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Everything posted by RumPunch

  1. Interestingly, since they did the work on the airport roundabout I've yet to see a car off there - and it was almost daily. Article in the EDP on one driver who got it wrong on another NDR roundabout recently http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/driver-calling-for-better-lighting-on-ndr-after-crashing-on-roundabout-1-5643471 some sympathy, but I was always taught to only drive as fast as you can see to stop - be that rain, fog or darkness....
  2. As I drove over Acle bridge with my daughter last week I commented that we'd already have a few fall in, and if we had a hot school holiday period it'd only be a matter of time before the first fatality. Seems some people want to go out of their way to make it a reality
  3. Interesting - they are putting cones out this morning on the Petans car-park roundabout ( behind the airport ) taking it down to one inside lane each way. Roundabout improvement work ?
  4. Was grit-blasting yesterday and the car looked like it had been on the Paris-Dakar. Thought I'd stop at a jetwash on the way into work today, to find them both closed - out of water / restricted I wonder ? ( the one on the Coltishall road as you leave Norwich )
  5. I too drive it several times a day. One thing I have noticed is the roundabouts with the greatest number of 'runovers' ( as above ) have a potentially straight approach path to the impact. The roundabout at Rackheath / Sole and Heel has distinct curves on the approach, and no sign of anyone having gone straight on. As to the inability of people to stay in lane - if they do, and indicate it works - just, but I must have to take avoiding action at least a couple of times a week to prevent an accident
  6. I'll just leave this here ( and yes I did once buy a can whilst in Canada )
  7. I rarely go to Norwich proper these days as I'm so fed up with what they have done with the parking / traffic management
  8. Anyone know the history of the restaurant boat ?
  9. Hmmm - maybe I need a sign saying beer. It could serve as both an instruction and a reminder to pull the one In that's normally submerged off the back on a bit of string. Wouldn't be the first time I've set off and thought 'what's that bobbing along six feet astern ?
  10. Garmin have at last got an update out with the NDR on it !
  11. Another one off on the 'Petans' roundabout behind the airport again as I came in this morning...
  12. Using the NDR at least twice daily, one thing becoming obvious is that a large number of people using it seem to think they automatically have right of way - they are entering roundabouts though and usual rules apply. Frankly fed up with people not stopping as I go to take 3rd exists and have them cut me up. The recent accident on the EDP - IMHO a car going straight over T bones a car already on the roundabout and indicating correctly.
  13. But if you don't get them alongside she'll never bear
  14. The roadworks are on the roundabout outside the brickmakers pub, overnight from 19:00 all this week. You can go round the ring road on traffic lights, but not turn up Wroxham road or down towards the City.
  15. The loose boat was highlighted - maybe not by more traditional means, but in the modern social media environment was the way it was done so wrong ? Yes I have secured loose boats in the past, even boarded and pumped out one that was in danger of sinking due to rain water, but if I were solo motoring, especially in a wind, I may not have opportunity to stop and assist AND I may not know the name of the yard to call them - so social media would get the message across. Yes - OK so I could call Broads Control too.......
  16. Look you, Boyo - it'd be The Green Green Grass of Home
  17. Battery PIR alarm with text messaging
  18. Nearly back to Rackheath northbound last night !
  19. Someone needs to throw a few ton of grass seed on the Somme like landscape at the A140 junction - the verges at the bottom by the new road itself are sprouting nicely and were obviously done, but as you come off at the airport slip it's still a scene of desolation in the cleared areas.
  20. I've just been reading about the proposed work on the YBW forum.... more interesting opinions
  21. RumPunch

    Horsey Mere

    I think you may be partially right. If you look at the Tithe map ( 1840 ) , maybe there were actually two staithes
  22. Decided that as I was at a loose end I'd motor the boat down to How Hill from Barton, have a cuppa and a chill, and motor back. Trusty Honda starts first pull, and off I go, wondering as I get onto the broad what the new island is in the middle. Turns out the Punt Club piles have attracted a raft of reeds / rubbish. Anyhow, make good progress, past Irstead, left then up to the next big right. Decide to throttle back.... and the engine is no longer trusty. It gives up. There I am, mudweighted up, right on the bend ( bilge keeled so dare not risk trying to get close to the bank ) It absolutely refuses to restart. In desperation I put the genoa up, but there's so little wind it's taking 15mins for about 50 yds ! I rang the Broads Desk for advice, and they were helpful with suggesting recovery firms & sympathetic, but I was resigned to limping to How Hill and mooring up, probably in the dark by the time I'd get there. I kept trying the engine on and off, and then, after about an hour it started. What a relief ! Kept it running at a reasonable pace and went straight back to my mooring - I didn't dare touch the throttle. Sure enough, as soon as I reached the boatyard and went to reduce speed it died again, but I'd timed it just right and coasted into my berth. Guess I'll be stripping the carb down !
  23. I'm very much an aircraft enthusiast. Ex RAF and now in commercial aviation (those annoying helicopters you get over the Broads ) Had trade tickets one year which was an interesting slant on Farnborough
  24. Had one years - that and the vibrating multi tools ( stop it ! ) are just so adaptable. Used to use air powered power files in the RAF for metal work - save so much time in skilled hands ( mind you I do remember one lad looking like he was making a relief map of a mountain range out of a panel
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