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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Tut Tut , not our respectable Beccles , whatever next. Mo
  2. Topless women!!! no wonder there were all those boats moored there.
  3. Well what a tale and a half that was............. However anyone male or female that is intending on 'nipping on to the bank for a quick pee ... is aware that 4 million gnats mozzies and their relatives also will be accompanying them at the same time. A red face is not all you would end up with.
  4. Out of interest where was it filmed because it is absolutely beautiful UK at its best. This is what summer is all about.
  5. Yes anyone considering a move should consider all angles and it is a wrench. Saying that I would not go back down to Kent for all the tea in China. Crumpets we have family in Singapore, these days with Skype etc it is not the same as in days gone by. As for someone not speaking to a person because they have moved, well what a narrow minded way of thinking. I am sure the couple who moved up here will live a darn sight longer than where they were before. We are lucky and live in a lovely part of North Suffolk which borders the River Waveney , good shops in all directions , near to the boat, slower pace of life, brilliant medical facilities. If you are retired and do not have work commitments it is wonderful. Ok it takes you forever to get anywhere but that is a bonus I think. On balance and if you can do it, then I would vote 'yes'.
  6. Well I hope you all have your crash helmets on as well as your life jackets. We moored for the afternoon at Somerleyton in the week. No kid it was like the 7th circle of hell. Boats smashing into boats left right and centre. One guy had got his rope wedged firmly it turned out to be under the boat in the bow thruster. He thought it was his prop and went into a panic. A diver was called out. Another boat tried to set off thinking all of its occupants were on board but one of the party was still on the bank and holding on for grim death to the rope. Not a young man, my hubby yelled at him to let go or you will go in. Eventually the leaving boat stopped and it was all anyone could do to say 'dont reverse your back rope is in the water'. Calm prevailed and the chap managed to get on and said rope rescued and off they went. Accidents so quickly can happen. The private boat two boats down got smacked twice and he went home , pledging to come out again when the madness calms down. One of the shared boats skippers walked up to us and asked could we help him bring his boat back with us as he was terrified to stay where he was any longer. I think much longer there and we would all have been in for counselling , both hirers and privateers.
  7. Thinking about this logically. How many days in the year could you sit naked on a boat anyway. You would have icicles on your bicycles. Most parts of the male anatomy would look as if they had been shrink wrapped. Monica
  8. God help us , no thank you. Most people are better dressed and then it is not always much of an improvement. I may be old fashioned (and proud of it) but agh!! it makes my skin crawl. The thought of those nether regions on display... bad enough when some bloke bends over in the supermarket in front of you and you can see most of his backside which has happened to me. A big NO THANKS PLEASE. Mon
  9. Another family having to face a loss. They are in our thoughts.
  10. We tend to wait until we are moored up. Saying that on very very cold mornings we have added a drop of Brandy to a coffee but only a drop. I am always of the opinion that you should have all of wits about you when mooring.
  11. Thank you I have made a note of the other dates and hubby and I can sit down and watch on Sky.
  12. All I got on viewing was a protracted advert for a steam cleaner. Should I have waited longer?
  13. May as well post what us folk have in the Beccles area. Green bin - garden waste, food waste. Blue bin - paper, plastic Black bin - anything else that doesnt go in the other two. Grey caddy bin in doors - food waste. We have to provide the special biodegradable bags for the food waste in the Grey caddy. These are not cheap. Lucky old you Bristol to have the food bin collected weekly. Ours are Green and Blue one week and Black the next so every two weeks.
  14. Thank you for posting. What a really good video. Could almost have been there with you. We hope to be out for a couple of days this week to get hubby fishing at last. Weather is bound to turn gloomy and cold for Tuesday/Wednesday so brace yourselves. Oh yes and I forgot - windy. Longest day today so nights are drawing in, heck we have only just got some decent weather , well we have today. I look forward to your next video. Where is the boatyard because wherever it is , it is certainly well kept.
  15. as many of you will know, next friday will see us back afloat on Maffett Cruisers Kestrel (friday 29th for a week) Speed Triple do you mean Friday 20th or Friday 27th of June, Sunday is the 29th of June.
  16. We went up to Gelderston yesterday and (I will pic later) our weed filter was chocker on arrival at Gelderston and we over heated on the way back and had to stop off and clean the filter again. So keep an eye on the weed filter. Hubby tells me that boats that have water intakes inboard tend not to pick up as much weed as boats that have water intakes on the outisde , boat builders have to choose between ease of maintenance for intakes on the exterior or less weed for those on the interior. M
  17. Hippersons - I asked this morning and their fuel with a 60/40 split at the moment is approximately £1.27p.
  18. When did Goodchilds start using an automatic pump out? The last times we have called we have had someone attend. He said at the time that it was easier to get us to do it, less problems with people messing the thing up. Has it changed? I am sorry but for 17 quid a throw I expect a service. Hippersons at Beccles £12 first class pump out and someone does it for you. In fact we use Hippersons for fuel, and pump out.
  19. It does make for peaceful mooring. Matron found handling two ropes and a walkie talkie difficult "and if you can do better, do it your bl##dy self". Like This Ah!! a woman after my own heart. I thought I was the only person in whole world who couldnt not get the knack of the walkie talkie. Well you would have thought so if you had been on our boat. You certainly dont have to watch TV. Real life is far more entertaining. We could have done a half hour programme on how not to do it before the camera. As you say like us your vision is limited. God only knows what has happened with my reply. It is coming out in all kinds of fonts and lines......... Yes it is probably me.
  20. I bought hubby one of these cameras for Christmas, as Robin will confirm. Robin was a gem in helping me choose the right camera and definitely helped a lot when it came to ordering the wiring etc. Camera now in situ on boat, brilliant, best thing I ever bought. We did find that on bright days the glare from the water made viewing the picture quite difficult but now it has been taken off of the dash and put up higher above the window above the dash and a small cover purchased from Amazon to put around it, we do not have the problem anymore. I now sit down , do not say a word when hubby is mooring our boat (stern) and hubby can now do this all on his own. He certainly would never have managed before. So all of that yelling from me from stern to bow like a fish wife, a thing of the past. We did try walkie talkies but I kept forgetting to press the button and was yelling into mid air. To be able to moor without all of that hassle on a Bounty 30 is a bonus. We even got a congratulations from people watching us moor the other day. Believe me people are always watching when you make a hash of it.
  21. Do hope your little cat turns up soon. We have friends on a narrow boat at Tingdene Moorings Brundall and they have a little cat also. When they first got the boat she had a bit of a time of it, kept falling in but soon got the idea to stay on the bank and keep dry. Am thinking of you.
  22. We are a tad disappointed to have had an email from Marine Weld to say that sorry they are too busy at the moment.
  23. as trying to get sharp photos when the zoom is extended can be quite difficult without a tripod or from a moving platform like a boat, without resorting to very fast shutter speeds which just aren't suitable sometimes. Hum ! yes that is what I was thinking as 9 times out of 10 we are on a moving boat when I see something interesting.. I think we have agreed on the 55 - 300 with a price tag of not being too extreme, enough but not out of the question. Thank you for your thoughts. I have had to edit as realise I had posted incorrectly the first time. It is a 55 - 300 lens.
  24. I have a Nikon D3200 which I had given me for Christmas. The lens it arrived with is a 18 - 55 lens but I am finding that this is not very effective on the Broads as most things I need to photograph are at a distance. Hubby has said he will buy me a telephoto lens for my birthday but wondered if this is practical. I know there is a 55 - 200 lens available. Is this a TF lens or is this a intermediate one. Can someone help please?
  25. Thank you I now know. Sorry I am bit slow this morning, hubby seemed to get the idea of where they were. It was a bit unfortunate for them.
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