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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Good morning The Broads Authority Maintenance Team are carrying out replacement of fixings at Scare Gap emergency mooring for a period of approximately two weeks starting on Wednesday 5 August. The team will work on half the mooring at a time so there will continue to be room for one large or two smaller vessels to moor there for short periods as normal. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  2. Hello Sally welcome to the forum. Regards Alan
  3. Our airdraft is 9 foot eight inches with everything down, we always plan our passage through Yarmouth aiming for 10 foot, clearance. Use the Broads Authority tide tables (the only one to give the height of the low water) to calculate the height of the bridges at low water. In our case we can get under the bridge if the height at low water is less than 0.15 of a metre. A number of people will phone the Yacht Station. I tip when coming down river into Yarmouth if you can see 7 rungs of the ladders out of the water at the start of the Yarmouth station moorings there is at least 10 foot clearance under the bridges. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Mike, Like you I will be travelling down the A17 early in the morning. Regards Alan
  5. Hello Ruthie, Reedham Ferry's number is 01493 700429 I would phone them to book a table and to reserve a mooring. Regards Alan
  6. And Somerleyton Bridge follows suit. Good afternoon Network Rail has advised that Somerleyton bridge is unable to swing. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  7. Good afternoon Network Railway has advised Reedham bridge is unable to swing due to the heat. Kind regards. Karen Karen Tyrrell Administrative Officer Operations Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 756035 : karen.tyrrell@broads-authority.gov.uk Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY 01603 610734
  8. Hi Tim, Try a cool wash, it may sort out all your problems, failing that maybe a snorkel might help. Regards Alan
  9. I did my first face-mask shop at Morrison's yesterday and also donned the mask whilst going to the Post Office later in the day.
  10. Hello Ruthie, Welcome to the forum. Your plan looks OK, I would overnight at Reedham Ferry rather than at Reedham. It might be better to go with the flow and adapt your plan to suit. If you overnight at the Norwich Yacht Station I would go to the far end (you will see 3 Electric posts, it is a lot quieter there. rope up through the mooring rings but tie off on the boat, it is also a good idea to drop the mud weight. Its a pity that you are setting off from Loddon, it will be on my list for visiting. I am setting off now on Sunday rather than Tuesday because one of our owners is leaving early. If you see Ranworth Breeze give me a wave. Regards Alan
  11. Helen, Its not the Yare Regards Alan
  12. When we were hiring narrow boat we always took a small bag with a small frying pan, spatula, wooden spoon, tin opener, a cheese grater & combined box, matches etc. Tan also kept in her handbag a small very sharp knife . We were in a kitchen shop when I asked her if she had remembered the knife, she promptly pulled it out her bag, the shop assistant looked as if all the blood had drained from her face.
  13. Well we are all getting older and getting grumpy by the day
  14. There seems to be an issue with the forum at the moment. It is being looked at. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Falicity, The Barrier gate outside the Marina Office is changed every month this code is the same for the Ladies and Gents toilet and the two self contained wet rooms. Above the Marina offices is the Bistro, It is a=only a short walk around to the Yare pub that serves honest pub grub their steak & ale pie is their best seller (see Robin Sheppard's latest report on the Yare). Also on the side of the marina building is a very small washroom with a washing machine & tumble drier (cards to operate them are purchased from the office. On the right after going through the barrier is an entrance to where the skips are located for all the rubbish produced on the marina. The most expensive moorings are on the floating pontoons, two boats share a space between two finger pontoons connected to the main floating pontoon walkway (these are the KQ moorings). You will have seen that there are parking bays at intervals down the length of the floating pontoon walkway and on the grass banks there are picknick tables every so often. All the walkways are lit by lights on top of the electric/water hook up points between each of the two moored boats, there are security cameras and about 4 or 5 WiFi that cover the whole of the marina, this is free to all boats moored on site. Regards Alan
  16. Hello Felicity, Welcome to the forum, we have a Birchwood 340AC which we moor at Brundall at the Tingdene Marina, after mooring at Horning for 7 years we find our current moorings perfect. Regards Alan
  17. I rather like the Waters Edge and lets face it the Wood End was hardly ever open.
  18. My guess is that it will be a local boat.
  19. Hello Kevin, The ones I was talking about on the canals are official long term moorings that use the tow path side of the canal, ideally theses should be located on the other bank. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Steven, Welcome to the forum. When are you planning to come to the Broads next year? This may well dictate what advice you are given. 3 Nights is not a long time to take in the villages & pubs, you may well best sticking to the Northern Rivers. Regards Alan
  21. One of the things we used to like about the canals was that you could moor up by a canal-side pub or shop in the villages. Over the years on many the canals by the time you can find a mooring you can be a long way from that pub or any shops because of long-term mooring on the towpath side of the canals. Where there is also private mooring on the opposite bank there is little room for manoeuvring. Of course there are miles of canal banks to moor by the towpath but if you want a meal, beer or a can of bean or bread be prepared for a good walk. In the later years of narrow-boating our crew of six people allowed for someone to walk to the shops, a bit of exercise for us old codgers. Regards Alan
  22. Hello Tiger welcome to the forum. We came from a long time narrow boat hiring from the mid seventies, hiring out of season for long weekends. A group of six of us also continued our time on the canals, to be honest I still miss it, even though we bought into our syndicate boat in 2001. As others have said I would take your time looking at boats on the Broads and possibly hire a few boats to see what type of boat you prefer. From a boating point of view even if you are proficient on a narrow boat it can be a steep learning curve adapting to the Broads, wind and tides and the weight differences between a narrow boat and a cruiser do take while to master. Overall you will see a slight saving on your outgoings on the Broads compared with the canals. Please let us know how you get on with your search for a boat. Regards Alan
  23. History has shown that the Berney Arms has been through lean times and long periods of closure since the first licence was issued. No doubt back in the day marsh-men would have kept it going but in today's market a few boat calling in would never pay for the running costs let alone paying any form of wage to the management. Sadly this establishment is seen through rose coloured glasses at times.
  24. Hello grendel, Slipping away quietly in the early morning mist be it to catch an early morning tide or because you can sleep no longer in. The rivers are alive with life around you and the gentle lap of the water lulls you into almost a time that has been forgotten. Mornings and dusk possibly the best times on the rivers. Regards Alan
  25. Hello Griff, After 40 years plus of being self employed I know how you feel, all you need now is an hefty tax bill to add to the pain. Regards Alan
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