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Everything posted by marshman

  1. An uprated Nutty Slack!!!!! ( No if you don't know, its too long a story from about 60 years ago!!! )
  2. Nope - a big wheel like the London Eye only smaller! https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/giant-observation-wheel-for-great-yarmouth-7327492
  3. McD don't make the litter problems - everyone is quite capable of taking their litter home like I do after using the drive thru!!!!!
  4. Sabena Marine in Wroxham have competitive rates too https://www.sabenamarine.co.uk/painting-anti-fouling.htmloo
  5. You see - you should have faith! Well done to everyone involved!
  6. John!! Just type in St Benets moorings into the search box - that should keep you amused for a bit but hopefully it will turn out ok in the end!!!!
  7. Malthouse is notorious for dragging - doesn't help if your neighbour drags on to you and then not much chance of yours holding two. I just think the amount of mud weighting has probably made the bottom softer and less likely to hold!
  8. Don't know about hire boats navigating above Tonnage Bridge on the NW&D Canal but I regularly went up their and moored on Honing Common in my Dads cruiser in the late 60's and early 70's! The girlies of the day loved it - very quiet it was too!!!
  9. Another excuse for Scottish independence!! ( Oops - is that too political??)
  10. They have had similar bits of kit here - except they float. Every now and again I know the BA have hired one for very inaccessible spots - years ago they had one working for a time on Reedham Water and a little more recently on Hickling. To be fair not seen it around for several years although equally, I am too old now to be bumming around in the middle of a marsh and on thin hover!!!
  11. I hope not for chat!! Thats for PMR's!! My recollection from my course is that VHF should be used for communication and should not be used to make unnecessary transmissions or transmitting superfluous signals!! Not that I use VHF these days but I think still remember things like that from the exam room!!! Having said that I expect most people use it for that end from what I heard transmitted the last time i listened!!
  12. Hmmm - thats interesting Grendel. I had the Oxford one eight weeks ago and counting still!!! Anyone else with experience of longer times with the Oxford jab????
  13. The jabs organised by the local Dr's do not get a date prebooked for the second one, but if you go the the hospitals or the mass vaccination centres you get, at the time, that date prebooked and given to you. Hoping it works similarly through your Dr's except they ring you!!!!!
  14. OBB - you are right! Whether it will come on line by next year remains to be seen!! The couple of I/T people, neither full time, have been busier than normal this year or so I believe, as they are dealing with all those working from home requiring kit and sorting problems as they inevitably arise. There is a cost to all these things and new I/T is expensive and guess who is paying for it - yep you and me out of the tolls!!
  15. Despite all the comparisons with the DVLA, I see they employ 6000 people and no doubt have a full time I/T dept (Re boot it! ) The BA don't even have a full time I/T dept and the present system works pretty well. Any improvement, and I/T costs involved, would be toll payer funded.
  16. Perhaps what those still going on about it are overlooking i that apparently the Nav Comm were aware of it in papers 6/19,7/19,and 1/20 - or so the statement says. It must be something to do with Covid - if its all sorted out, and that has yet to be confirmed, then really this discussion has turned into not a lot! For what its worth I agree with Grendel and Mark - what would there have been to say other than "negotiations are ongoing" - despite Pally's undoubted wisdom, and for which I am often very grateful indeed, details cannot and will not be published until its all agreed.
  17. The answer is of course Griff, to not speculate when the full facts are not known!!!! Time and time again, people think that they should know what is going on at every stage, but negotiations are generally confidential for a reason and should be kept as such until agreement is reached.
  18. Mods - if you have time can you please merge this with the other one if its possible!
  19. Sounds more encouraging! Shame some people did not wait until they knew the full facts before the usual process began of slinging mud around! Or have I missed the conspiracy which is bound to be hidden somewhere? Thanks Tom for your clarification
  20. There continues to be a common thread here yet again - lets blame the BA as Lessee!! IMHO what facts there are, don't really bear this out - can we just not wait before continuing to fling mud around??? Anyone who has been a tenant will know that they are the last person to know and find out what is going on! And as far as the point made by RS is concerned, I should think that huge tracts of river have been straightened/dug - a vast proportion of the Ant to start with is "new" and most changes where made probably before any formal documentation process ever existed!!!!!
  21. That sounds more like it - didn't think the NAT had any money to go around buying property!.
  22. Who indeed? Perhaps you would like to ask the Cators that about, who closed the Woodbastwick moorings and who have gone to a lot of trouble to keep people away from the footpath between Cockshoot Broad and the Woodbastwick Staithe at Horning! Oh I know what it is - to suit the fishermen yet again!! The fishermen are seemingly involved everywhere these days in controversy - perhaps thats their chief aim!!!!!
  23. I accept all of that Pete, but the trouble is we, and seemingly the BA, have little or no influence with the EA who seem to do what they like and worst of all at their speed! Look back over many threads and you will see its not only the fact that I do agree the BA has shortcomings, but they do pale into insignificance compared to the EA who seem both totally disinterested and intent on hindering everything that needs doing! You have only to look at the debacle at the situation around the Ludham Bridge moorings to see that thats been ongoing for at least 15 years and whilst all seems quiet now, you can guarantee its not finally settled, or is it? And that was all the EA, or so I believe. Not too hard to find many other issues involving the EA either!!
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