. I would fire it up and allow it to just run, give it a couple of hours to see if the program manages to respond (or leave it on overnight) and see if its sorted itself out by the morning. I send out 24mb emails internally at work, and they can sometimes take 10 minutes to send on our internal network, during this time they block the whole company email system as that email passes through.
  10. started the jointing work for the first window.
  11. grendel

    Tv Aerial

    I have just ordered one as I have terrible problems getting a freeview signal at home, even with a correctly oriented aerial I get only half a dozen channels.
  12. The process I outlined above clears the most stubborn of memory caches in the machine, even a standard shutdown or restart does not quite achieve the level of cold start that the process I outline above does, the other one that fixes a lot of faults is running Chkdsk /f from the command line (this does take some time as it is a physical check of the hard drive, with the option to fix errors found)
  13. you may need to clear the buffers, most computers nowadays, when you turn them off dont really shut down, they go into sleep mode. if you can the best way to do this is to remove the power supply, remove the battery, and then hold the power button down for about 30 seconds, before replacing the battery and power supply. this should clear any residual power out of the system and cause it to do a proper cold start. Hopefully this should then load everything up fresh from scratch in the right order where it should then work correctly. its always fun when software has loaded prior to the operating system being up and running, and windows updates are a case in point. there are a few modern laptops where you cannot remove the battery, and I am not certain how you should achieve a cold start on one of these, but a proper cold start can work wonders for a misbehaving computer. on a desktop, just take the power cord out and push the power button for 30 seconds to achieve the same. I have used this method to recover machines that were previously just booting up and then Blue screen of death, and after this procedure have worked just fine again. do note that it will probably take a few minutes longer to turn on and get working this way.
  14. not a lot done last night, I just marked up some card templates for the triangular side quarter lights on the front. I am thinking that these may take a few attempts - like the windscreen as they will be all angles.
  15. Ooh, I dont know, I reckon watching Paint dry has its fans (though I suspect the sailies would prefer those fans sending them some wind)
  16. I think they must all be hiding behind the sofa when you click on the smiley above the reply box, try clicking on the categories and the NBN classic list and they should all be there.
  17. we were once doing a viking show in Ruthin, after the show all the vikings (in gear- with swords) went into the town, out of 4 pubs, 3 decided they would not have us in, so we went to the last (roughest) pub, where we were told they had fights every night. with over 100 vikings in gear and drinking (quaffing) ale like it had gone out of fashion, the landlord was a bit apprehensive about whether his pub would survive when the daily fight started, But no, there was no fight - we drank the pub dry. at the end of the evening he promised he would have more beer for the next night - then said we were welcome any time. The next day all the other pubs had signs out - vikings welcome - but we remembered the treatment from the first night and stuck with the fourth pub. apparently to get enough beer - the landlord had called in at all of the other pubs, buying all their spare beer, and passing the word out that there had been no trouble at his pub, and he had made record sales - and that we had drunk him dry. Despite all the extra beer he got in - we drank him dry the next night and the next, and he had no fights - in fact we heard that the main trouble makers missing their fights (and not daring to take on the vikings) went to the other 3 pubs and thoroughly trashed them
  18. and the basics of the helm installed, this is removable, held in place with 2 screws, as a lot more work needs to be done here.
  19. a few tweaks this afternoon (this morning being spent ferrying my mother in law to the Marsden for the results of her scan - Yay she has now gone to Annual visits, its been 5 years since her chemo - 8 since she was diagnosed and she is still clear. So this afternoon I have been pottering, making and fitting the shelf opposite the helm. the windows have had small pads added at the bottom, this means they wont slide down under their own weight. shattered now as it was an early start to get there for 9 am, I had the alarm set for 5, so woke up at 4.30am, and it wasnt worth trying to get back to sleep. apart from the helm position, I dont think I will add any seating etc to the cockpit floor yet, as I have a feeling it may be too low, if this is so (and I will measure at Beccles), the floor will be built up until it is right.
  20. reading this as an inexperienced helm, I know that if the distance was anything less than about 6 foot, I would be anticipating a crash and be reacting accordingly, while it may be that the sailors (of the sail boat) consider 10" to be plenty, when you get close to an inexperienced helm, you would have to allow they will be in panic mode and either trying to steer away, or hitting full astern, and thus their motion will be less than predictable - indeed they may slow so much they have no maneuverability - or control of where they were going, so by that fact I would say going that close would be less than responsible from a seasoned sailboat helm. Add that to the fact a lot of hirers are likely to be novices, and it seems to me to lack sense, no matter who is in the right.
  21. a contact number on the poster would be useful too, otherwise if your dog got sick and you took it to the vet - the first question would be what was being sprayed?
  22. Marina, I left hand type 90% of the time, at home my laptop sits on my left side, and at work I am usually doing CAD so the mouse in the right to input the coordinates, and the left to type the commands, its a skill certainly, but darned useful.
  23. click the start new topic button at the top of the page next to the reply to topic button. or at the top of the page in any forum section. dont worry, if you get it in the wrong section someone will come along and put it in the right place.
  24. and the final installment for today, the windows cut out, I cut just short of the line and finished with a fine file.
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