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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Sadly not at the moment JF but doing a bit of quality assessment No idea with the pub at the mo I'm afraid
  2. You notice I've not mentioned the Water's Edge Looks a bit Lord Nelson ish with the poser tables
  3. I'm thinking, I'm thinking......
  4. ......I'm starting to think Reedcutter.........
  5. Not the Ship and not sure about the White Horse Alan, but there again...... Sells old Speckled yuk Need to confer with Mrs Nog
  6. Always enjoy your voyages JF particularly if pubs are involved
  7. Many thanks Neil, will keep a look out.
  8. Just catching up, very sad news indeed, sincerest condolences from us.
  9. It's like Yarmouth, no one can stop you. They are just covering their backs as it's not 'personed' I've often seen boats there in winter. They would probably lock the gates but I think there is still space above the upstream one and it's easy enough to get through the railings on Riverside Road. I can't see there would a problem during the day particularly. I'll be there in the not too distant so I'll have a look.
  10. Certainly tempting Neil but it would be sods law that someone would draw time in December and refuse to swap (which they would be perfectly entitled to do of course). We need to book train tickets well in advance too and Mrs Nog's holidays are quite limited so we don't have a lot of flexibility, particularly at short notice. I'm not dismissing the idea by any means and we will keep weighing up the options. Of course a lottery win would be the best idea............
  11. MM is certainly right about the weather. We've been out every December for many years now and its virtually always been quite mild for the time of year. It was quite cold in 2010 (when it snowed too) but still very pleasant. It is certainly colder in February but still brilliant to be out. I just wish we could have been out longer in the snow this year, it was magical!
  12. Indeed Jean, I've often wondered.
  13. I hear that the Huntsman is still closed and the legal wrangling over the flooding continues. Good news for the Shoulder of Mutton though which I hear is doing a good trade. Meanwhile JF's favourite pub, the Ram, had had a major refit apparently. Should be open soon, so if anyone is passing............(you never know it could be me)
  14. Oh indeed EB, someone will no doubt have to find somewhere to live not to mention lost possessions. Very fair comment.
  15. I reckon it was this one. It was moored with some other boats at the end of the Sutton moorings in February. Didn't that Miles punter have something to do with a report of a boat loose at its mooring in the same area? Rings a bell somewhere.
  16. Don't worry Steve, we're more interested in what you're doing than worrying about orientation. besides that's the view I get in the pub quite often....
  17. Thanks for the update JF, wonder what their opening hours/ days will be in winter?
  18. Go for it Helen, you know you want to. We are going mid Feb tides are perfect and it's light from 6.30 to 5.30 perfect timing for the pub!
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