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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. You'll be OK Charlie, not too many above the Broad with their sea toilets
  2. Do we really need 'new' kit? The real problem is not speed, but the wash kicked up and its imact on the Broads environment. We all have at least one 'Mk1 eyeball' which I suggest should be turned rearward at regular intervals to see what impact on the water your passage is making ! Of course, there are those boats, with 'deep v' hulls or other planing designs which will always create excessive wash at or within the speed limits. They do look the part though,apparently...... Hull design is the issue - perhaps a loading on the tolls of those types of boat, comensurate with the damage they are creating
  3. Planing hulls used within the Broads speed limits also create far more wash than is acceptable, being operated well below their design speeds.
  4. Did somebody mention boats being appropriate for the Broads?
  5. There was some coverage this morning of the thorny issue of speeding boats again http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p056zc19 It wouild seem that those who say the problem is worse this year may have a point.....
  6. Oh Dear. Penny has gone to Latitude wearing denim shorts and a Breton top like everybody else. Can you help Penny ’s children find their Mummy ?
  7. Precisely why such measures were wholely inappropriate for a narrow dyke. They were told......
  8. I was there last evening. It already appears that one of the buoys have been 'moved' !
  9. My hands appear to be the 'normal' size. I've no way of knowing about the rest of me - although I've had no complaints
  10. Does it have a bow thruster? You need one of those to get round the bends on Broadland rivers - apparently
  11. We spotted Timoth West in Horning this morning, complete with a film crew. I wonder what that was about ?
  12. A new curry house has opened in Brundall - the Masala Cottage in what used to be the Lavender House in The Street. We visited with friends yesterday evening and can highly recomend it for its warm welcome and good, tasty food. A welcome addition to Southern River dining. AND they deliver within 3 miles. http://www.masala-cottage.co.uk/
  13. If we are refering to the stretch where the replacement pontoons will go, it's the same as that which had the piling removed, so probably no loss of 'length' in this case.
  14. It's just arrived here ......
  15. Surely JM any such expenditure should, in this case come from the Planning budget !
  16. Lest there be any confusion, these are not public moorings.
  17. If it did then I missed it. Seems potentially 'dodgy' to me !
  18. I'll just leave this here with no further comment ! http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/company-which-purchased-part-of-thorpe-island-for-200k-owned-by-two-of-the-original-objectors-1-5090103
  19. Or have it 'craned' in ( above Acle) like a number of ' proper' boats , AKA 'GPs'
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