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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Both boats double moored moved, I was watching on the webcam at the time, there was a lot of going backwards and forwards with at times the boats almost coming into contact. Maybe they were put off that they would have had to move before 8.30 an in the morning. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Johnb, The restrictions were imposed by the quango that runs the Lake District National Park. Basically there was not a speed restriction on lake Windermere other than the 6 mph in the three built up area's at the top, bottom of the lake and at Bowness. These area were policed by park officials in boats. When the blanket 6 mph speed limit across all of the lake this stopped almost all speedboats and skiing on the lake, it also interfered with the three larger tourist boats that operate on the lake, the ski center on the lake (now can only provide training at the lower speed). This action first discussed well twenty years ago to curb dangerous speeders on the lake was pushed through even though the lake policed, procedures were in place many years ago to educate people and restrict offences. Before the speed limit came into force petitions, demonstrations from all walks of life, hotels, pubs, shops everywhere were signs up stating stop the ban. The result of the ban is that most speedboats have opted to use Loch Lomond the only large lake/loch available in the UK to continue their sport, taking with them their well over 20% of the lake district tourist spend. Many of the other lakes in the lake district do not allow any powered craft of any kind. At Bowness there is a car park next to the car ferry that was used by people that used to launch there boats from the public slipway (of course there was a fee for launching and the car park, in the early 2000's to mid 2000's it was always full and buzzing the same could be said for the lake, by 2010 the last time we went to our time share cottage the car park was empty most of the time and you could walk from the ferry into on the lake shore path into Bowness without hardly seeing a boat, other than the trip boats operating out of Bowness. All very sad, businesses suffered, assets were lost and the wealth of the Lake District reduced, just to meet the ends of a none elected quango to prove a point. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Patersp, Welcome to the NBN forum, please let us know how you get on with your visit in June. Stopping overnight at Acle or Stokesby is a good option rather than going through Yarmouth on the first day. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Fred, I think you will find that the WRC is the only official marina with residential status, it is my understanding that they had to jump through many hoops to achieve this status and it does have a cut off date attached so it will never be permanent. I think Jenner's Basin was a missed opportunity for the Broads Authority it could have been made to work with restrictions on the condition of the boats and the site. The gravel pits at Whitingham would have made better use as marinas rather than the use they currently have, which appears to be little more than somewhere to walk dogs. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Carole, Have you adopted the Grace's guide to boating Regards Alan
  6. Hi Q, One of our owners was moored at the New Inn overnight a couple of seasons ago not only was the aerial but also the aerial mast stolen. Sadly there are people about who will pinch anything given half the chance. Regards Alan
  7. To be honest, I used to prefer the time boards that the operators used to hang out of the windows rather than the displays currently in use. We had to wait 25 minutes at Somerleyton when we last on the boat, once this time was put on the display we moored on the pontoon eventually the current there is very strong and it can be a pain to moor up. Normally Reedham bridge with everything down is not a problem to us, we have gone under with only 2 inches to spare, normally 10 foot clearance at high water, but watch out it can be less, this was the case when the guy from the hut said 10 foot at the bridge on his megaphone when we passed our airdraft is 9 foot 8 inches with everything down. Regards Alan
  8. Tan & I have stayed at the Swan Inn, the room was OK likewise the breakfast. The location is good, parking can be an issue directly outside of the pub but there is the large public carpark, but I am not sure I would risk overnight parking there. We tend to stay at the Hotel Wroxham if we arrive in Norfolk earlier than our allocations or if down for Syndicate meeting. Regards Alan
  9. Hello Simon, This was down to a rights issue, I have moved the Cooking on a boat into the Open All Hours section where it can be seen by all, I have informed Geoffrey (Corsican) of where the forum currently resides. Regards Alan
  10. Hello Mick & Pam, Welcome to the forum, yes Brian Ward's do offer a 10% discount to NBN members, just have a word with Tanya & Nick on the counter. You could fit the burgee on a pole on one side of the bow and a wind indicator on the other side. Best of luck with the bridge. Regards Alan
  11. I am sad to hear of Jill's passing, another forum member we had met but conversed on a number of occasions. My thoughts are with her family at this time.
  12. until
    Tan & Alan on Ranworth Breeze for 7 days of boating and relaxation.
  13. One of our members Mandy Barnes posted the message below on Facebook. Copied from Tessie Lara-Rubio ❤️ - totally on point."What’s it like to go through cancer treatment? It’s something like this:One day, you’re minding your own business, you open the fridge to get some breakfast, and OH MY GOD THERE’S A MOUNTAIN LION IN YOUR FRIDGE.Wait, what? How? Why is there a mountain lion in your fridge? NO TIME TO EXPLAIN. RUN! THE MOUNTAIN LION WILL KILL YOU! UNLESS YOU FIND SOMETHING EVEN MORE FEROCIOUS TO KILL IT FIRST!So you take off running, and the mountain lion is right behind you. You know the only thing that can kill a mountain lion is a bear, and the only bear is on top of the mountain, so you better find that bear. You start running up the mountain in hopes of finding the bear. Your friends desperately want to help, but they are powerless against mountain lions, as mountain lions are godless killing machines. But they really want to help, so they’re cheering you on and bringing you paper cups of water, vitamins and orange slices as you run up the mountain and yelling at the mountain lion - “GET LOST, MOUNTAIN LION, NO ONE LIKES YOU” - and you really appreciate the support, but the mountain lion is still coming.Also, for some reason, there’s someone in the crowd who’s yelling “that’s not really a mountain lion, it’s a puma” and another person yelling “I read that mountain lions are allergic to kale, have you tried rubbing kale on it?”As you’re running up the mountain, you see other people fleeing their own mountain lions. Some of the mountain lions seem comparatively wimpy - they’re half grown and only have three legs or whatever, and you think to yourself - why couldn’t I have gotten one of those mountain lions? But then you look over at the people who are fleeing mountain lions the size of a monster truck with huge prehistoric saber fangs, and you feel like an **** for even thinking that - and besides, who in their right mind would want to fight a mountain lion, even a three-legged one?Finally, the person closest to you, whose job it is to take care of you - maybe a parent or sibling or best friend or, in my case, my husband - comes barging out of the woods and jumps on the mountain lion, whaling on it and screaming “STUPID MOUNTAIN LION, STOP TRYING TO EAT MY WIFE,” and the mountain lion punches your husband right in the face. Now your husband is rolling around on the ground clutching his nose, and he’s bought you some time, but you still need to get to the top of the mountain.Eventually you reach the top, finally, and the bear is there. Waiting. For both of you. You rush right up to the bear, and the bear rushes the mountain lion, but the bear has to go through you to get to the mountain lion, and in doing so, the bear TOTALLY KICKS YOUR TAIL, but not before it also punches your husband in the face. And your husband is now staggering around with a black eye and bloody nose, and saying “can I get some help, I’ve been punched in the face by two apex predators and I think my nose is broken,” and all you can say is “I’M KIND OF BUSY IN CASE YOU HADN’T NOTICED I’M FIGHTING A MOUNTAIN LION.”Then, IF YOU ARE LUCKY, the bear leaps on the mountain lion and they are locked in epic battle until finally the two of them roll off a cliff edge together, and the mountain lion is dead.Maybe. You’re not sure - it fell off the cliff, but mountain lions are crafty. It could come back at any moment.And all your friends come running up to you and say “that was amazing! You’re so brave, we’re so proud of you! You didn’t die! That must be a huge relief!”Meanwhile, you blew out both your knees, you’re having an asthma attack, you twisted your ankle, and also you have been mauled by a bear. And everyone says “boy, you must be excited to walk down the mountain!” And all you can think as you stagger to your feet is “screw this mountain, I never wanted to climb it in the first place.”
  14. It was good to see that the Norwich Peregrine webcam is now back in operation. Sadly as many of you will know there is only one chick left out of the brood. On the website is a good right up which is the latest that is featured on the site. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Griff, Have you any more pictures so we can offer advice? Regards Alan
  16. Hi Peter, I thought you may have been a Tesco shopper Regards Alan
  17. Hello Simon & Kate, Welcome to the NBN forum. I agree that Navigators & General are used by many of the forum members, but in our circumstances too many restrictions. Totally agree with the recommendation regarding Boulters, you could get a quote from them for the work you require on your boat. If you check out our forum pages you will find we have various lists of service providers, mooring, BSS, repairs, servicing etc. Regards Alan
  18. Day 10, 11 & 12 Sunday. After breakfast Tan walked up to the shower block whilst I did some work on the computer. When Tan got back to the boat I went into the engine bay to tighten the stern gland, the locking nuts had not been tightened correctly. Job done and excess water pumped out from the area under the engine we tidied up and decided to get under way, canopy down we headed towards Brammerton. We passed the Ferry House Inn and saw Ian & Marina waving from their boat, we ventured on to find Brammerton Common full, as always there might have been some space if the gaps left had been smaller, there were two of the Dutch barges double moored and two larger cruisers likewise. The Waters Edge moorings were full as expected, so we headed towards Norwich, no space at Commissions Cut, but we saw quite a few boats moored outside of the cut. Onwards and upwards we thought we would try our luck at the Whitingham moorings, there would have been some space if the Broards Authority launch had been on patrol, of course large spaces between some o the boats, I was trying to moor up on the low extension (canoe mooring only) pity the sign was only on the floor of this pontoon and could only be seen when you had almost moored. I had already put sausage and bacon in the oven so we ate on the move whilst going back toward Brundall. Still no space at Brammerton but there was some space at the Ferry House, Marina helped us in and we met up with Ian, Marina suggested that we had better go into the pub to sort out the mooring and check if there was any space for a meal that evening. We were booked in for 7.00pm and the mooring was ok. Aerial up and snooker on for the afternoon session we watched TV until it was time to go to the pub, Ian & Marina had also booked for 7.00 pm. We had a good meal and spoke with Ian & Marina who were on the next table. We left after the main course too full for a pudding. On arriving back at the boat I remembered that I had not paid the tab, so back top the pub to apologise for leaving the pub without paying. Snooker watched coffee and bed. Monday We awoke and started the day with breakfast, the kettle on the gas and no toast this morning being as we were not on shore power. We saw Ian & Marina depart from the moorings, we waved but they may not have seen us. After our daily checks we sent off back to Brundall and the marina. We had lunch before I started cleaning the outside of the boat, Tan was cleaning inside of the boat, so she could keep an eye (or ear) on the snooker. It takes about three hours to clean the outside of the boat, this is good practice and I try to do it myself (rather than getting someone else to clean it) so I can check the gelcoat for any problems or new marks. The forwards large round fenders required some air in them, so I removed them and sorted out the draw strings on the fender socks that were trailing in the water, pumped them up and re-fitted them the other fenders were all intact and required not work, I had done work on them during our season start weekend. I checked & refilled all the moisture traps. We finished our work and went up to the showers. We had arranged to visit one of owners who has moved from London to Watton, around 40 minutes we had arrived and were greeted by Graham & Jan we had a good meal and chattered until it was dark before leaving at 10.30 pm. A quick coffee and bed, we had to be up early in the morning. Tuesday Up by 6.30 am breakfast finished I started hovering the inside of the boat whilst Tan cleaned the aft bathroom (she had done the forward one yesterday) polishing done we were waiting for Mike & Mette to arrive at the boat, they phoned about 9.00 am from the Mc Donald’s just outside of Brundall to have their breakfast, I asked if they could give us half an hour while we finished off getting the boat ready. Mike & Mette, arrived just before 10.00 am I showed them around the marina and the facilities, toilets , wet rooms and the Bistro. Back at the boat we showed them were everything was, how it operated and where it was stowed both inside the boat and outside. The hidden cutlery draw was mentioned and also the emergency tiller that is stored in the back of the aft cabin wardrobe. We showed how to take down the canopy and roll up the panel sections, ropes untied and shore power cable removed we set off to the Broom’s fuel station in order to show our new owners that we have to moor port side on in order to gin access to the two toilet tank outlets, pumped out and fully fueled up we left the fuel station, Malcolm said the fuel had reduced 2 P per litre so including the 2 pump outs just under £65.00 for 12 days on the boat, our lowest yet. We set off and proceeded to show Mike the boat in action, he was at the helm after leaving the fuel section, in the 6 mph area I showed mike that Ranworth Breeze will come to a full stop within its boat length and its turning circle, the emergency stop done, we slowed down whilst passing Brundall Gardens even though in my opinion it is incorrectly posted as being 6 mph. We practiced port and starboard mooring before calling into the Waters Edge for lunch, we had the last available table inside, a good meal, pleasant company and an attentive landlord. Replenished we headed back to the Marina, Mike did a perfect stern on mooring, dock ropes on the boat was tied up and we went into the boat to sign the purchase contracts. Mike did not require to much training because he used to have his own boat moored at Broom’s, smaller than Ranworth Breeze, but mike had skippered a 45 foot yacht and has his day skippers ticket. We said our goodbyes, not really wanting to leave the boat our home for the last 12 days. We left Brundall to go to Liz & David’s for them to counter sign the share they had just sold, they have retained a share in the boat. We left their house which is around 40 minutes from the marina at 6.30 pm. It took us about the same tome to get home a little over 3 hours, a heavy laden car emptied we settled down to a cup of tea and a bite to eat before settling down for the rest of the evening. All until September on Ranworth Breeze, we are however going on the four counties ring on the 20th May for a week with our usual crew. Regards Alan & Tan
  19. I have always found it first class, we went in last Tuesday lunchtime and found the only available table. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Charlie, A nice Spanish Mahogany stain would look well on that bulkhead before varnishing, just a thought. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Grendel, Could you use glass rods cut and polished to suit. Here is a link to Ebay with various sized acrylic disks. https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/?iid=161759474082&&&adgroupid=40680863174&rlsatarget=pla-301351237195&abcId=1088866&adtype=pla&merchantid=114929257&poi=&googleloc=1007064&device=c&campaignid=805981323&crdt=0&chn=ps Regards Alan
  22. Hi Tom, Welcome again to the forum. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Grace. All I can say is that you are sloppy and wasteful Regards Alan
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