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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. When are you going? Are you going north or south? Are you hiring? Sounds as if it’s very busy out there at the moment. I’m reading a lot of questions on social media from people who haven’t been on the Broads before. And the common theme seems to be what should I take and please help me plan my route. I think on my first trip the only moorings I planned were where I could get to for my first night. And where should I be for my last night so I could get back to the yard in time. Everything else happens as it will. Have enough food onboard that you can eat wherever you end up. And just enjoy being afloat.
  2. Beccles to Loddon will make a nice cruise for your last day too. Takes about 4 hours and we’ve done that a few times. I haven’t hired from Pacific but with it being so busy I wonder whether you might want to also call them and let them know you want to moor overnight there on Friday so they can make sure you have a space. Hire boats are allowed to moor in other hire yards so you don’t want to get there and find no room.
  3. We thought the same about Richardson’s not letting you have the shore power lead. But when we asked the young lad doing the handover a couple of years ago he told us the cable was in the back cupboard. So it was there and we did use it. You just need to know that Richardson’s don’t sell the cards.
  4. Looking forward to reading the rest of your tale. :)
  5. If you want to be at Beccles on Thursday, have you thought about phoning the Yacht Station at Oulton Broad to book a mooring for Wednesday? That would certainly make a nice cruise for Thursday ... and don't forget that you can book for the Yacht Station at Beccles as well. That would be two nights you won't have to worry about.
  6. I'm reading a lot of posts across a number of Broads groups, especially on Facebook, where first timers are asking for advice about this and that. And most of them seem to be asking which pub they can get to ... is that really what people think a boating holiday is all about?! Looks like you had a nice time out. :)
  7. I know what you mean about keeping one side with a clear view. I have a favourite spot at Ranworth for that as well. Whenever I moor at Salhouse I seem to manage to pick the spot with the muddiest land at the rear of the boat!
  8. Interesting indeed. We’re not booking anything at the moment and I don’t know whether the colder weather and darker evenings of November appeal to me. I think you’ll be safe for December Mr Nog!
  9. Very much enjoying reading this and seeing your photos. That certainly looks busy. I’m reading a lot of first timers asking about routes and moorings and pubs but it seems to me that it’s been too busy to plan. More a case of going with the flow.
  10. Not surprising really that there might be some issues given that lockdown probably interrupted some of the winter maintenance as not all boats would have been ready to go out back in March. And now they seem to be pretty much fully booked. It also depends what people will put up with and report when they return the boat as opposed to calling someone out for.
  11. Glad to hear you got away and have done your first mooring. Now you can relax even if it’s food on board.
  12. There's no right or wrong with your boat choice. A boat that will go under the bridges can still only get under if the tides and water levels are right ... more chance admittedly but you may feel that it compromises something else in design. It's good to try a few different ones over time and see what you like.
  13. I know that feeling. Not sure that working from home helps with that which I have been doing since March and will be for the foreseeable future. Our office is opening back up but with a very restricted number of people allowed in. But when I’m at the caravan I sleep in and switch off.
  14. Lovely tale to read. And lovely photos too. That first night’s sleep shows the magic of somewhere that you can really relax.
  15. If only this had a walk around bed i could be tempted. First hire boat we ever had was Gracious Girl from Summercraft back in the 90s. Our only hire until we came back in 2012.
  16. That’s very cryptic! Totally agree. And that’s very cryptic too!! Am I missing something here?! Apologies that this is on Cc’s thread not Jay’s.
  17. We still haven’t done Breydon. I’m inclined to think that if we ever do then we will want to hire for 10 or11 days rather than a week. Apart from the debate as to cruising the lower Bure and what that’s like, if I go south I don’t want to only be there for a couple of days and then cross back. So I’m still more likely to stay whichever side we hire on.
  18. Looking forward to hearing about your travels. A long overdue trip for you all. Have a great time.
  19. The only time we’ve been down to Coltishall was the one trip we made back in the 90s before you ever needed a pilot to take you through. It’s another one on my day boat list!
  20. Lovely tale and photos Helen. You bagged my favourite mooring down Langley Dyke. Must get back there. Thunderstorm? We didn't get that over at Lowestoft! :)
  21. I would honestly say that if you've done the northern rivers already, and are hiring on the south, then give the south a go. We had our first hire on the south in the days before I ever read online forums. It was wonderful. And my only reason for having stayed north more recently has been the fact that Swancraft closed their hire business as most folk here know. I've done the north in October a number of times and the water levels have often been high for various reasons. We have found that it can be touch and go whether you will get through Ludham Bridge with even an air draft of 8'4. This is an old video of mine, and it's just photos, but you can see how lovely the southern rivers can be. With a cruiser that gives you luxury for two I would say it's well worth a go. Maybe once you get on that boat and see how beautiful the Waveney is you will change your mind.
  22. Ok ... so you know I'm going to be right one day! Bridge Inn Acle
  23. Sounds wonderful Ruthie, enjoy your birthday. I celebrated my 50th a few years ago with a holiday on the southern Broads. Hooked!! Have been back every year since. I think that the first night in the yard might be a good idea under the current circumstances. And then you can get away early the next morning with a leisurely cruise up a beautiful river getting used to the boat handling. On the other hand with a 14.30 time slot for handover you should still have plenty of daylight hours to cruise. Hard to predict however how busy the moorings will be. I love Beccles. And the stretch of the Waveney down to there is amongst the most beautiful of all IMHO.
  24. It’s the taking part not the winning. Sounds like it was a nice day Jay. Enjoy the warm weather and sunshine.
  25. Ok this is still not as scientific as I would like but ... I think number 1 is The Duke's Head Somerleyton. Number 2 I have no idea but find it slightly ironic that you posted a photo with a sign for different kinds of extinguishers, if that's what it is. So a complete guess of The Dog at Ludham.
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