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Everything posted by RumPunch

  1. Anyone around Breydon yesterday afternoon around 17:15 ? Do they know if the Police successfully talked the person back who was sitting on the outside of the railings, downsteam / Cobham side.
  2. Are the proposed changes / costs anywhere in the public domain ?
  3. Bob - if you are not up this way too often, drop me a PM with your boat details and where it is - I'll look out for it specifically when I'm down ( I live in the village and have a boat there too ) Maybe I need a sticker on the house so people can pop in for a cuppa ?
  4. RumPunch


    I drove back to Barton from Norwich last night around eight. There were manhole covers in the middle of Sprowston road lifted right up, 6 inches or so, by the water pressure. Others had huge water fountains shooting out of the holes in them. An 'interesting' journey ( oh - and my garage flooded ) Suppose I'd better saunter down and check the boat today
  5. I fitted one a couple of years ago. Only got the cooker, but it is, like the boat, getting on a bit....
  6. One in Neatishead. Just off the right turn on the first l/h bend if you're coming in from the Wroxham / Stalham road.
  7. Never read Ransome so dropped one there.....
  8. I have been known to walk round a BMW / Audi etc in Tesco Sprowston, having been following it from Wroxham on the weekly shop. When asked what I'm doing the answer is "just seeing if this does actually have indicators fitted " ( you need to make sure the driver isn't a 6' 6" fighter if trying this one though. )
  9. Well mine went on before the warning - and haven't run.
  10. Put mine on at the weekend - if they want to send me new ones that's fine as one went wonky !
  11. I didn't say lower speed limits for these groups, but that I think accidents caused by these groups lead to lowering of speed limits. Young drivers can already volunteer for the black boxes to lower premiums. You could also make the driving licence time limited, possibly databasing it to car reg, so ANPR cameras can check on validity. I sympathise with the youngsters - the premiums they ( hopefully ) pay are absolutely crazy. If we can reduce the number of accidents by better controlling the risks, and I truly consider poor judgement the No1 risk, then it's only going to benefit us all. Reducing speed limits will not significantly reduce the number of incidents caused by poor judgement, just the impact speed.
  12. Another angle on this, there are probably more drivers at either end of the ability / age range than ever before. At either end you will probably not drive as well as someone in say there 30's or 40's ( assuming they passed at 20 and drive frequently ) Is the need for lowered speed limits due to these groups ? If so then is it fair that everyone is treated equal ? Mandatory reviews ( not retest ) including medical for the older driver, possibly restrictions / black boxes on the younger
  13. Added it to the wife's Astra after she snapped her indicator stalk. She refuses to use it..........
  14. I don't speed as a rule, but the totally anti car attitude of the various councils in Norfolk is galling. Living here, it takes me far longer now to get anywhere than it ever did with the increasing number of reduced speed limits, often without there seeming to be much justification. One house, unlit country road - lets drop the whole road to 30 ..... As a working dad, I took employment based on communting times - that has been erroded to the point I now have to stop work early, travel home, and finish off working from home, rather than finish in the office and still be home for the kids. My current contract states a distance - my previous ( Military ) one a commuting time to live from work. Norfolk roads used to be Darwin based - they were tight, twisting roads with a 60 limit. You drove too fast and natural selection took over. So they spent a fortune straightening them, so people could drive at 60, only to then think - gosh that's fast and drop them to 50, 40 , 30 .....
  15. It will destroy Wroxham very quickly. Already you have the planned housing in Rackheath. They will infill to the bypass, then there are only a few fields to Wroxham left before it becomes a suburb of Norwich.
  16. Mine works - Boat on the Ant with an A prefix
  17. Cor - there's enough old folks are lethal 'helming' a normal walking aid. I can just see this up and down the aisles in Stalham Tesco's to cries of 'starboard!'
  18. I sound the horn and appreciate others doing the same. A yacht, under power, mast down and hanging out the back, on a transom mounted auxiliary engine - is not the most maneuverable of craft !
  19. Broads freshwater anti foul, on a boat that has been blasted of loose old fouling by the yard...... and I won't be able to do it. Interfering, nanny state nonsense
  20. Call it in to RSPCA & Police, photograph it, seek witnesses - then take reasonable action would be my opinion.
  21. ......and the sunburn I got on Sunday !
  22. RumPunch


    Which hasn't had fuel for months
  23. I like the mop as an ad-hoc depth gauge
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