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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Thank you for the video & shots I see that Ranworth Breeze was also at Oulton Broad at the time of the video. Regards Alan
  2. Wishing you the best of luck Ian. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Paul & Margaret, I would suggest that you go towards Potter Heighan and then go up to Womak staithe stern mooring but it is well worth it. a short walk up the lane to Ludham. Regards Alan
  4. I watched it all, it was a very lovey dovie form of advertising no doubt paid for by us stakeholders.
  5. We always have as part of our boat kit fleeces, hot water bottles and use the heating (diesel) or plug in fan heaters and leave the lower wattage oil filled radiator on overnight. If you can isolate areas of the the boat to heat only certain pars of the boat you might find that helps. You should not have to run the engine to heat the boat. Call your boatyard for advice. Regards Alan
  6. Sadly we have all been there bags full of boxes of every size of split pins, insulations sleeves, shake proof washers and the like. I even bought a hardwood kidney shaped bench seat that I arranged to have collected by a carrier and dropped off at work ready for my return.
  7. Yes the two bridges work as a pair of bridges.
  8. Dear All Please find attached Notice to Mariners No. 10 of 2020 regarding River Bure, Great Yarmouth Quay and Notice to Mariners No. 11 of 2020 regarding Hickling Broad, Catfield Dyke. Kind Regards Laura Milner Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Please note my current working days are Tuesday to Friday Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734 NTM 10 2020 River Bure - Gt Yarmouth.pdf NTM 11 Hickling Broad- Catfield Dyke.pdf
  9. One of the issues with Ludham Bridge is the slope of the underside of the bridge there is almost a 3 inch (71 mm) Hight difference from one side to the other.
  10. Good afternoon, Unfortunately, following serious damage as a result of the recent storms and high tides, we have fully closed our 24 hour moorings at Hardley Cross due to the site being unsafe. The necessary repair work has been added to our maintenance programme and will be undertaken as soon as we are able to do so. This follows a previous closure of a 22m section of the site earlier this year (June 2020) due to safety concerns. Please ensure you have back up mooring options when visiting the area during busy times. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Kind regards, Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Broads Authority 01603 756034 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  11. Nobody ever said timbo was fussy
  12. Hello Ian & Marina when ever you manage to get up to the boat just relax into the slower pace of life aboard. Sadly I have to wait until almost the end of November for my next visit. Regards Alan
  13. Hello oldgregg, Long gone are the days we used to pay £60.00 (all in including fuel) for an out of season 4 day weekend on a Barringtons Narrowboat out of their marina just above Stenson lock on the Trent & Mersey it was £300 per week in the hight of season for a week plus fuel & security deposits. A few years ago in May on the Scottish Canals it cost us £1800 plus for a week on a 6 berth narrow boat. Regards Alan
  14. The issue is not only limited to mooring up. Many years ago when we were moored at Ferry Marina, we had called back to horning and rather than go into our moorings we moored at the Ferry Inn's moorings by the bins at there furthest end of their moorings, we were not staying but had called in to pick something up Tan was getting ready for casting off on the forward ropes and I had started the engine from the lower helm, the boat lurched forward taking strain on both sets of ropes. The upper helm Morse control had been caught and was at about a third throttle. Shut down again we checked out the ropes and set off again. This topic is titled beginners mistakes, but from the posts you can see that we all make mistakes from time to time so lets not knock the beginners who have to start boating, we were all there in the past. Regards Alan
  15. Maybe the topic should be renamed the Broads is the cheapest waterway in the country rather than are you loyal. Just a thought! Regards Alan
  16. Knowing how insurance companies like to wriggle (as already stated) I would be making sure my canopy was covered we all know that repairs are required on them all the time and life expectancy is between 8 to 10 years for the overall cavass. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Ray, For boats with canopies the restriction regarding covers & sails not being insured if over 3 years old is also a worry and deduction may be apply to other claims is also an issue. I note there is no mention of roof damage for passage through bridges. It might be a time to look for another provider. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Howard, Yes the 50 posts was increased to 100 posts with a review at that time. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Sam The team monitors the number of post that you have been party to. Membership is then revised and full membership is given. Regards Alan
  20. To be honest although I love my time on the Broads and the memories I have for better times my first love of boating will always be the canals. We spent over 45 years cruising many canals with the last 20 years also cruising on the Broads.
  21. The cost to banking cash to businesses is an higher percentage that what is charged for credit card usage.
  22. All Businesses get charged for paying money into their accounts to be it notes or coin and is one of the main reasons companies such as supermarkets offer cashback.
  23. Hello Helen, When we were last on the boat in early August we went through Surlingham Broad a couple of time but there was little space to mud weight, it was packed so we just passed through. We can get under that railway bridge at certain tides with everything down and have moored overnight up by the electric posts at the far end of the yacht station like yourself. I have taken family and friends around the Cathedral a number of times I guess the guided tours have been cancelled or social distancing in masks is enforced. We missed seeing the helter-skelter when it was in the Cathedral and I guess the Dinosaur that was going to be exhibited later this year has been cancelled. Regards Alan
  24. Hello Malcolm, the easiest way to tell Ranworth Breeze from Southern Crusader is that Southern Crusader has a blue strip and foot holds for climbing up to the side rails. Ranworth Breeze is a white hull and superstructure and has rails all around the boat and has drop down boarding ladders, plus the canopies are totally different. Regards Alan
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