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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. By the look of it is just as bad today. What happens if you cannot get across to return your hire boat?
  2. Looking at the Gt Yarmouth web cams it does look as if it is closing in again, more like November than April. https://www.great-yarmouth.co.uk/visitor-info/webcam.aspx
  3. Not so strange after all then. I am always given the impression I am the only one who takes everything with them.
  4. Thank you Helen it is much appreciated. Oh boy I thought I was the only person who wrote lists, well you would think so if you listened to my other half. You are not a Virgo are you. It is so good to see that I am not alone in taking the whole of Morrisons, Tescos and any other supermarket I can lay my hands on with me. I also take frying pan, sharp knife, knife sharpener (thanks to Geoffrey on Cooking on the Corsican) wooden spoons, whisk, timer, can opener and my own knives and forks. Yes I am nuts. One more question - sorry - where did you get your oil radiator please?
  5. You do eat well Helen. If you get the chance can you post a list of your meals to give me an idea. I am fed up with the same old same old that we take and you have some really interesting meals.
  6. Perhaps I should have clarified when we went was about 20 years ago so it sounds as if there are more moorings now. Sorry for the italic font I cannot get rid of it.
  7. We went in June and I don't recall that many moorings. You certainly cannot more just anywhere. We seemed to be unlucky because of the time of year, very busy. We also had the company of many Tall Ships .
  8. We had Boulters for 8 years when we owned our own boat and thank goodness never had to use them. The old saying if you are prepared it never happens.
  9. I forgot to take pj's etc and worse still I forgot everything for the fridge. No bacon, butter, sausages, milk, yes the lot.
  10. Just read this post is locked - is it?
  11. Peter wrote:- Ready with tin hat on ......... doesnt this already happen every weekend of the season at Brammerton Woods End,
  12. As well as the craft on the river , just think what is floating about in it. All these sea toilets being flushed (illegally) into the river and a whole lot more. . Never mind Weils Disease. No thanks.
  13. Well they do look the business. They are huge. Will have a go. Speaking of Yorkshire I was watching an old clip of dear Ken Dodd the other afternoon and one of his jokes was, Yorkshire folk always sit near the door in case there is a collection. That may be the case but you cannot knock their puddings.
  14. Thank you for the tale, loved the photos. Yes that snow was a bit of a shock but at least you got away and onto the river, unlike us and our holiday in early March. There is always next year. Can I just ask what is BCBM.
  15. As these are not working Robin could it be something simple like a fuse? Your boat sounds really lovely and I know you feel it is small , well compared to Independence everything is small but for your Mum and Simon it will be just fine. It is not as if they would want to spend a fortnight on her , there again may be they would!!!
  16. M M have you won the lottery then?
  17. This brings back memories of our holiday on the Lancaster Canal. Almost arrived at the canal when the mobile rang and the owner of the canal boat we had hired (who thought it was hilarious, I wont tell you what I thought) announced that the canal was leaking in 3 places and we were unable to pick our boat up from the place we had thought and we had to pick up half way down the canal. This shortened our distance on the canal somewhat. The owner had known about this leak for over 4 days and conveniently left it to inform us when we were almost there.
  18. If they are to keep their hire fleet they will need fuel , pump out , maintenance etc still.
  19. What happens to boats that are booked?
  20. We put ours up for £29,950 to start with , dropped it (on Brokers suggestion) to £26,000, nothing happened until a lady who finally bought it offered £18,000 on the Brokers recommendation (makes you wonder who they work for) in the end we accepted £20,000. We were fed up to the back teeth with it all, it is so emotional. So despite the fact that she cost us £24,000 (we had 9 good years and happy times) and spent around £20,000 on her we took the £20,000. We could have held out but it just made us sad. Had I not have been ill for two years I think we would still have her but life moves on and we now hire.
  21. Ours was and included bow thrusters, electric mud weight , stainless steel mud weight, brand new top range marine gas cooker. Brand new fridge. Large solar panels, bespoke curtains just made and had not even come out of the package. Was immaculate, looked after by Moonfleet. So yes. Trouble is Brokers beat you down, make you feel anything but good to get a good sale. We sold just to get it over with
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