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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Not the stuff around the boat! Can anyone advise where you can fill your tanks in the deep winter months? I’ve read on various threads that some places, like Reedham and Norwich, turn off the supply in winter. Our second jaunt on Moonlight Shadow will be the second week of February, and we’ll be confined to the Southern Broads due to the tide and not wanting to try night navigation until we are a lot more familiar with the boat. thanks Helen
  2. Rambling is good, and worth waiting for, so no need to apologise for the delay in posting. Am really enjoying your holiday tale. I’d like to put in a word for Alfresco Tearooms, that’s our favourite Ludham eatery. The Kings Arms isn’t my favourite, but I like how friendly it is, and also that it seems very much a local’s pub, whilst still welcoming visitors.
  3. Must admit...I’ve got to the point where I’ve completely lost it on this thread. Must be fun if you know about woodies though!
  4. Oh, the weed! Love how quiet West Somerton is, but the weed!
  5. We were at Acle last week (having lunch at The Bridge Inn following a viewing of Moonlight Shadow). I though the river was remarkably quiet, even taking into account that it was a Saturday, and handover day. Maybe a blip, but it doesn’t seem that it’s a good season for the yards. Even Hunters Yard’s booking are down this year. The Bridge was absolutely heaving, but mostly with locals listening to a jazz band. Their car park was full, even the overflow section. We ended up parked on the verge near the entrance. Helen
  6. Wow, Grendel, your ingenuity know no bounds! When are you planning to launch her? This is a bit of a cheek on your thread, but can I ask Polly...The Whimp? Helen
  7. Whoopee! Graham and I are now confirmed members of the Moonlight Shadow syndicate. We are very much looking forward to our first week on her during the August bank holiday week. (Oh! Er! Never been on the Broads before during school holidays apart from a day boat above Potter.) It’s all thanks to SueH really. She and her husband were kind enough to show us around Moonlight Shadow back in 2017, when we happened to moor behind her at Norwich. It’s taken us a while as we had my Mam to look after in 2017 and over the past couple of years I’ve been quite restricted in the weeks I could take as leave. Given we’ve not been on the Broads during the summer madness before, can anyone offer advice on good (I.e.likely to be available) places to moor? The tides are good for getting through Yarmouth, and although I know it will be more busy ‘oop north’, I fancy having at least a couple of days on the northern rivers as we’ll be restricted to the south on our next allocated week in February. I made the mistake of listening to the Mike Oldfield song on YouTube last night. Can’t get it out of my head. Am driving Graham mad too, as I keep humming it. Still, I feel like dancing!
  8. How come I missed this thread the first time around? Must admit, I’ve lost count of how many pairs of shoes I have. They fill the bottoms of two wardrobes. Before she had me, my Mam was manageress of a shoe shop. We never could go shopping without somehow coming home with shoes. Earlier this year I ‘lost’ a pair of suede ankle boots, and didn’t find them until the heat of the summer had kicked in. Grrr. Annoyingly, I also managed to mislay one of a pair of black shoes that I normally wear quite frequently. Major wardrobe sort-out is well overdue!
  9. I read the first David Blake book, but have given up on the second. I got a bit fed up at his not knowing, or conveniently forgetting, that the ancient churches of the Broads aren’t Catholic nowadays. All authors twist things a bit, but there are limits. In the first book I got a bit distracted that the first victim, killed under a Wroxham bridge, was supposed to be walking home. Also, though I read crime novels quite a bit, the second one was a bit too gruesome and sensational for me. Helen
  10. Well, a bit of context setting wouldn’t go amiss...it would maybe help to lessen the ‘white coat’ comments. Probably less fun though!
  11. Timbo, You do know how to end each ‘episode’ with a cliff hanger, don’t you. Are you practising with us as guinea pigs whilst developing your new writing career? Helen
  12. YnysMon

    The Locks

    Surely that’s not a real menu? All those cheeks! (And wot a cheek!) yep...wot!
  13. Oh, Timbo, I had a really good chuckle at this one (even more than usual for your tales that is). A big hug for Grace! Looking forward to more Voyages with Grace.
  14. Half our problem with weed when we took Lustre up was the active weed cutting going on. Although the machine picks up the majority of the cut weed, you get a lot of bits floating off, normally downriver, but when we were there the strong breeze was gathering them up toward the top of the Dyke, the last turn to West Somerton, like a carpet.
  15. Thanks David, lovely to read your tale and really interesting to see the shots taken from the drone. Glad you had good weather too. It does make a huge difference.
  16. Isn't there a butcher's in Horning for those sausages?
  17. Its all very well for us to criticise pressure groups, but maybe the younger generations feel they have more to lose if the climate change scientists are correct than us older generations.
  18. Sounds like an early start was a good idea. Hope there's a sea breeze.
  19. YnysMon

    The Locks

    Yeh, they even serve dirty chips at our work catering hub, so it must be old hat!
  20. Hope you are having a good tome. You’ve certainly booked the weather!
  21. Steady on Speedtriple!!
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