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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Malcolm I see you managed to get a shot of Southern Crusader moored at Loddon. Regards Alan
  2. The visitors centre and moorings were completed in 2009. The website is worth browsing:- https://hardleywindmilluk.org/ Regards Alan
  3. Fred Dibnah once used a bow and arrow on one of his programs to gauge the height of something.
  4. But Vaughan our warps are blue not brown Regards Alan
  5. I have been doing that on the front deck of Ranworth Breeze for years and didn't know there was a term for it, it does make sense however.
  6. Sorry to hear you are in the wars again Ian, sadly bad luck is better than no luck at all. Regards Alan
  7. Tan loved to be at the helm any time she could I was only needed when encountering a lot of yachts or when we came to low bridges and mooring up.
  8. After boats were allowed to be slept on the hire boats became very busy it has been stated that virtually all hire boats are out and day boats to well after September. Private boats were at their mooring until late May when day trips were allowed about two weeks after sleeping onboard ws allowed and many owners managed to use theeir boats fully.
  9. Seeing someone in the water I would slow down and even put the Morse control in neutral whist giving them time to move out of the way, when clear I would proceed slowly keeping a eye on the water for any more swimmers further up the river.
  10. Hello Paul & Margaret, With such a late pick up of the boat and darkness getting earlier by the day I would be inclined to stay at Richardson's overnight and set off in the morning that way you should be able to find a suitable overnight mooring later in the day. Regards Alan
  11. Hello oldgregg, Here is a link to the RYA regarding prop guards. https://www.rya.org.uk/knowledge-advice/safe-boating/look-after-yourself/equipment-for-uk-pleasure-vessels/Pages/prop-guards.aspx Regards Alan
  12. Hi Ian, I used to do it that way boil up the pasta and then mix with the sauce and meat and often added grated cheese. Sadly these days pasta and rice are a no no. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Grace would that be a large glass of red wine Regards Alan
  14. A lot if not all of that information can be found on our information pages.
  15. Good morning all, Following high winds over the weekend there are a number of trees which have fallen down and are restricting the navigation: River Bure between Coltishall and Horstead - Numerous trees are down along the Wroxham to Coltishall reach restricting navigation. Our Ranger teams are working today to clear them. Please navigate with care. River Bure downstream of Wroxham – several trees are partially restricting navigation. These have been marked and will be dealt with as soon as possible. Please navigate with care. River Ant and River Yare – several trees partially restricting navigation. Will be marked and dealt with as soon as possible. Please navigate with care. Hoveton Viaduct boardwalk and Barton boardwalk - both closed due to dangerous trees. We will advise when these are safe to re-open. How Hill estate and nature trail – multiple path closures due to several dangerous trees. Our Rangers are working to deal with these obstructions as soon as possible and get the navigation clear again. Please navigate with caution, give plenty of space to obstructions and remain vigilant regarding dangerous trees and other debris if you are on the water or walking/cycling today. If you have noticed any additional issues regarding the navigation please report these to Broads Control by calling 01603 756056 or emailing Broads.Control@broads-authority.gov.uk. Thank you for your assistance. Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Broads Authority 01603 756034 Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  16. Hello Peter my guess is like us you have more baubles than their is space on the tree or trees.
  17. Best of luck with that Charlie, given the choice I would rather go to Boulters.
  18. The videos on this topic have been removed for breaking TOC.
  19. I agree that people swimming is an issue that we all hate to see in vast numbers, one of the problems that I can't get my head around is the the Broads Authority condemn swimming in general but endorsed wild swimming a few seasons ago without stopping the passage of boats during the event. Boats and people in the water is a recipe for disaster as the last few weeks have shown us.
  20. What you all forget is that we all started on some form of boat, we all made mistakes but over time we learned from or so we like to think. We all have bad days from time to time, have bad judgement as Ian no doubt will be the first to agree. Many of us started by hiring and listened to the instructions given with cloth ears. The Broads and another waterways are for all, lets not forget that.
  21. I recon a little bit of paddling is required in order to get a meal and a few beers.
  22. No doubt not only fist timers, in these conditions high wind speed and choppy rivers all you can do is find a safe haven and wait it out.
  23. We basically have to have a cull at the end of the season or before the season starts to remove all the added items such as odd glasses, cutlery or the odd items left aboard Ranworth Breeze. Season start is also the time to renew those items such as dull knifes, pans and kitchen aids, inspect all the duvets, pillows etc. Regards Alan
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